PVP Vendors - I'm glad I can't choose wrong item

  • In order to gain loot for the Weekly Cache (the chest in Mugambala and Hook Point), you must complete your Conquest cap for this week.


Do you believe it now?!

Nope, go play it and find out. I play it, i know it.

Next time you should try things before you go proclaim different gearing methods as superior.

Just a thought.

I have opened the Weekly PvP Chest for the past 2 weeks without doing a single Arena game.

That is not something I have hallucinated.

And when I can link countless sources that clarify that the only requirement for earning the Weekly PvP Chest is that you acquire 500 Conquest and fill up the bar, then I know I am right.

And that means you are wrong. I understand that you insist upon being right, but that doesn’t detract from the fact that you are wrong. Completely wrong. As in the opposite of being right. Wrong.
But not only are you wrong, you are also stupid, because you dismiss the factual information from reliable sources that I have presented you with.

So you are stupid and wrong. Congratulations.

I can see it hit a nerve. Enjoy your illusion.

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Not at all. But now that we have established that I am right – unless you want to dig your hole deeper – I am merely gloating. I extract a certain amount of pleasure from that.

You made an assertion. Not a matter of personal opinion, a flat assertion that a deterministic reward system “always ended up running into numerous issues”. You have shown no evidence of that. The onus is on you to back up your assertion.

I know you’e good, but you are not quite at Dodge cap yet - maybe the next Titanforge will do it? - so put the evidence on the table or withdraw the assertion.

Thanks for the video link, btw. I have zero idea why you think it strengthens your case, but it was a thoughtful watch. Now I’d like to see Preach responding to that, and finally maybe Travis responding to it all. :slight_smile:

Well if you hadn’t noticed it, I was having a wonderful dispute with an imbecile that occupied my attention for a while.
I couldn’t very well fit in a wall of text to expand on my assertion, however much I would have liked to, just because you requested it. It takes time.

The entirety of the video? I have mixed opinions. But just the little sentence about vendors being the worst gear delivery system? I am inclined to agree with that. Not to the degree that I want to abolish all forms of vendors from all gaming, but at least to the degree that I don’t like them in regards to PvP gear rewards.

Jito is no troll.

Personally, I think Jito is the Main Tank of the forums, never happier than when Blocking, Feinting, Dodging and Parrying in several different directions at once, trinketing snares and bounding onwards to the next pack.

Odd for a Priest, when you think about it.

But no Berzerking. :stuck_out_tongue:

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“Inclined to agree” is the exact term. Nobody in that video presented any evidence of anything - just opinions. Informed opinions, to be sure, but very different opinions, with exactly nothing to back any of them up. So I’m still waiting for any evidence of “always ended up running into numerous issues”.

You want empirical evidence that deterministic rewards result in numerous issues by any objective measurement.

But that’s not my assessment.

My assessment is that Blizzard’s developers aren’t keen on vendors, because they’ve had experiences in the past with deterministic rewards that reinforce their opinion that vendors aren’t ideal in terms of design.

I gave examples of Blizzard developers whom I’m aware have shared sentiments to that end. Like I said:

there literally isn’t even a point in winning a random bg now because you only get honor which you can’t use for A N Y T H I N G in the game other than some dumb badge or w/e literally nobody gives a (WORD THAT IS CENSORED BECAUSE IT’S 2019 AND EVERYTHING IS CENSORED EVERYWHERE WOHOO) about

you had incentive to win bgs before because you could get gear with it be it for your offspec or you’re just gearing your character from scratch

basically people who tryhard to win in bgs instead of going mid for hks now are plain (another word that is probably censored because it’s 2019 and apparently words hurt more than gunshots or something)

I honestly thought that “People buy things wrong” was the apex in stupid justifications but somehow they found a response that’s somehow even worse.
I had just assumed that “I can’t find the vendor” was just a phrase made to ridicule through exaggeration or smth, that’s what it sounds like.

I shouldn’t be surprised, but I am.

Hey, I once thought they are not capable of making expansions as bad as Cataclysm, and yet here we are. :slight_smile:


Hmm, based on what? Let’s see.


Aah, a pattern appears.

Oh yes, a pattern.

Basically you say this new gearing system is an improvement based on you capping your conquest from Assaults? You haven’t actually geared through pvp at all? Very interesting.

I have killed some mobs in Westfall and can confirm the new PVE gearing system is better than it was before.


there is no point even queuing for BGs since queue times are 15+ minutes :rofl::joy:

While I don’t know all the details of that it sounds to me that it just proof that relying too much on rng gearing isn’t the way to go.

Yeah, well, that’s just, like, your opinion, man.

Well since we are sharing subjecting viewpoints I guess I can share mine.
To me it was far more interesting and fun to have a tangible goal to work towards, plan ahead, look at what stats to go for, get the right gems and enchants to further improve it.
Today it’s more of, “oh I got some loot… aaaand it’s trash stats. Fun.”
Or for that matter, “oh I got some loot, oh look it’s a belt. Again. I already have four other belts. I could use a cloak but naaah, the roulette wheel doesn’t want to give me that”.

Working toward various goals is a part of this game and having vendors was one aspect of that.


that is also kind of true, last night I had a 50 minute brawl queue trying to do the dumb weekly quest and for random bgs it’s for me personally super annoying when I wait 15 minutes just to see the seething shore artwork on the loading screen then spend another 15 minutes with a deserter :slight_smile: fun times tbh sad thing is when I queue specific WSG/AB it takes an even longer queue and many of the times in WSG you’ll just get russians farming you or something… Idk anymore

But you actualy dont need a rated arena win for weekly chest. U need only conquest cap - if u complete this u will get basic gladiator item in the chest.

That win you guys are arguing here about is only to raise up ilvl of the item aquired from weekly pvp chest. Win in rated arenas in highest bracket you are. For example if u are 2100 in 3s and 1650 in 2s and will win only 1 game in 2s that week and played zero or only losesnin 3s u will get Challenger quality piece of gear. If u win in 3s above 2100 rating 1 game in particular week and fill up your conquest bar in 2s or world quests or rbg or whatever u will get duelist quality piece of gear.

And i honestly think Phenomenál had on his mind previous expansions gearing where u need particular rating in arenas to be able to buy some slots - and that would have been shown in your arena achievements.

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the 2 reasons given are stupid plain and simple, but blizzard is treating us like children.

if vendors are so hard to find, stop putting them in stupid places. gather up related npcs in hubs. its like with the horde profession trainers, most are on that terrace near scrapper, but you have a couple underground like the jc one, and then you have cooking and inscription in the main base part.

just have things labeled simply like they sorta are in the classic cities, and have guards point us to them like they do.


Vendors gave to us some goals ingame. Lets say I just arrived from work and I would farm points for boots. I could plan my time and aim for something and I knew what I will get and for what I will try to reach. Same as you go to raid, you aim for specific loot,mount , sword or smth. Atleast its use to be like that. Its would be nice if aimlessly would go just clear raid?

Now I get HELMS and gear with crit. Boots I just cant get for a month or smth, probably bad luck. Ehh dunno, somehow I dont like this sh1t show. Sometimes I just stop and think what to do next, I need those boots, but where to get? :smiley: I wont aimlessly just farm …Logout…

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