Pvpers, this is it

It’s such a simple system, Wich we already had long ago, why is it for blizz so hard to do it again looks this?!

Your post should get to a blue and redirected to the devs.

Since they removed PvP stat and pushed us full of external Powers I don’t even touch PvP anymore…
And I pvp do it casually


I understand that players don’t want to and I can see the reasoning as it is painful to start from the bottom.

Again I never expect people to share my view, but if I can explain my reasoning a little for a pvp gear set or stat.

If I try to do a high end mythic+ without any gear/experience or rio score, I would expect to be rejected. If I hit 120 and just in the gear I had got from questing I applied for a heroic/mythic raid, I would probably be rejected.

It is the norm for people to play other aspects of the game to ‘gear up’ towards the end activity that they wish to do, this has always been the case. So yes to me if I want to pve and pvp then yes I expect to have the relevant gear for the content I want to play.

I know we will not agree, but I have said this before when I played in WoTLK (which is still my favourite expansion), I loved to pvp as well as raid. I farmed a pvp set, it was horrible at first as like you say I was ‘meat for the grinder’ but eventually I got my set and could enjoy the pvp aspect as I wanted to :slight_smile:


To be honest, corruption, essences and azerite gear made it way less accessable then to farm some PvP gear.

Also, why is it such a burden for people to get a PvP set? It’s easier and faster then to farm corruptions etc. It’s not like that we have our bags full of gear when you play more then one specc.

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I support this as mainly a pveer simply because I remember PvP was just more fun to chase when there was a difference how pvp gear acted in PvP (think PvP power but also resilience and also the iLVL buff in instanced PvP)
Good luck on your quest


If I want to pve, I’ll gear there.
If I want to pvp, I’ll gear there.
There can be some crossovers like trinkets or weapons, more than that is asking for people to just stop playing the game due to frustration.


pvp gear is a dilema realy, becus back in the days, from TBC, when pvp gear became good for pvp, it gave an hole other problem.
PVP geard people joined raids, dungeons, and underperformed, big time, to the extent pve players started to kick pvp geard players from their group and rightly so.
but pvp players started to complain, that they got shafted from end game again, and pve players didnt want the in their group.

so Blizzard changed the pvp gear to work in pve also, but buy doing that, they had to make it lower item level that pve gear, what again caused problems

only solution to this problem is, to make a pvp tab, for pvp gear, that can only be used in instanced pvp, and you automaticly get that gear if you start to pvp.

Yes please. Bring back Resilience, PvP was a better state back then, PvErs will always have the upper hand (High raiding ones) but they were a lot easier to kill without having Resilience.


Why are some of you so obsessed with having a PvP stat in your gear? Isn’t it enough if it’s possible to get gear that’s just as good as the gear you get from M+ and raiding? That way you can also jump into PvE content more easily if you want to without having to farm all the pieces over again.

No because we want to pvp only and be gods against plebians who only fight NPCs in this game. We want to exit the open world and be able to mutilate all the PvE heroes while also not being forced to do content we don’t like. We want Battlegrounds to be meaningful again and arenas to be only for people that actually invest time in PvP.

Pve gear is faster to get.
Pve gear goes higher ilvl with less effort.
Pve gear has some trinkets, weapon procs, absolutely insane for pvp.

A pvp Stat fixes all of that.

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nobody yet explain to me… you gear for pvp and then your gear for pve must be useless?! what about people who do both? how do you balance around the fact that over time its impossible to climb due to established higher average pvp ilvl? at what point stops being skill and more about gear? how can people can “comeback” with a better pvp gear? how you think people will feel after grinding hard on pvp and not be able to use their gear to raid to get that raid mount they like and have to start from bottom?

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Well not exactly the same kind of accessibility altho I can’t really deny it.

For about the same reasons that players didn’t like having to farm keys to run visions.

Edit :

Fairly sure PVP stats failed to stop PVE items from being broken in PvP tho. You should know it better than i do e.e

wasn’t the problem with currency that for most players it involved getting slapped about constantly for the entire season trying to earn that ‘entry level’ gear, getting it then it going obsolete very shortly after?

it bars anyone but hardcore players from enjoying PVP - at least that was my experience of it from back in the day

Lol literally no one cares for raids and raid mounts in 2020

I personally think blizzard is worry about that lack of “comeback” mechanic in pvp ranks. just because Someone is an established player of the season and being the part of the game where people praise themselves for their skill this should be a concern for them.

