Pyjama Transmog? Nice one Blizzard

Well, that Mog is awesome though!

Dumb ploy to sell dumb stuff to gullible people. :woman_shrugging: It’s the other ridiculous transmog restrictions this highlights that annoys me.

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Yeah, when I saw that onesie it made my eyebrow raise.

How many times have they used the excuse: “it would look too silly” “Out of place” in the past? And I have to take that serious with the onesie… Mm’yeah… no.

In the grand scheme its not that big of a deal or to get upset about, still annoying to see what they came up with though.


It just goes to show they have double standards. They even nerfed the DMF fire wings because having wings 24/7 looked ridiculous.


Agreed they constantly yell it’s about the fantasy and immersion, but then they make this. Well allow all my chars to transmog cloth already, or that rose from valentine. This is double standards, my pala can’t transmog cloth for civilian looks nor use holiday transmogs that can be worn everyday (the rose example) but a pyjama is allowed…

Only things that need restrictions:

  • Winter veil transmog
  • Bunny ears
  • Maybe pumpkin head.

All other holiday mog should be allowed to be used all year round. If I would come across somebody in a valaentine dress I wouldn’t even bat an eye nor ntoice most often, but this sticks out like sore thumb. So the sore thumb is allowed but oh no! Can’t use your cosmetic transmog outside of the holidays!


Price is too high! I need it!

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It does look even sillier in-game. One of our healers in raid wore it and lets put it this way … i really need my Oktoberfest pants now all-year long.

Got to agree 100%. All interesting and unique tmogs, pets and mounts end up behind some paywall, while ingame cosmetics tend to look very bad alot of the time or have tons of restrictions. Like the brewfest hat for example. Its one of the very few normal hat tmogs, the only one if you have mail/plate armor.

We dont even have any normal tmogs, i mean why cant we just have a simple chain mail armor without it not looking like mail or being on fire or having the color palet as if its made for a toddler tv show

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I like onesies but I also liked all the things in the list so yeah.

That is just glorious :rofl:

Pyjama transmogs hahahahahaahahahahahahahahaaha I’m done

The tmog restrictions are dumb, but pls dont mald bcs of the pyjama :rofl:

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I couldn’t agree more. I can see a future where WoW has transformed into a Battle royale game and now the prizes are stupid outfits like this. Also it will be F2p and based on microtransactions. Also coming to mobile in 2021.

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I am Adorable!

https: // imgur. com/bQvgK0V

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Genuinely wouldn’t be surprised if they went down that route with a similar answer to anybody who questions them “Don’t you guys have Classic (or TBC)?”

Oh dear… :man_facepalming:

Bet they spent more time on this tmog than class balance for this entire xpac.

So, because you cant run around in a Lunar dress with flowers on your head, I cant be a panda with a Pj, a fish as a mace and a turtleshell as a shield?

laughs in furry


You can, no one is trying to take that away from you. We are just wondering what sense it makes to restrict something on the basis of “looks silly” when you can mog a pyjama.

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