Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

The brutal truth is that your standard High Elf is a regular citizen of Quel’thalas that lives within the High Kingdom, performs their role as, City Guardian, Stable Master or even Ley-Keeper in one of the Arcane Sanctums.

Someone who lives among their people, in their homeland, speaks native language in daily life and is aware of the great tragedy that took place not so long ago to his or her people and to honor their great sacrifice call themselves Blood Elves.

Loyalty to the Alliance or the Horde has nothing to do with being true High Elf. It never had. Anasterian wasn’t interested in remaining within the Alliance just as Lor’themar wasn’t interested in joining the Horde.

And the fact that Quel’thalas is the part of the Horde now doesn’t change the fact that regular Blood Elves living in Fairbreeze Village and going on about their buisness… the same buisness their fathers and forefathers did has not changed. They are TRUE High Elves.

Not those weridos like Alleria who had this unreasonable fixation toward the Alliance, this drive to live and work with other races more than doing so with their own kin. Drive that made them disobey their High Elven King Anasterian and refuse to go back to their homes.

The same Elves who did nothing. NOTHING to help their own kin in the wake of great tragedy and didn’t even try to make the difference. Didn’t use their influences within the Alliance to help Quel’thalas.

Anyone who did Blood Elf Heritage Armor Quest and literally relived the events of Quel’thalas’ fall and how proudly TRUE High Elves defended it and fell one by one. Those who did that quest know what a trecherous filth Alliance Quel’dorei are for not even lifting a finger in either saving or rebuilding their kingdom.

A bunch of selfish pr!cks that judge Blood Elves only for the tough choiced they made, but not seeing the reasons behind those choices.

Blood Elves look like High Elves because they are ones. Void Elves are Void corrupted mutants that to the end of time will battle voices in their heads in order to not go mad.

Alliance High Elves are not high in any meaning of that word unless they use drugs. They are more like Lost Elves.

Willingly abandonned their homeland. Their relatives, their homes, their duties. Disobayed their King, standed idly as their Prince was sentended to death, involving themselves in abominal relationships with Humans and thus giving birth to non-elven progeny like Alleria or Vereesa. A fact that Ellisande pointed out.

They live to serve the Alliance, to bend their knee before Human Kings. To serve in armies under Human or Dwarven commanders. And in return they will have nothing. No significant standing within Alliance, since there is not even a single High ranking High Elf to represent them.

The best one would be Auric Sunchaser that is a mere Captain.

They remain in seperate groups completely independent from one another. Suffered far greater losses than Blood Elves ever did post TBC.

Something like that isn’t qualified to be a playable race.

First they are not different from Blood Elves in any way, except their defiance and dissidency from Thalassian ways. They add nothing new as people.

Their potential addition will only be repeating assets from Blood Elven palete. Any potential focus on them may harm Blood Elves because so far they have monopoly on Thalassian lore.

Allied Races should be inroduced as an addition to the existing races, not as a hindrance.


I think you argue the case for High Elves pretty well in that long text.

The Alliance High Elves never fed on fel magics. The fel magic turned the Blood Elves eyes green which was something that marked them as different from the High Elves. It’s true that it’s a very small thing, and today you can argue that Blood Elves can have blue eyes again, although I don’t really know what it means for them anymore. Did the fel magic go away? Or are blue-eyed blood elves former Alliance High Elves that went to the Horde?

So if we view the “High Elf” as one race, then this text gives context to a political divide between the people that make up this race. The large majority remained loyal to the King, but a significant minority didn’t. It seems like High Elves have developed different values – less xenophobic, perhaps, and perhaps they don’t glorify themselves as much as the Blood Elves do.

The High Elves can no longer call Quel’thalas their home, and their kin turned to fel magics – something they refused. They are, as you say, lost, and have to find a new identity for themselves.

What about Vereesa? Is she not on par with Alleria? Or when you say “high ranking” do you mean like a faction leader type of character? If yes, then that didn’t really stop Alleria either.

They may not add anything new appearance-wise, but according to the narrative they are already a thing.

The Void Elves may differ in the way they look but that’s the only argument as to why they should be a playable race over the High Elves. Any argument as to why High Elves shouldn’t be included is doubly true for Void Elves. Appearance is really the only exception. Is the appearance really that important?

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Void Elves as people made far more progress in the first hour of their existence than High Elves of the Alliance ever did.

First they all banded together. Claimed a place they call their own. Practise magic and ways that no other can. Which makes them already unique.

And more than anything their introduction is symbolic. Because it is Alleria Windrunner who ushered their arrival. The very first High Elf fixated on the Alliance that would be on pair with obsession. Elf that has her own statue in the Valley of Heroes.

