Que times & Transfers

Its your last day to transfer, the server is not showing any signs of players losing interest in the game, the queue times will definitely continue and get worse with every phase due to new content.

Dragonfang server is growing and has a nice community, it is also balanced in faction compared to a 70/30 split on Shazzrah. Questing is a lot more relaxed and pvp is a lot more fun in dragonfang as both factions are equal in numbers and the quest areas are not heavily contested compared to shazzrah.

I encourage any horde or alliance to take the bullet and save yourself from queue times and luck luster world pvp for when phase 2 hits.

A Lot of alliance players are having trouble with the over populated horde servers and are xfering out, it would benefit any horde to xfer as this would create a more balanced server as it grows or you will have no alliance to fight with.

blizzard will merge dragonfang and earthshatter to create a vibrant populated server. so do not let the low pop scare you away.

Transfer cucks getting real desperate…

P-please t-transfer guys we have s-such a nice c-community…

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How does it feel to play on a PVE server?

not sure ask someone playing on one

What do you think i have done? I am asking you since you seem so keen on shazzrah.

hhhHAHAHAHAHAHhahahahah LMaooOO

Did i hit a nerve, sorry.