Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

Fake information., nothing to comment here.

Mods could make this sticky topic, would be easier to read everyday.

Stop acting so spoiled. Why should you get a sticky?

Blood elf players have been asking for high elf customization options since start of TBC. They still do. Wanting something does not suddenly give you privilege to having it. Specially when you specifically want it for alliance and also want it to not be given to the horde, whilst most blood elf players are OK to share the customization options with alliance and void elves.

Your attitude makes me feel we should just scrap all of this and stick with never giving anyone high elves, just to establish being a negative and spoiled community (which the high elf fanbase is notoriously known for, despite some good people being among them) will get you nothing. No matter how much you post, complain and ask for it. As it should be. Simply to set an example if nothing else.


Thank for your undoubted support for playable highelves, really thank you.


To be fair all you linked is Ion getting lore wrong.

It also is not a spectacular revelation. “Some Americans are confused about Evolution”

In other news, water is wet.


Didn’t people doubt that recently?

Seem to remember people arguing over this topic online last year or something.

Probably the same people that think Earth is flat.


And they ain’t all Americans either…


Yea I know being reminded of that fact makes me sad :frowning: but true.

Interestingly, there is some credence to that, the sensation we call wet, is when moisture interacts with human skin, we have no idea what water itself feels like, or something like that I seem to remember them saying.

Was something like that…

I didn’t pay much attention but they argued that “water isn’t wet” because “wet” is a word we use to describe when something that is usually dry comes in contact with water.

This is pretty much the logic I have heard too.

Y’all are beating this dead horse to a pulp.

They’re not going to make Blood Elves with a different eye color for Alliance. Ion couldn’t have put it any better than he did in the interview, it’s LITERALLY a Blood Elf with a different eye color.

When Blood Elves get a blue eyes option in Shadowlands, come join the Horde. We got better racials and raid statistics anyway.

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They should’ve added the high elves together with the blood elves, the whole “we’re giving them to horde” never sat well with me. With years it even evolved to me discriminating belfs as frivolous, pompous and shallow because of the overcompensating “for da horde” belf playerbase. The whole high elf debacle just reinforces it further, with all of you being… well, petty. (Not you, Brigante, I like you.)

The truth is, void elves were a mistake but alas, it’s a done deal and that’s why alliance will never get high elves. But to dump on alliance players wanting that piece of lore for themselves is just childish.

I actually faction changed recently from undead back to night elf because I couldn’t deal with the edgyness anymore (previously Rhiannon). Horde is in such a lame place at the moment that I’ve put all my other horde alts on pause.

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Bothered by the wrong information being repeated time and time again.

As well as the idea that Blood Elves and High Elves are different because of some minor disagreements.

The High Elves have bickered about the Alliance for years before the scourge invasion, that much is clear. Didn’t make them two different species then, it doesn’t now either.

Void Elves themselves are not a mistake.

Blood Elves turning Void Elves was a mistake though. The remaining High Elves should have turned Void Elves… it would finally give them an identity.