So if the High Elf that is the most loyal to the Alliance became a Void Elf. A mother figure for every Thalassian traitor that ever lived it means something.

Blizzard doesn’t want to repeat another Pandaren case. They were unsatisfied how it turned out with them and will not follow the same path again.

Vereesa Windrunner isn’t someone who would stand on pair With Muradin or Tyrande. She at best is equal to the likes of Shandris Feathermoon. And her own lineage is doomed due to the fact whom she involved herself with. She is hardly a model for leadership to any Elven people.

And the fact that Alliance High Elves didn’t feed on Fel doesn’t change the fact they abandonned their homeland. And Blood Elves from Quel’thalas are not to blame for Sunfury machinations.

It was Kael’thas that trough Rommath brought Fel Crystals to Quel’thalas. And they did not serve as form of sustinence to Blood Elves. They merely served to operate their buildings. Since Thalassian architecure isn’t stone and mortar. It is magic and stone.

Fel Crystals allowed Magisters to raise Thalassian buildings from ruin in accelerated rate and then allowed to keep them in place. What kept sustained Blood Elves was arcane magic aquired from rebuilt Arcane Sanctums that tapped into ley-lines and provided magical nourishment.

But in order to tap on the ley-lines those Sanctums had to be rebuilt. And to rebuild them, outside source of magic was required. Once their purpose was fullfied they were removed immidately. And Fel Crystals did their job.

Far better job than any Quel’dorei ever did.

Blizzard focuses on the main course of the Thalassian people. That are Blood Elves who make majority of the population. They are rebuilding Quel’thalas and adhere to it’s traditions. Every tough choice they made paid off and now they return to their roots with pride.

Void Elves provide the adequate and necessery diversity from original Thalassian model. For they are somethinghey were immidiately removed. else, something more from what they used to be. And it is them who deal with far more sinister form of magic than Blood Elves ever did.

Because Sargeras formed the Burning Legion to stop Void’s advance upon the Universe. Void Elves became heralds of that terrible power.

So blaming Blood Elves for short dark chapter in their 7 thousand years of legacy while excusing High Elves for their betreyal, dissidency and defiance is laughable.

Sunwell’s destruction hit all Thalassians Elves hard. Yet strangely it was only displayed among the Blood Elves.

We know for sure that Vereesa had the luxury of sucking mana from Rhonin’s “magic rod” if you know what I mean. The struggles of other Elves are unexplored, and the RPG solution of 4 hour meditation is deemed non-canon.

We don’t know how they dealt with it’s loss. But I doubt it was any better than Blood Elves.

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I’m seeing High Elf fans here claiming that Blood Elves ‘Fed on Fel Magic’!

To be honest, if you don’t know the lore of the species, you are not in a position to ask for it. Go read the lore.

I am done with explaining to these people. Go and read it for yourself, then come back and go “I’m sorry, what I meant was…”


budget brigante in the house

ignoring the rest of the bloodelfposting here is a reply to this funny thing
: neither do void elves :slight_smile:

Lets be fair, High Elves, Void Elves and Blood Elves all add a lot more than certain grubby little Human Male Paladin posters who think that all women belong in the kitchen or the bedroom or on the street making money.

By certain ones, I mean one specific one. I think we can all guess who, and I am amazed Blizzard have not taken action against them to be honest…


Many High elves participated in the war, and survived. It’s only Vereesa that didn’t because she was pregnant.

Majority of them got EXILED afterwards because they refused what Kael’thas was doing, which was pull magic from animals.

So if you got exiled I’m sure you would not try to help your people afterwards, especially if they joined the horde.

I know as a exiled person myself (a void elf) I personally wouldn’t help Quel’thelas.

However on some occasions they actually do help, like in Zul’Aman.

try wash your eyes again to see clearly.

if someone like such as highelves for e.g. doesn’t mean they are “fans”

Yes they did. What else was stored in fel crystals?

You do not know that lore too, too be honest.

it’s your opinion only.

What progress have they made? They banded together because they were essentially a cult. Their place is a floating rock in space. Their magic basically makes them ticking time bombs.

Fair enough. I’ll buy that Alleria is more of a powerful figure than Vereesa. In Legion we also followed Alleria for quite a while. Her story wasn’t as in-depth as the Nightborne’s, but it was still relatively fleshed-out.

The issue is: the Nightborne plot revolved around Thalyssra saving her people, and those people became part of the Horde. Alleria’s story was just revolving around herself, and Blizzard created an entire race based around the archetype of one character.

Up until the point they were exiled, the Void Elves were Blood Elves, right? They only very recently separated from their kin, whereas the High Elves have been separated for years. Everything you say to undermine or insult the High Elves serves as the background story as to how they are different from the Blood Elves.

