Does raging makes mobs immune to crowd control? When mobs health drops I noticed my silence/stun/fear are failing and only my interrupt works
Thats exactly what it does.
Mobs below 30% become immune to cc. You can still interrupt though. The “old” raging was double damage.
I think I prefer the old raging. I could mitigate the damage at least. Now if the damage is low or we don’t have enough interrupts or wrong used interrupts or on cooldown “fun” things are happening in DHT
I mean you can stun them at 30,1% (I exaggerate) and they sit the full duration.
I prefer it how it is now, its way less dangerous. It’s not just about the damage on the tank, any cast that gets through on “old” raging will kill a dps or a healer now. Imagine the swell double cast in TOTT or an abomination not soothed in EB doing their aoe = dead.
yeah until you couldn’t because the casts that did 70% of ur health did 140% and killed you through defensives instead
I agree. After some some experimentation I don’t think anymore Raging is bad. I thought it was bad because I never played it the previous seasons. So yea I changed my mind.
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