Pvpers, this is it

This is good! Im in :slight_smile:

You guys have my vote o/

You don’t know anything bro… This comment makes me sick and mad.

I’d say really bad stuff about you rn if it was allowed.


But if you compare with some other mmorpg which are pvp oriantated with very little pve content touch, you’ll see how unimpactful wow pvp is.
Simple example:

  • in wow everyone can enter raids, to kill hard complex bosses for good lootz.
  • in my old mmo - only 1 guild (~100 people) could enter raid instance weekly server wide, and to do so, you had to pvp opposing guilds for few hours to control raid entrance (raid spawn was random in few hours interval). Killing raid boss was very easy, and it droped super amazing drops (very high impact). To compare with wow - 1 random item as powerful as shadowmourne, thunderfury, legion legendaries, etc.
    This is impactful pvp, where game is centered around pvp encounters. WoW never was, and probably never will be pvp game. It’s amazing PvE is what brought me here, not pvp.
    But people doesn’t like pvp games, PvE is much more appealing for the masses, so if you turn off ability to pvp for pve players in such game as WoW - it won’t end-up very good.

Don’t know why they don’t just do it how the used to with some tweaks.

PvP Gear for PvP - PvE for PvE.

Allow weapons from PvE included in PvP maybe?

I totally disagree with catering to the PvE crowd who dip their toes when they feel like it.

Now by all means make it so a player who has full mythic raid gear or mythic + etc to stand a decent chance.

But bring back PvP power so those players who’ve done the hard work in PvP have a scalable power curve!

I’m sorry but being slapped around by some players whilst I earned by honour gear really wasn’t that bad. As

A. If you outplayed them you could still squash em.
B. Once you got that honour set and started getting certain conq bits the difference felt fantastic.

I haven’t and probably never will break 2k rating on this game. But for those that do and keep going, they deserve a just reward that fits the bill.

PvP gear should matter, use PvP Power and make it fair, if we want to jump into mythic, well boy you better start farming the PvE gear to!


I don’t want two sets of gear. They just need to buff PvP gear to match PvE gear. PvE gear is much easier to acquire than PvP gear. That’s the only problem.


For the people that are saying pvp is only played by a small amount of the player base. So is mythic raiding. Actually I think I can safely say that far less people bother with mythic raiding compared to pvp in general. Yet Blizzard will very often nerf/balance the game around mythic raiding. So why shouldn’t pvp also get the same amount of love?


It’s not that I don’t understand your PoV here… But from my perspective, a PvP stat is how you stop me from ever engaging in PvP at any level.

I don’t do much PvP to start with, but if you told me that all my months of effort in M+ and raids would mean nothing, and as soon as I went into that BG I’m a freshly dinged 120 again… I will definitely never bother again, not ever.

A PvP stat is crushing for inexperienced players trying out battlegrounds or arenas to see how it goes and a good way to be sure they never do it again.

And I’d argue that there is already a PvP stat; it’s versatility. You can choose to stack it, or not, but you can also obtain it outside of PvP. That’s what makes it work vs the Resilence of yore. PvE players aren’t locked out of PvP by the gearing system.

However I do think the lack of attention to gearing via PvP is pretty atrocious. Of course there should be a currency. It does need to be balanced against PvE, e.g. by rewarding an amount based on the disparity in ilvl between the two teams. If you win while being an average of 50 ilvls ahead, very low rewards; if you win while being 50 ilvls behind, big rewards.

Wouldn’t the ability to gem into a PvP stat, or the ability to reforge into it fix the issue of having none?

It wouldn’t be as good as the real deal but as a starting point it’d be more than enough.

Even if you couldn’t though, saying that ALL of the effort in raid/m+ was for naught isn’t exactly true, you’re still far, far better off than someone who has leveling gear.

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You’re late to the party, it’s already in the alpha. Don’t remember anything being said about marks of honor tho, guess it’ll just be used for tmog sets

Because they want to make PVP more accessible ? I mean you may disagree but the intent is pretty clear.

I don’t think it would. Whole point of a PVP stat would be to only use pvp gear in pvp, not get gear from PVE, gem or reforge some of it into PVP stat and then go PVP.

Even if said gem/reforge was obtained through conquest it wouldn’t really change that. Players would do the bare minimum to get them & gear from pve.

Unless you meant a gem/reforge only available for pvp gear… Then what would be the point ? Just slap the pvp stat on the pvp gear and call it a day.

If it doesn’t replace PvP gear in being top-tier but works as a substitute, I don’t see how it’s such a bad thing.

You can gem for versatility already. Sadly sockets are ultra-rarespawn in BfA and gemming is basically dead unless people are into farming mementos. Even my mythic raid team mostly haven’t gotten more than 4-5.

Hopefully SL will return us to the days when every blue and purple had 2-3 sockets and the idea of customisation will return.