But I guess WoW’s world building isn’t complex enough to handle such a thing. Take a look at the Korean peninsula; for nearly 700 years the Korean pensinsula was unified. Then World War 2 happened, they’re occupied by the Japanese and in the aftermath of the war the peninsula becomes the battleground for the two dominating ideological powers and the peninsula became split between the communistic north and the capitalistic south.

Fast-forward to today and we can see that the people have developed very differently. You can even notice differences in the language, with the North korean being more “pure” (that is, fewer loan words). They’re all still Korean, but being a “north Korean” means something very different from being a “south Korean”.

It’s not the best analogy as the High Elves don’t have a place of their own. Perhaps an analogy of the European mass emigration to America would be better – because millions of people emigrated to America during the 19th and early 20th century, and what happened to these people? Well, they largely adopted the American language and culture.

The High Elves are, like the Korean, a people that are split. It’s not a 50/50 split, but a 90/10 split. The High Elves do not have a home of their own but has sought refuge among the Alliance, and they are now intermingling with humans. Trying to erase the High Elves on the basis that “they’re blonde and fair-skinned” is idiotic. But I guess that’s what happens when you let the game designers be the world builders.

I’ll have to admit I got that detail wrong. I read the Wiki and both you and Taladris are correct in this. However, living around the Fel Crystals still gave them green eyes. What’s the significance of that? None, according to the modern developers, since Blood Elves can now have blue eyes again.

My Eyesight is pretty good actually, I’m blessed that way, and by a unique freak of genetics (and I am a freak in this way, I happily acknowledge that) I actually have kind of Elven eyesight. Not in terms of distance, but I have more rods than cones in my eyes, so I actually have amazing night vision. I mean not stupidly amazing, everything is black, white or grey, I can’t discern colour, but it is that good that at LARP people who usually take a torch to navigate their way to the toilet block will sometimes go “Actually, can you just guide me there?”

Downside is, if someone does shine a torch in my eyes at night time I am effectively blind for a minute or so:P

So yeah, I’m actually cool with my vision, thanks.

No, I think…you’ll find, by definition, that is what they are…I mean…that is the definition…

Why, that would be the Fel Magic that replaced the purpose of the Sunwell in keeping the floating architecture of Silvermoon…floating, and also the buildings intact, given that they were built out of magic and not bricks and mortar, which of course, you would already know, if you truly were a fan of High Elves.

As to what the Blood Elves fed on, that would be Mana from the various Mana creatures around Quel’thalas, in accordance with the teachings Rommath learned from Kael’thas, who learned them from Illidan.

The refusal to drain Mana from living creatures was of course the reason that Lor’themar Theron temporarily Exiled the High Elves from Quel’thalas.

As of course you would know, if you knew High Elf Lore.

I believe I have just schooled you twice, as to their lore.

I would be anxious to hear what further insights you have on the matter?

Good of you to admit that you were wrong, and I genuinely do not mean that in a patronising way, very few people can, But yeah, you are correct that living -near- them gave the green eye glow, Blizz described exactly how it works, and some High Elves have green eyes also due to fel exposure. Really, you can’t tell a blood elf from a high elf these days, except in some cases. Which does kind of make their schism a bit more tragic. It does make it seem more like a civil war, like the ‘Red’ and ‘White’ Russians in 1920, what was the difference, apart from the uniform? Nothing… Nothing at all.

Which is why Civil Wars are so utterly horrible, I suppose, because nobody knows when to stop the killing, because it is hard to tell who the enemy is if they just dress in different clothes.

I mean look at my forum Avatar. If he had blue eyes, he could be a High Elf…His clothing and armour are grey, literally the most neutral colour you can get. You wouldn’t be able to tell if he were a Blood or a High Elf…

But yeah, you are right, it was the -exposure- to the fel crystals that caused the eye colour change

no, if i like something doesn’t mean i’m fan of such as thing.

it was fel crystals filed with demonic fel energies

highelves as allied race such as silver covenant faction.

The only officialy exiled group were the Quel’lithien Elves.

And I find it also symbollic that they fell victim to the very fate that Blood Elves feared so much.

Ranger-Lord Hawkspear and his morally “right” followers suffered from the very same magic addiction as the rest of their people. How ironic it is that mana drain the very skill they abhored so much could save their lives.

It is unclear when exactly Hawkspear found that magical item that doomed nearly all inhabitants of the Lodge. But if it was somewhere shortly after their exile and they were secretly using it to sustain themselves it makes them bloody hypocrites.