Items like shadowmourne, glaives, gruuls trinket, ICC trinket and some ulduar items just to name a few, were a problem in a past.
But a “problem” that couldn’t be addressed back then due to lack of ability to nerf in pvp only.
Still, I would take any of those “problems” since by having them you lacked some resilience, therefor you were squisher.
I think some items should translate from Pve to pvp like the ones I mentioned above.
But it needs a trade off, that’s where a pvp Stat is superior

Just cap the ilvl of gear in indoors PvP to a value everyone can reach (aka via Conquest rewards or something).

People going into BGs in green lvl 51 items will still perform below poorly but there will be nothing forcing you to go M+ or mythic raids to perform well in rated content (though if you’re only a fan of WORLD PVP it’s still bad news - then again world PvP inherently CANNOT be balanced).
Maybe have the “elite” pvp gear you can buy once your rating is high enough merely ‘rewriting the ilvl cap’ for you in indoors PvP by some 5-10 ilvls at most, so you have some sort of feeling of accomplishment at least (since EXCLUSIVE EFFIN REWARDS like the transmog sets and mounts seem to mean nearly nothing to some people)

Imagine capping ‘indoors’ PvP ilvl in 8.3 BFA at 445 (or whatever the gear you get from Conquest rewards is), instead of having 480+ ilvl mosters running the place basically roflstomping people. People having some 400k HP not 700k+.

Then again this wouldn’t be such a problem if people didn’t insist on ABSURD amount of snowball effect during a single expansion. Look at ESO. Every max level item is the same, just with different set bonus. There are ofc different qualities of items (white->green->blue->purple->yellow), but everyone can upgrade their own items to the maximum quality via professions (and you can level all professions on one character in ESO). The game then revolves around trying to put together a mix of set bonuses you like playing with, instead of needing to farm the same items OVER AND OVER every patch because they keep increasing the maximum ilvl.
Hells bells, the stat difference between weakest lvl 120 item and ilvl 475 item is SEVEN TIMES. And that’s just stats. There are other things that don’t even scale linearly but use an exponential curve. Then there are situations where 10 ilvls difference means large gaps in performance. Not to mention this power creep is UNSUSTAINABLE and they have to rescale the entire game after every expansion lately - which is just a waste of dev time as they need to not just rescale, but REBALANCE all content.

Lately I’ve been enjoying leveling because the stat difference below lvl ~100 is so small you have EFFECTIVE WORLD PVP for like the first time in the game’s history. I spent an entire hour fighting a mage that was 12 lvls higher than me and it ended up being some 7:5 for me (DKs are inherently good against mages but he was a honorless fishface who only ressed when I was fighting mobs, at max range from me, immediately chugging Greater Pyroblasts at me, and just 2 of those are enough to down you (especially if you’re at half HP from fighting 3+ mobs) - it’s so strong it punches through Anti-Magic shell like it’s not even there)


This is actually a decent idea.
Still, without a pvp Stat there is no tradeoff in going for Pve trinkets and weapons.
Could also be quite strange seeing such a difference in hp etc.
We don’t need to reinvent the wheel. It has been done before and it worked.
But like I said… At this point anything.

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Back in pandas, the main problems with 2 different sets of gear was that

  • PvP mains were LAZY and used PvP gear to pass ilvl check for dungeon finder, then performed WAY WORSE than PvE geared people with the same or worse ilvl
  • outdoor PvP was dominated by PvP players since you basically did almost no damage to them while they hit you for normal numbers
  • crafted armor was mostly the PvP variety only, so even if you bought gear from auction to boost your ilvl, it was useless to you in PvE for everything bar passing the ilvl check for heroic dungeons

Chances are, if one person takes 40% less damage, they’ll win even if they’re somewhat less skilled (which is rarely the case with people focusing on PvP). Heck I focus on PvE so when someone starts weaving around my character, I panic and don’t hit them nearly as effectively as I would a static mob. I might TRY to do the same, but most of the time I only cause errors and wasted GCDs since the other guy flanks me - this is why DHs are so OP - their AoEs are mostly omnidirectional, not frontal cones like most other classes have. Not to mention people specializing in PvP have seeming immunity to CC - no matter how many CCs you throw at them, within 1 sec they’re free and on your back already (even if practically they shouldn’t have more like some 2 or 3 tops ways of breaking free)

I agree. I do mainly PVE, but I remember when the system was there as Eyreign describes it. It was alot of fun and you could see how accomplished someone was in Arena and RBG by their titles and gear and mounts.

I hope blizzard listen to the PVP community.