Queation about azzinoth weapon

I was ago runned Black temple.
Noticed “all thing list” addon telled I had one learned azzinoth. But another one dont.

I check my DH, dont have show Azzinoth in wardrobe.
I thinked, do I need get both when wardrobe open it?

Yep. You need both warglaives. Then you will get achievement for that. With this you are doing timewalking Black Temple. Kill all bosses and you will get transmog.

I still dont touch TW in Black Temple. Since I was fear if group got worst and many time wiped.
Since BT is old and never be LFR before

When I did TW in Black Temple some time ago, people were really prepared. We had maybe one wipe. And honestly, it went smoothly. Many people played as DH alt to get the coveted transmog. A nice experience and a reward worth having. I recommend trying it next time.

You need to kill Illidan in Timewalking Black Temple and you need to already have the Warglaives for them to show up in your wardrobe.


  • Kill Illidan until you have both Warglaives
  • Kill Illidan in TBC Timewalking
  • Done

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