Q&A Compilation – WoW Classic Development Team AMA

I actually agree with the logic of multiple corpses being a negative etc. but I do think each player should leave 1 skeleton after respawning, just so people can see contested areas or recent hotspots. If people are going to spell out abuse etc, they can do that the same as /sleep on the ground so 1 skeleton per player isn’t the end of the world imo

Really good Q&A!

It’s nice to have a blue give indepth information that people are constantly doing guesswork for. It settles a lot of debates on the forums that don’t need to be there in the first place. I would welcome blue posts like this a lot more often! :smiley:

Skeletons!! Please add Skeletons! At least for PvP servers…

IF people want to spread hate, they will. We are grown up so we can handle it!


That’s a great Q&A, thanks for sharing this here!

I share the worries about skeletons though. You’re basically letting the abusers ruin the feeling of authenticity, which is a questionable approach.

Limiting the amount of skeletons per ACCOUNT would be perfect (say, 5 per account) if that is technically feasible. That way, it would take a significant effort to spell out anything at all.

If that’s not feasible, at least randomize the orientation and position like someone suggested, that won’t impact the authentic experience regarding large scale battles either!

Really sad about the skeletons. Surely there must be a work around like reducing the amount visible at one time in any location?

It seems like the legit players are missing out because of gold sellers :sob:

based :sunglasses:

I wouldn’t want tbc intergrated into classic, a stand alone tbc yes, but classic should stay like it is in my opinion. Biggest “on the way to quitting “ for me was having hard worked gear trashed by greens at lvl 62. Wouldn’t do it again. Something magical about end game in a community. Let it stay :slight_smile:


well they could always “integrate” TBC - chars from there could be transferred over to TBC servers but then not back to classic again, basically meaning that the Vanilla community could stay intact while those wanting to continue their journey could move on.

Would prbly mean that Servers would get fused, but that’s an issue for a later date :slight_smile:

A duplicate character perhaps so one could continue in classic and tbc at the level/gear they see fit to make that decision. ?


Seeing as we are going to experience the Halloween holiday event in phase 1 despite it originally being added in patch 1.8.0, but we only see the Darkmoon Faire in phase 3, when can we expect other events to appear? Valentine’s? STV Fishing Extravaganza?

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Its true dungeon will be closed first 48 hours?

dont you dare update to the burning crusade… people wanted vanilla back, not anything else. keep classic classic…


I can’t find the word “sorry” in any of that first post.

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As realm populations now extremely high, but as you guys said, hype will lower after a few weeks or months, can we expect some (one or two) free character transfers for players who left on low pop servers, or servers where the characters faction is low population?

If people can expect this, maybe instead of 20k queues they join a lower pop server. And no, joining together low pop realms is not the same, than choosing a new one, where your more patient (for queuing) friends are.

Why cant you release alot of servers, cause right now close to every sever in europe are full eventhough u today released servers, just release alot of servers, let people play, and not be afraid of having to reroll every single day cause of queues, and once people leave the game, let people merge thogether on servers with low to medium population, why arent you listening to the paying customers?

Why cant you make more english servers and a fuking spanish server for spanish people to go and dont get dispersed between all servers and queues.

“Based on the name reservations we’ve seen, the queue time on some realms will be extremely long. We’ve opened up additional realms and we’re encouraging people to set up their characters on lower population realms for a better experience. This is a good time to coordinate with your friends/guilds to switch if they’ve reserved names on a full realm.” Utter utter crap, I have friends who have spent hours already getting to over 20, they don’t want to move - so we’re basically stuck with hours queuing every night because of piss poor foresight and an unwillingness to actually solve the problem. Seeing this was supposed to bring the community together and get people back into the game, it’s having the opposite effect; you’re splitting people up as they can’t play together and more people are likely to unsubscribe after this utter PR shambles.


Guten tag Liebes Blizzard Classic Team ich habe mich Anfangs sehr auf wow classic gefreut und das auf einigen servern ne ws auftaucht war zu erwarten Aber das ich jetzt jeden tag mehr als 6 h in ner WS darauf warte für mein Geld was erleben zu dürfen ist eine frechheit. wärt ihr ein Restaurant ein kino ein hotel würde ich euch wegen nicht erfüllung des vertrages ankreiden können da ich mir aber sicher bin das ihrgend wo in euren agbs son kram drin steht das man sich nicht darüber auf regen soll in ner ws zu chillen auch wens mal schnell 6 stunden und mehr werden können, macht endlich was die deutschen server sind voll ! und ich habe nicht jeden abend lust auf nem neuen server anfangen zu müssen damit ich ein wenig classic spass haben darf

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Please activate realm transfers, that would be great!

My question relates to future content patches, have you considered a polling system another popular MMO uses to manage these? That way the player base truly get to decide the direction of the game.

Character transfer! We are some players, who started playing on Shazzrah, and then rerolled Ten Storms, because of quee (half of us) - now there opportunities for everyone to move to a spanish realm!? Why cant we have the opportunity to merge together with our Shazzrah and Firemaw friends to a realm, like you just given the spanish community???
Actually kinda discriminating, adleast open the oppertunity to transfter from Ten Storms to an english region realm!

Sincerly Wow player from 2005-2019.

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