Thing is, I remember the days of Resilience. I remember how it was THE source of PvP power. A piece with Resilience would have significantly more stamina than would be found on a raid item of the same ilvl, plus it reduced damage taken. In today’s terms, I suspect someone in 450 Resilience gear would have the same effective health pool as someone in 475 PvE gear. It was a big gap.

I didn’t like Resilience at all, because it locked many players out of PvP. If you wanted to do an occasional BG, you were going to get your tail handed to you.

Being one of few players with full raid sets from T5-T8 didn’t matter. Didn’t have the PvP stat, and I was meat for the grinder.

But I don’t mind Versatility. Yes, it does kind of do the same job as Resilience - but I can get it from any content. I can gem for it (a bit), and I can choose corruptions for it. I can turn any decent set of gear into a PvP set if I choose.

Again though, I actively encourage a better PvP gearing system, I just don’t want to see a dedicated PvP stat because it divides the player base. Either you get into PvP at the start of a season, and you stay on it, and you gear up at maximum speed; or you sit out until the next season. There is no room for casually dipping in, and that’s a bad state for everyone.

if you wanna bring back honor as currency
lets start with removing clueless /lowgears from queueing epic bgs

waste of time to queue a random epic only for your team to lose first fight cause not everyone cares to win

where are the old ashran/prepatch alterac- like fights its even and you dont know who will win yet

I know everyone has different views, but I quite liked the idea of Resilience and I didn’t mind getting my tail handed to me when I farmed my pvp set, I kind of expected it. To me it’s the same as raiding, when you first go into a new raid at the start of the expansion it isn’t supposed to be easy, as you get better gear and as a team master the mechanics you get better, going from heroic to mythic maybe.

Would it not be the same for a pvp’r going into a raid in pvp gear?

Again I know a lot will disagree, but for me it was the ‘end goal’ farm that (despite being meat for the grinder in the beginning) until I had the gear whereby I felt I could be competitive :slight_smile:


What pvp needs it so be made completely separate from PVE. All other systems are going to feel half arsed or a waste of time.

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Thing is, M+ and different raid tiers exist. You can progress by doing M+2s and normal raids, then you can carry that on to M+10 and heroic, etc.

With PvP, you can’t select a level of content to match you. You just lose. There’s nothing you can do but hope that the system will actually match you up to a BG containing many low level casuals like yourself. And when it doesn’t, i.e. more often than not, you get nothing from it and it just wastes your time.

As odd as it sounds, I would advocate moving PvP to being rewarded for participation. Sure, have cosmetics that only the victors get, but the fundamental power curve needs to be possible even if you’re losing a lot. It would probably help stem the flood of people going to Horde too. If you get the same reward whether you won or lost, you don’t have to base your faction choice on the win rate.

Oh, it was. There was a raid boss in Wintergrasp that got pugged a lot, and we were constantly having people in full Resilience gear show up and we’d have to boot them out because they wouldn’t do any damage in PvE. They might have a full set of this season’s gladiator gear, but they’d be lower than the tanks on damage done.

But again, this is why I don’t want a stat for PvP. It divides the player base; if you regularly play either PvE or PvP, then to do the other, you have to start at the bottom, and many people don’t want to.


ye just bring back WOD pvp gear.
tier1 pvp gear is purchased with honor (queuable pvp content)
tier2 pvp gear is for conquest (rated stuff but no rating requirement)

WOD did not have any PvP-only stat on it, but instead it had PvP item level. The whole item was better in pvp combat, as it had like +30 ilvl in pvp combat. It was enough to make even simple honor gear better than most of mythic raid gear.


What i prefer about a pvp only stat is that it doesn’t make pvp gear completely useless in pve and vice-versa.
I really didnt mind warglaives and shadowmourne for example, as long as there is a trade off (more pve gear = less survivability) i think you can have some fun interactions like sub rogues in tbc going a mix of pvp and pve gear if they wanted too.
But at this point i’ll take what i can. MoP/Wod gearing, tbc/wotlk/cata gearing.
All i want is for pvp gear to be the best gear 99% of the time in pvp, with that 1% being outliers like glaives and mourne, and to be attainable through currency from a vendor.

Also, the vendor NEEDS to have every single secondary stat combination.

I agree with a PvP vendor, but a PvP stat should definitely not be making a comeback. Getting absolutely obliterated by a worse player just because they just so happen to have the right gear on is not something that should happen. It would also kill PvP for casual PvPers who don’t PvP enough to farm PvP gear, and farming said PvP gear without PvP gear isn’t a great feeling either. We already have Varsatility, which seems to work well and I don’t see a reason to change it.

I love it when PvP has it’s own stat but I’m someone who only dabbles very casually with PvP. I think I prefer when the two different parts of the game have clear defined gear types and we are not forced to venture into the other.