Pyjama Transmog? Nice one Blizzard

Well done Blizzard, you truly never fail me whenever I ask myself “How much more ridiculous can Blizzard get next year?” and boom, you’ve done it again!

A furry Onesie/Pyjama transmog from buying a Blizzcon Virtual Ticket. Now players (even Worgens…) are running around in-game looking like total clowns, meanwhile your excuses are usually “Oh we can’t do this or add this because it ruins player’s immersion” Give me a break. Ruins immersion? Let’s see…

  • Nerfed corgi goggles.
  • Restrict transmogs by level.
  • Don’t allow seasonal transmogs active all the time.
  • Don’t allow cross armor type transmogs.
  • Restrict “silly” items from being tmoged.
    etc, etc.

This one is by far my biggest gripe. I can’t wear my Lunar dress or wreath of flowers during other seasons because…?


Cool, we have found something new to cry about.


I want to transmog wear that lunar dress too and the bunny ears :frowning_face:


It’s not new. And nobody is crying, merely stating their feelings.


Cross armor t-mog is my wet dream </3


When i am fully honest, i find the ticket transmog moronic, silly and stupid. It is brain-damaged and would fit fortnite more than this fantasy game. But ok, I see it is a fan service that contradicts all their previous statements about silly mogs. They even removed mogs like frying pans and what not back on days because they looked too silly.

So I guess Blizzard is more flipfloping in the wind than average politician on election day.

The murloc designs are not too far off the idiocy either, but least those keep up with the murlo0c pet theme and no one takes non combat pets seriously (as we have all thos little ragnaros, kelthuzads, deathwings and whatnot), but this mog must be almost as bad as the main plot and story arc of BfA. Perfect match for the state of warcraft now.

I’d say if this stupid ticket-mog gets to be worn all the time, unlock seasonal mogs too.

I want to wear my pink dress all year long and smack orc skulls with my axe while wearing it.


Also they said that they can’t make visible backpacks.Apparently untill you buy invite a friend


this is it, you have my upvote

Quivers used to be visible if you had one equppied in Vanilla. They didn’t look superb, but they were there. Blizzard, small indie company :ok_hand:t2:


Go back to classic.


Oh look, it’s the fun police.

Last time I played Retail mounts and pets did a fine job of ruining immersion already, so I say let people mog into what they want whenever they want. If you don’t like someone’s mog, tough poop. It’s their character, not yours.


I know OP’s being a bit aggressive, but i took it as; “why can they mog pyjamas, but I can’t mog my 1h into a frying pan?”


If this is what he means then I agree. Blizzard could at least be consistent.

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I assumed so! At least, and I agree that Blizzard should be consistant.

Or just let me mog a frying pan so i can make a chef character!

shakes fist


Nomi strikes again…

First Teldrassil…

Next, the world!


I agree with this. It’s stupid how we can transmog to fish weapons and run around in yeti pajamas but can’t transmog to other things because they’re white and orange item quality.


Actually, from the furry with 8 worgens even i find that set to be silly

The point of wearing a fursuit irl is so we can RP or pretend to be our characters, abit emmersive and all that boosh, in a game it seems pretty … pointless since we can already be our WoW worgens


someone’s really mad for some reason.

Have some candy. Extra transmogs never kill anyone.

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While I do agree, on the bright side I see them adding some cool 3d models which aren’t simply textures glued to your character so, there’s hope. Perhaps in 15 years we’ll get something cool