What the antis do not know / do not want to understand is that there are groups of High Elves present in the Alliance (the Silver Covenant is an example with those who are in Stormwind or in Quel’Danil ) so either play one of these specific groups or reunite them and there it gives the playable High Elves who have never been in the Horde.
-The argument of the small number: it does not stand because of the Void Elves (who were in the Horde before) and who are described as a squad and by the time I speak to you we do not even know if they can repeat this experience because the original author is dead and maybe didn’t want to create Void Elves.
-The physical argument: it does not hold either because of two races, the Pandaren and the Void Elves even if they are blue and infused with Void they have the same model so with full armor on them it is complicated to differentiate them so why come out with this argument just for the High Elves? Knowing that in PVP you see the nicknames of your enemies in red so what is it complicated for you?
-The Argument of history and culture: The High Elves are mostly exiled by Lor’Themar Theron because they did not want to drain the mana of living creatures or demonic energies (also noted that in an incursion in Nazmir or in a Sunreavers Base in the island of thunder we see Blood Elves with Fel crystals, so did they really stop using them?), some even remained loyal to the Alliance. Yes the Sunwell is restored and Lor’Themar Theron even allows the High Elves to come and make a pilgrimage to the Sunwell, but despite these events we have yet seen the High Elves remained in the Alliance and some have done actions against the Horde like the Purge of Dalaran (yes even if unfortunately they also attacked civilians it stayed against the Horde) and the Isle of Thunder for only mentioned that, we also see them in Legion in Suramar where they are cited separately from the Blood Elves and knowing that we see blue eyes in SL it can also be an update of the High Elf model those which can therefore make them still important and therefore it would be enough just during or after SL to do an event that can make them playable and it’s not complicated to do that when I see what they did for the Mag’har Orcs. Working on the history of the High Elves will not prevent them from also working on the Blood Elves because I am certain that they will still remain the most played race of the Horde knowing that the devs can play on a rivalry of these two groups. For the culture even if they share it at first sight it must be said that there is still a difference between living in his homeland and more or less continued to live as before and no longer live there because of political and ethical differences and therefore more or less assimilated to the culture of the place where they live even if this point is not very visible because it is not too much worked (but something they can always do later) and one of the only examples that assimilation exists are the Half Elves (which can be a customization for the High Elves) so obviously they seem to get along well with each other, in short all the High Elves are not Blood Elves (knowing that the Blood elves no longer seem to consider themselves High Elves) and this situation resembles that offered to us by the Pandaren, same people but different ethical and political ideas plus the fact that one of the groups has never been in the Horde.
I want to finish with this, know that toxic people are as much in one camp as in the other and unfortunately I can not cite examples knowing that the other topic is no longer there but there are some in the antis like the pros. And for those who complain about this kind of topic, what are you waiting for to mute this topic? Because at best there are debates and at worst there are trolls and unfortunately for you it is a request that may not be stopped anytime soon knowing that some people seem to be waiting for them even before BC and that the developers despite what Ion said about the High Elves a few years ago are still adding High Elves to the Alliance. Have a good day. :beer:


Well said. So true

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I don’t think anyone here thinks they’re another race. It’s an unfortunate byproduct of the way Blizzard handles character creation. As I understand it, it’s about lore and not the model necessarily, else the void elves would fill that … :smirk: void already.

As for the blue eyes for belves, it doesn’t count if it’s a blue glow. High elves have actual pupils without the glow (which means, defined white parts of the eye).

There is this grand illusion that Silver Covenant and Danil elfs do not suffer from the magic addiction il just post this one;"To sate their hunger for great magical power, the high elves created the Sunwell. It became the source of their power as the Well of Eternity had been in Kalimdor."So not true.They went/allied with Dalaran so they can tap into the Leylines from Dalaran there addiction is still present,7000 year of magic addictive evolution,simple as that.

As for the rest i will just keep reposting this;
1.It is disrespectful toward Blood elf players telling them how they are not High elfs,which this movement and there poster at every corner say.People who play this side for 12 years,and are glad that they will finally get blue eyes cause of the Sunwell.But somehow people from this movement gatekeep even that.
2.It does a huge disservice to Void elf players,race who are High elfs,and have a big chunk of lore,even Kel’thas elfs in Netherstorm and the draining of Muu’ru.Also posters from this movement constantly belittle those players.
3.It goes against the company and wishes that the majority of us agree and support how the writers/gamemechanics are represented in game+ the story.But somehow a guy and couple of people write there headcannon to fill in the blanks and try with there best argument after everything is set in stone " if we are an annoyence long enough we will beat blizz " and in the process belittle all the belf,velf players and have no regards for the offical lore that points that this should not be feasible.
I would support Void elf customization in a heartbeat if they wish for pale skin(what ever they want) as every race is getting in SL,i would even support on them having paladins.(because undead prists,tauren prist/paladins)
As a 12 year old Belf player i find this whole movement quite insulting when we see the lore that the movement is trying to spin/represent and never mind the abusive manipulative means i’ve seen in these type of threads that they are pulling off just to have it there way.
But i will now stop posting in this thread since now i’ve pretty much covered my stance.Good by.

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I know and understand perfectly well.

Thing is, the High Elves have nothing that differentiate them from the Blood Elves, they are practically the same all around.

The High Elves are also left with no identity as I have revealed is also very much visible in how Blizzard handles them.

Just this… no demonic energies.

Grand Magister Rommath: This Korune device is similar to the fel crystals we once used to enslave demonic energies. Demon or angry spirit or elemental manifestation of an emotion, the principle is relatively the same.

This is from Mists of Pandaria.

Rommath seems to imply that they are no longer using the crystals to enslave demonic energies at the very least, the crystals could very much still be in use, but just not with demonic energy.

Blizzard either puts them there as a mere decoration, or they are instead filled with arcane energies.

Green could very well just be the crystal’s natural colour, as is noted in Blood of the Highborne, Rommath carries a necklace containing a green crystal which is filled with arcane energy.