Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

The crusade isn’t over yet: Blond hair option isn’t available to the Alliance.

I think you guys know what you have to do. But today’s time for a celebration.

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Well, not all customization option have been already datamined. So we’ll see where it all leads.
But honestely, I don’t think they would allow it. Maybe some white hair, but not blond.

You are not the only one:

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The Void Blood war in The Ghostlands, just a fashion show on who is the most fabulous.

You’ve already lost :stuck_out_tongue:

I wanted white more than normal skin tones, but i love the Dark Elf fantasy and night elves just don’t do it for me to nature loving.

Im not certain but looking at the images I think we may get a choice of hair tentacles or not, if so im not so sure :joy:

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Indeed, it’s very good news…
But I’d like to see some new hair colors to go along with the skin…

What I’d like to see is white and (real) black… That would be pretty sweet imo.

But I’m a sucker for white and black hair :stuck_out_tongue:


Let’s wait couple more weeks if they datamine something new xD The hopes are not lost yet.

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Be careful now, someone might see you as an emo-elf
And we all know they are not real
Goth elves maybe, but not emo

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me too id actually be a bit annoyed if we got browns and blondes, let the blood elves keep them tones.


Indeed… While I understand that people might want browns and blondes, I personally couldn’t care less about that…

I just want one that is completely white and one that is completely black :stuck_out_tongue:

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The night elves are waiting there for you :upside_down_face: I’m actually the most excited for that lilac night elf hair and the black!

But High Elves turned to Blood Elves?
They’re still the same race?

That does look really good.

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So with the recent news, I guess we can put the whole issue to rest now.

Anyone who is not satisfied is the spoiled minority we can safely ignore and move on.

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Already got several Night Elf characters D:

The goal posts are being moved already with requests for more natural hair and Paladins.

These people wont be satisfied until they have the exact replica of our Blood Elves.


Hahahh, I was just kidding, the answer is obviously multiple alts on both sides. Some people here should try it out more. I went hard on horde at the beginning of the expansion, got bored of Zuldazar and now I’m focusing on alliance again. I was doing a WQ in the jungle of Zuldazar today and I had a legitimate nostalgic moment, it was nice.

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The only way I’d “accept” Void Elf paladins is if they got completely new spell animations where everything was centered around shadow and void powers. Otherwise it would make little sense…

At which point they wouldn’t even be paladins, which would make the whole thing pointless :slight_smile: