Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

I can use the same argument about the Nightborne.

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I’m just going to mention a message but I’m speaking for the whole

I did not say that the High Elves present in the Alliance were independent.
Anyway with the restoration of the Sunwell they no longer have this problem, but for the rest despite that there were still problems between High Elves and Blood Elves

For your first point I did not say that the Blood Elves were not High Elves, just that if you look at what I wrote above, they no longer seem to consider themselves as such, and personally I don’t care about the blue eyes for the Blood Elves, from what I know the eyes of the High Elves / Blood Elves shine with the glow of magic they use / are exposed to, green for the Fel, golden for Holy and blu for Arcanes, so for me it seemed coherent. Ion said it was for Npc, so either Holy magic is capable of curing this corruption thing that Arcane magic cannot do, or Ion made a mistake, knowing that lore is not really his thing I let you choose one of the two tracks

For your second point, the devs did not really help either, they take out the Void Elves in a hurry with as explanation "A group of Blood Elves are exiled because they want to study forbidden magic and are transformed because of an accident that they can no longer reproduce ", Yes the Void Elves are technically High Elves, but they are also their own thing, different because of the Void infused in them (and therefore some want them without the side of the Void), and I find it a shame that they have not worked more on them and this theme of the Void. For others it is also a lack of service and respect for proposed that in place of what they have been asking for a long time so for that everyone has their point of view. Personally I will play all three because they present different themes (High elf, Blood elf and Void elf)

For your third point, Ion himself said “Anything’s possible in the future but no plans I think in this in the near term to add High elves” so at last it’s not a refusal so we continued to show that we want them. Then say that when it seems to me had expressed a refusal and for the flight in Draenor and for Wow classic and that people continued there bizzarely no worries, certainly but if there was more demand for that than for the High Elves nothing does not prohibit us from requesting them. “But somehow a guy and couple of people write there headcannon to fill in the blanks and try with there best argument after everything is set in stone” Sorry but some things I presented are facts (like the High Elves in the Alliance) and yes some but please don’t put everyone in the same bag, "if we are an annoyence long enough we will beat blizz "sorry but I don’t see personally how I annoy people here, I make sure to be as polite and respectful as possible while sharing my ideas and debating, as I said above, the trolls are in both sides and not only in one. “I would support Void elf customization in a heartbeat if they wish for pale skin (what ever they want) as every race is getting in SL, i would even support on them having paladins” I too will be glad to have others personalizations for them, but not of pale skin or Paladin, you said that it was not a service of asked the High elves although the Void elves were already there but distorted this race by adding what you mentioned above in is just as much for those who play this race for the Void side, not worth talking about Alleria because it has not undergone the same thing as the Void elves, that’s why it is different. For the end everyone has their ideas of how to make them playable, some are more in the abuse than others compared to old examples that I could see on the old topic. Have a good day if you read this. :beer:

As I said above this is also the case for the Pandaren and the devs do not seem to care since the Void Elves in full armor resemble Blood Elves, it is enough to hit very hard on this nicknames in red right? I don’t think pros and antis will end up agreeing, some people don’t care about looking like another model while others don’t want to, and for my part I don’t care about that knowing that they’ve done this twice already for me it’s a proof that they don’t care a little visibly

Unfortunately despite some things that I mentioned above, yes they don’t seem to have done much for them, but afterwards, nothing prevents them from working on that before making them playable, I don’t know too much the Zandalari Trolls but it seems to me that they weren’t very developed before they were playable, the same for the Kul Tirans if I’m not mistaken

I just re-read, my fault, it’s true that the crystals irradiated the Elves, I had read somewhere that they also used demons, maybe then in the Outland, the problem is that I try to read websites and watch videos on it without really having other means.

After each one has his own idea on the subject

For the rest, I will take notes and reread what I could read (it will be complicated to find what I saw with it, with the time spent I lost what I had for the sources I mix a lot of things :expressionless:)
Have a good day. :beer:


The pandaren are the only race that are largely identical in terms of overall identity and looks… and they are the only race that can choose either faction… and will forever be the only race, why? Because they were a mistake.

Indeed they do. But the overall similarity in looks does not really matter by itself, you are correct.

You can’t differentiate the High Elves from the Blood Elves no matter how much you try, not in terms of their identity. Their story up until the current have been 100% the same, both suffer from the same magical addiction, both hail from the same magical society, both hail from the same ranger military. They both are the same in every aspect.

High Elves would just be Blood Elves but on Alliance… like the pandaren, they bring nothing that is special about them to the Alliance. The Void Elves was a
compromise, while their looks did not change all too much, they would be identified by something different than the Blood Elves… the void, their magical addiction is of no importance, their future in the story is secured… because of the void, their story can differ from that of the Blood Elves’, their identity can differ from the Blood Elves’.

In Outland it is very possible that the Blood Elves turned to siphoning fel at large, yes. It is also not impossible in Silvermoon, but it is in no way at the scope where it would be the vast majority.

Well, I don’t really have an idea.

It seems quite factual and set in stone that the crystals no longer contain demonic energies, afterall, Rommath specifically points out that they USED TO enslave demonic energies in the crystals. It can’t be more specific than that.

But yeah, what the purpose of the crystals then are is a whole other question. But it is not demonic energies, at the very least.

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You can’t possibly be serious?

Forget it. You are.


Anyway, my full support for playable Alliance High Elves, with a different model à la Kul Tirans if needed.

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Of course I am. We already -know- he is wrong. If you read up then not only are there specific NPC Blood Elves with blue eyes, but whole -mob- types, typically those ones who lived in Dalaran during TBC, so have the same eyes as High Elves. The Lore supports it, and they have been in game since Wrath.

Lest I remind you, if you think Ion is a 100% accurate arbiter on what can and cannot happen, in the game, then you cannot cherry pick your argument. He said Blood Elves with Blue eyes make no sense (He also seems to think Evolution occurs during a lifetime!) and yet they exist in game. He however also said No High Elves.

Why is it that people who want High Elves regard Ion as 100% reliable when it comes to Blood Elves and Blue eyes, and yet not 100% reliable when it comes to there not being playable High Elves?

You can’t cherry pick that way and come across as serious. Make a coherent point, don’t say “This bloke is always right! Unless it is what -I- want in which case he is always wrong”

That is simply ridiculous.

Also, check the Dressing Room for the current active customisations for Blood Elves. Select ‘Player only’. You’ll notice that a lot of the Datamined colours for NPC’s vanish. You’ll notice that three options for Blue eyes remain.

Using emoji’s does not make your argument look more intelligent or compelling, and often in fact, the opposite.

And no to different models. Give High Elves the Blood Elf model with Blue Eyes, because -that- is what they look like. In fairness, now the Sunwell is reignited, give both Blood and High Elf the same eye colour options. Blue for those saturated in Arcane/never exposed to Fel, Golden for the Pious ones of both types, fervent in the Light, so Priests, Blood Knight/Paladins. and give Fel Green for Warlocks, those who haven’t lost the taint yet, and the High Elves who went to Outlands.

All three options for both make lore sense, anything else is silly.


How very dare you, Madam…Warcraft III says you are wrong.

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Harh, let me rephrase.

The pandaren’s existence as a playable race is not a mistake.

The fact that they can choose to be either faction, however, is a mistake.

In fairness, that was said by one person who did not represent Blizzard. Blizzard have never said that the Pandaren were a mistake in being able to choose a faction. It was said by an Ex-employee, who did seem to have an axe to grind, but then, who has never talked ill of their Ex-employers, I know I have! If Blizzard had felt it was a mistake, then why give an identical model (when armoured) a few expansions later? Its not like PvP is impacted, they go by ‘Red is dead’ after all.


Toxic. Yikes. go troll something else.

Can’t wait to play my high elf :pray:t3:


Delusional. Yikes. Go play blood elf or void elf.


I do not care much for Ghostcrawler’s opinion on the matter.

