Yes but Leafkettle - stop being the victim all the time. It’s boring me.
Aww, puddin’, don’t be so upset! I’ll continue to fight for the good cause here until balance is restored!
Wait, there are elves in this game?!
it’s not that hard to let as play for e.g. silver covenant, and all would be happy.
Well, you can look exactly like that now in the Alliance, minus the blonde hair. Which, I bet they will add in the future. The hard part is done.
Yes, you will still be reminded that you’re a Void Elf every time your racial will proc, but you can so easily rp as a HE now.
Yet again this thread.
Arguably to the point of oversaturation. And I say this as an avid elf player.
while certain alliance players maintain their childish victim complex they will never stop being so entitled.
It would be sad if it wasn’t so laughable.
Fortunately, I’m pretty sure you can mute threads which is what I will be doing now.
hi walking carpet.
Thank for your “insightful” reply. But it’s been for 15 years request to give highelves for the alliance. |Forums are for requests and discussions, game director said - anything possible in the future…
So, thank you.
Funny enough, I never played an elf except for my Belf DK … which I don’t play a lot
But yeah, aren’t there enough elves tbh? So many choices, it’s a good thing for Elf fans, why complain about having (or not having) yet another Elf race?
I mean they got what they wanted Mclovin, why to bring it back over and over?
Alliance didnt get anything.
fan created warpaints were given to other races, blood elfs got highelf customizations. And void elves? - laughable skin options…
#highelves as allied race
Meanwhile the Nightborne with 3 skin options.
Carpets are useful 'kay?
Every main race was given a lot of customization options, allied races were given less. Don’t compare Belfs and Nelfs to Voidbois, c’mon.
but this topic is about highelves playable, we ask only this. im happy for you all tho…but still, i just see highelf npc…and i want play highelf - alliance.
It’s not laughable. It got me playing on my Velf hunter again as I haven’t played her in a while.
So Alliance 100% got the better customization. Night elves, Dwarves, Void elf, humans, and gnomes.
Just because you didn’t get what you wanted, does not mean Alliance didn’t get anything.
Again, if you want to play a blonde mana addict elf. Horde Is there.
i had in mind only void elves, not whole alliance.
Even void elves got A lot compared to other allied races. So I don’t see your point.
There are Allied races with only 3 skins, and you are complaining we didn’t get anything?
was expecting look a like highelf…option…but i look same.
I’m sorry, but there’s Nelfs, Belfs, Void elves, Nightborn elves, there’s literally two times the choice as there are for any other race:
- Orcs - Mag’har
- Tauren - Highmountain
- Dwarves - Dark Iron
- Gnomes - Ugh
- Humans - Kul’tirans
- Trolls - Zandalari
Poor Forsaken, Worgen or Pandaren.
Aren’t 4 kinds of Elf not enough Elf?
This can set a dangerous precedent, otherwise anyone can ask for Frost Trolls, Gurubashi, Fel Orcs, Undead Trolls, Wildhammer Dwarves (oh it’s just war tattoos now, so consider that).