PvP Warfronts - Alterac Valley?

Warcraftlogs. These are player’s performance you can use to balance the class ones. Some classes vastly overperform their counterparts Warlock>Mage. Also there are no “hard to master rotations” anymore. And yes it is that simple, Legion proved it.
Also there are no patchwork fights for over 2 expansions. The last Patchwork fight was the Butcher in Highmaul.

Reminds me of Ion Hazzikostas’ anecdote at Pax some time ago:

I.e. performance number shift more heavily toward the outliers, because players gravitate to them (and away from them). That skews the rankings, because you’re not accounting for who plays the best-performing specs (the top players!) and who’s playing the worst-performing specs (casuals, clueless, newbies, etc.).
Players aren’t machines.

Basicly vanilla AV, gather stuff to summon bosses, move with giant groups to push the enemy back. Basicly current warfronts but with an pvp aspect to it

First of all, I’m completely unconvinced how Legion was such a major improvement over WoD. If it really was, why didn’t it have more players? It makes no sense whatsoever. What is obvious is that whoever remained in Legion did see something in that expansion, while whoever left just left but didn’t feel as compelled to also scald the expansion so hard.

In all truth, Blizzard pretty much copy/pasted Legion in BfA, made very little changes, and added a few features that arguably didn’t really hit home (Islands and Warfronts), but nevertheless were extras. And yet, it makes no sense that all those people that did stick with Legion which was allegedly (according to your theory) a good expansion all of a sudden hate Legion 2.0. Just because they expected even more Legion? It really doesn’t make much sense.

I strongly disagree with him. Player perspective is irrelevant to class balance. Balance IS objective math. regardless of how players see a class. That Frost/Uholy led to good resaults, despite of Ion trying to explain otherwise. Bringing the two specs to 0.5% difference from 5-6% difference is a lot better. From there on, it doesn’t matter what players will do with the class, it is irrelevant. Also I’m not talking about 1 spec doing more damage than other on 1 fight or in a perfect sotuation. I’m talking about 1 spec vastly overperforming another during 9 different fights. Again go back to Legion and you would see all specs being 9% apart (excluding Affliction warlocks and SV Hunters), instead of 18% right now.
Now the real problem does not lie with how he tries to spin it. It lies that PVE balance changes no longer effect only raiding, but another highend part of the game - M+.

Why are you looking for everything to make sense in the first place? People can like or dislike the game for completely arbitrary reasons, and the same likely applies to reasons for playing or quitting the game (lord knows you don’t need to spend much time on the forums to realize that).
As far as the negative discussion and such goes, I think a lot of it is down to player expectations not having been met. But there are probably a myriad of other reasons as well. Meh, seems superfluous to me.

You lack the credentials to do so, no offense.
I mean, I can dig up countless GDC talks about how to approach game balance. Here’s one from LoL by a familiar face:

On the other hand you’re saying that it’s super easy and you just have to look at some logs and do some easy math and even for a complicated game like WoW it can be done in less than a month by 1 guy.

And no offense – and you might be a game balance genius – but if you’re right, then every developer across the entire gaming industry, from FIFA roster balance to DOTA2 hero balance, to WoW class balance, to Overwatch hero balance, they’re all complete idiots who don’t know what they’re doing. They spend so much time trying to improve upon something you claim to be able to easily perfect.
Again, no offense, but to me it sounds like you’re selling snake oil.

A flaw of character. :slight_smile: You are probably right, much of it is senseless, but at least some of it might make some sense and be worth analyzing.

It is easy, because it is something they have done in the past… Right now they are more focused on community perception about a class rather than actual balance, Ion had said it himself that in order for the community to start picking a long time off meta specs like ele shaman and shadow priest, they need to overbuff the hell out of it. Surprise, Surprise they did and both of them are BROKEN! Also haven’t you ever wondered why Warlock is the strongest dps spec for the 4th expansion in a row? The whole philosophy of Blizzard’d balancing team is wrong! Balance should be numerical and what players think of each individual spec shouldn’t matter. No, I’m not a balance genius, but people who are in charge across Blizzard are idiots. WoW and Overwatch are the perfect examplse why their class blance philosophy is wrong. Overwatch became from a skill based shooter to “who picks the counter setup faster”, watch some of Segul videos on the topic. BFA’s class balance in terms of performance is the worst since Classic, ironically.

Sure. It would be nice if you could deduct some ultimate conclusion to it all.

The amount of dragons in an expansion corresponds to how well-received it is.

Something like that…But it’s probably wishful thinking. :yum:

Foggy memory, but I’m pretty sure the class performance delta has decreased consistently over the years.

You are looking at double the difference between best performing and worst performing spec from Legion to BFA.

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