In terms of narrative, the pandaren was a mistake in regards to their choice on faction. This also created a storyline for the pandaren that made little sense, atleast for them on the Horde side. It seems to me that having this kind of likeness on both factions is a total detriment to the race’s narrative.

Oh, have they been announced as an up coming Allied Race then? I haven’t checked news sources yet today…

Great news! Finally

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Thing is it could easily have made them one of the most interesting races in the game, all that continual development and plots to show how they’re evolving with their chosen faction and how that sits with them as a people.

The issue is this interesting premise was handled atrociously. Tushui and Huojin are mentioned perhaps 5 times outside of the Wandering Isle, and never seem to be focused on for any faction development. All Pandaren focus is on neutral Pandare who don’t belong to either faction.

I mean we have a patch that takes us back to Pandaria and our main entry there is basically Magni boi and not Aysa/Ji leading the forray. Why on earth would you not use this opportunity?

So even if GC had an axe to grind, you can look at the resultant treatment of playable Pandaren (Tushui/Huojin) in the game and reasonably come to a similar conclusion. Why give them no airtime whatsoever if you don’t see it as something you hope people forget?

i mean I nearly fell off my chair when there was a Pandaren NPC representing Horde in Nazmir for the assaults. But this is as far as it goes, they appear “every so often” but we learn absolutely nothing of their motivations, how their philosophy has held up, relations within the horde. Nothing. They’re just there and it sucks because as I said earlier, done correctly it could have been incredibly interesting.

This is why I don’t believe Pandaren will get heritage armour. And on the off-chance they do, there will be no difference between the two factions of Pandaren. Too much focus on Pandaria Pandaren.

They would have been better off making them a truely neutral race whom can group and pvp with either faction. Perhaps at the start you express an interest in one faction, and this sets your rep up with them as neutral, and the other as unfriendly. Whenever you quest with one faction or do an activity on their side, you gain rep with them and lose rep with the opposite. If the other faction becomes hated towards you, you can no longer group with those players or pvp with them, but you can still access some core quests to repair your reputation.

i mean that’s just me shooting into the wind, it probably wouldn’t work, but they definitely should have been neutral instead of faction-tied because it’s pretty clear Blizzard treats Pandaren as a neutral race the entire time, when the Pandaren we play as are deifnitely not neutral because they CHOOSE to join a faction.

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No you’re the one there’s not getting it if we don’t soon get some good stuff Alliance pro players will start to main horde to just be able to do content including me one of the very few Alliance pros there’s left in the faction.

Yeah~ I bet that high elves are what pros want. Those skilled players that race changed to trolls for raiding certainly care about what model their barbie dolls have.

They must have toe fetish


Im pro, i care!

Has none of the HE advocators ever considered that, while the loud portion of players that want them playable would be satisfied, pretty much most of the rest (among those who somewhat care about those things) would be fuming on the forums about how the Alliance gets treated with next level of lazy design (no matter how you put it: you put a Belf, make his/her eyes blue and that’s pretty much what a Helf is, design-wise).

Blizzard should know by now how noisy Alliance players are already, so it makes sense they want to play it safe.

As a side note, complaints from Belves for getting customisation option taken away from them could also sprout. Not that it’s something worth complaining for (like a lot of things around allied races, tbh), but I’ve seen heated post for the same or less.

  1. Even as an elf fan I agree there are enough elves in game, with two races each faction.
  2. The intro video for the Blood Elves speaks of their High Elves heritage.
  3. The Alliance cannot get two races based on the Blood Elves model/history, unless Blizzard also wants to add a second race based on the Night Elves to the Horde. Which would (rightfully) enrage the Alliance fans who love the Night Elves.
  4. TIMELINE. The fall of Quel’Thalas happens during the Third War, around year 20. Legion takes place in Year 32, which puts BFA in year 33. So the Blood Elves have been calling themselves such for about 13 years, which makes them totally the same race. It’s just political views, and them being part of the Alliance makes just as much sense as thinking to get Alteraci Humans on Horde side, considering the Syndacate has been a politically active as well as militarily forceful entity since the end of the Second War.

Hmm… Alteraci Humans… :stuck_out_tongue: