Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

Are you nuts. You’re getting High Elves. What on earth are you complaining about?

And the Blue eyes are for all skin colours for both Blood Elf and Void Elf it seems.

The only people who could have cause to complain are those who wanted High Elf Paladins, but to be fair, High Elf Paladins were as rare as rocking horse poop anyway, High Elves followed the Thalassian model of making war, which is a core army, with Warmages and Rangers as specialists (This is obviously pre-Exile, after which the Blood Elves added Heavy Cavalry into the mix in the form of the Blood Knights). I think we see like, four High Elf Paladins, one of whom is now a Blood Elf.

This is amazing news for you guys! I mean its pretty swell for people playing Blood Elf Mage types, or perhaps Farstriders who steered clear of Fel, or people playing Sunreavers, but this is super massively good for the Pro-High Elf cause!


So all the hatred againts blood (high) elfs finally over? Good.

Its not over until we get playable highelves, not blood elves that turned to void elves.

Not.hyped at all.

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as stupid as it is, void elves can be priests so i’d just say screw it and make void elf paladins a thing. Zandalari could be given warlocks as well. after all blizzard wants people to express themselves lul


Blizz gave u an option to make your high elf still crying.

Blizz :man_shrugging:

P.S. High elfs playable, called blood elf for the horde and void elf for the alliance.

And here i tought people will cry to make void elfs paladins aswell.

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Unfortunately this is the nail in the coffin. They have given you the option to be playable Alliance High Elves. In the same way that they give the option to be Playable Wildhammer Dwarves. By adding unique skin tones and options.

They are not going to add an allied race that looks identical to an already existing Alliance race, which is what a High Elf Alliance race would look like. Identical to a Void Elf with the High Elf skins.


#highelvesplayableasalliedrace 2021

You can now play High Elves as of 2020. Same ways as Dwarves can now play Wildhammer in 2020.

You are not getting High Elves as a separate Allied race now. The Alliance playerbase would go -beserk- at you…

Seems like quite a few Alliance posters are already pretty angry about it, to be honest… Who knew…


Hah. My comment from a few hours ago aged beautifully. :relaxed:

I am content. I am also chuckling at all the aggressive naysayers, but don’t tell them that.

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Highelves playable for alliance are not yet available

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I’d like them to add a couple of more hair colors as well. Not all, just the cooler side of the blood elf hair, with less orange and red in it. I feel like the tan, warm skin and hair tones suit blood elves better.


This is the best your getting, they won’t add High Elves now the Void Elf is almost a carbon copy of blood elf with better hair and beards.

If you keep demanding High Elves i don’t think your going to get the support you once did.
Allot of people will take this compromise and I for one am very happy for these changes, I would like the void elf lore to be fleshed out a bit but it’s time to move on.


Blizzard has previewed some new Void Elf and Blood Elf customization options coming in Shadowlands, including blue eyes for both races. In addition, Void Elves will also get the same skin tone customization options as Blood Elves, who are receiving more skin tones in Shadowlands as well.

Additionally, Blood Elves will have the option to choose from a variety of new skin colors and Void Elves will inherit the skin color options that are available to Blood Elves. Here’s a glimpse of the potential characters that you can create with some of the new options.


all info wowhead

I agree with all of your post except this part in which you are clearly mistaken :sweat_smile:

I’m quitting the game if elves become more played than humans after this.


I think that’s a given.

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No, you won’t. We all have already heard this “I quit game if…” so many times.

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This whole thing highlights one thing that could potentially be cool: why don’t we have a tweaked tooltip for our characters depending on some costumization options? Of course, it doesn’t work for all, but it would be cool to be called WIldhammer Dwarf in the tooltip if you’re wearing the tattoos, or even having unique class names if you’re a different race (Paladin vs Sunwalkers vs Blood Knights). Idk, I’m probably asking for too much, I just think would be neat.


You must be Medivh if you figured that out.