wondering if people think you can be banned if you team up with a friend to do a quest. who has a specific race and class that you kill for the quest. think its for example killing an orc death knight. also 1 quest where you kill 75 enemy players in a bfa area.
well it wouldnt surprise me since it would be an ‘exploit’
I can’t see why you could be banned for that.
That would make silly achievements like the one where you have to put a pumpkin on the head of the other faction and on your own something to ban people with too, since you didn’t search for people.
But again, it wouldn’t come as a surprise for me if it would get you banned - though, I wouldn’t mind getting in the way, if a friend needed to kill the char I had
No, I would not say you should be banned. It’s sort of cheating but you are not abusing system. It’s sort of luxury not everyone has.
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