Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

there are litteraly real high elfs in the void elf starting erea. so no you are not quel’dorei you are a realy high elf.

Literally both Blood Elves and Void Elves are playable High Elves, it’s 100% confirmed now lol

exactly, now even the last lame excuses not to give us HEs are proven to be lame excuses.


Maybe Void elf will get a option for the active racial with arcane animation for making more high elf ?


yeah, void elves didn’t need to exist xD


Is it me or in the personalizations of the Void Elves, we see some with underwear in the colors of the blood elves? It may be a detail but knowing that I am wondering

No there’s gotta be a toolitip on a character creation screen that specifically states you’re a highest of elves or it doesnt count

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yes, those are presented as new VE customizations but are actually BE models.

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Did you realise this because of the hair? :stuck_out_tongue:

LOLOL these mad lads actually did it. Oh well, more elves for me to bash. :man_shrugging:

no the underwear.
are those BE hairsstyles too?

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Rejoice Less Humans and Night Elves and more High Elves in the Alliance! :stuck_out_tongue:

(well Kul Tiran were already extremely few lol)

Yay, even more elves in elfcraft, what a joy.


im pretty sure whoever liked elves was already playing one.
the amount of elves you’ll see ingame will not change.

So funny, haven’t heard that one before.

Just seen the wowhead. I knew this would play out like this.

Helf are playable as helf whom have embraced the void with their brethren. Asking for another race slot beyond this point just to estrange from that is beyond pedantic. It’s bad enough we’re now going to end up with probably a third of the entire playerbase across both factions looking exactly the same.

This said for those whom this is solace for, im happy for you. For those who continue to complain, sit tight. They may well add special animations for the tones (although it sets a precedent that other races should get similar treatment where their skin tones wildly vary so I wouldn’t count on it), so I’d be happy with this tbh.

So, Blood Elves kind of are High Elves with different eye colors and backstory in terms of their relationship to magic in the Sunwell. But if you want to be a fair-skinned, light, blonde-haired, tall, majestic, elf… That is a Blood Elf.

Ion the absolute madlad
in his defence he mentions blond-hairs so i guess he can grasp at that.

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i agree.
i would have prefered actual HEs, but I’m still happy for those that are satisfied with this half measures.
also BEs got the best of both worlds, with green, gold and blue eyes now.


Alliance have high elves in void elves and horde have high elves in blood elves in shadowlands. Problem solved equally. Thank god.

Well why not just add playable highelves too? Im fine with these changes, but void elves need same hairstyles as belfs have. Otherwise its bs. Also i hope blue eyes are not only for black skin tone…

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