Mana Draining required a large amount of self-discipline to master magical thirst that Thalassian Elf was experiencing. It was essential for their survival. Something that Elves from Quel’lithien lacked. Their moral code was more important than their survival.

The likes of Vereesa went on self-exile. They simply didn’t care.

And Lor’themar made more than one approach to the wayward Thalassians giving them chance to return.

He went to Quel’lithien and told them that he forgives them their dissidency if they forgive him for kicking them out. He showed regret and will to mend their relations. It was Hawkspear that refused.

Same offer was extended to Sunchaser and his lot. They were allowed to bask in Sunwell’s glory and make contact with their relatives. Nothing but their own stubborness prevented them from returning home.

Halduron went even as far as to extend invitation to Silver Covenant in hopes of facing Amani threat. Unfortunately any good will that Vereesa showed there was squandered when she spearheaded Dalaran Purge and sent Alliance Heroes to murder unarmed Blood Elf citizens like merchants and craftsmen.

It is Blood Elves that are showing will to reconcile. High Elves are just there. Some hate Blood Elves, some frequently visit Quel’thalas unable to make their choice until they meet their relatives and will be told up front to end this lunacy and get to work, resuming their role before their “moral code” separated them from their homeland.

Do you think that standard Thalassian craftsman or winer cares about the fact that his cousin remains in opposite faction because of some personal issues? They just live their life and struggle to comprehend why the hell their relatives have such problem with coming home.

Errm. Get a dictionary. If you weren’t a fan of High Elves, you would not have made this thread. I don’t see why you regard being a fan of something as a bad thing, it just means you like something. For example I am not a fan of football, I simply do not care about it, or support any team. I am however a fan of 80’s music, it was the soundtrack of my youth and has a fond place in my heart.

Nothing wrong with being a High Elf fan.

If you think that then you don’t actually know why the High Elves were exiled, I mean this is Lore 101 stuff. May I suggest to you that you look up the words ‘High Elf’ on Wowpedia, where it explains why the Exile happened, or look up ‘Blood Elf’ on Wowpedia, both give the same information. The Blood Elves fed off Mana from living creatures. Good grief, one of the very first quests in the Blood Elf starting zone explains this!

We see what a Thalassian Elf looks like if they live off fel energy. Go Solo Magister’s Terrace. First Boss, Selin Fireheart. That’s what a High Elf turns into if they live off fel energy. Doesn’t look much like a High or Blood Elf does he?

I said insights, not copy paste your bizarre belief that the Silver Covenant are the only High Elves.

no you check a dictionary. Liking something or somebody does not make you a FAN of such as thing/person.

topic about playable highelves such as SC elves.

yes i know, and blood elves fel addicts. /were

Try me! I most certainly can. There are, however, a few hair colours, and hopefully a few styles too, that I think is needed for the look to be there without having to suspend disbelief.

What about Silver Covenant gnomes? When will they get a playable race? Why aren’t Silverwind night elves a separate race? Why aren’t Wildhammer dwarfs a separate race? Why aren’t Warsong orcs a separate race?

Blizzard did an interview that clearly said no one tells you who you can and cannot be. YOU decide. That is why Wildhammer, High elf, Sand Troll, Dark troll, Highborne options were added.

I see many people pull it off, you just need the proper transmog and imagination.

Hopefully with a few hair colors in the future that will be a even bigger possibility

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Kind of really does. Why do you think that is a -bad- thing? You seem really against the term for some reason. Are you actually, as many think, just Trolling us at this point?

So you have no insights to offer whatsoever, right, you are definitely veering into Troll territory.

Right, so you have just confirmed you do not understand why the Schism in Elven society happened, and do not understand the cardinal differences between Blood Elves and High Elves? Yeah, you are definitely trolling us at this point.

Thankfully however, you are making the cause for High Elves look so bizarre, and ill founded, that you are doing a sterling job of making sure that they will never happen. I have rarely seen someone claim to want something without actually understanding what the something is, and how it came to be…It’s like you -want- to fail at achieving your aim or something?

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why you assume what i think ? I didn’t think like that. I aid that what i meant.

just your opinion.

What’s wrong with fel addicted blood elves?

Because that is how human perception and language work? You sound really enthusiastic about High Elves. The logical assumption is that you are a fan of High Elves, which is fine and dandy, are you trying to tell me you are -not- a fan of High Elves?

Actually more an observation than an opinion. For it to have been an opinion there would have had to be some negotiable statement for me to contest. There wasn’t.

They turn Scarlet, grow huge, grow horns and have vestigial wings?

I mean if something looks more Demonic than a Demon Hunter already does I would say that is ‘something wrong’.

Are you sure you are not confusing ‘Blood Elves’ with ‘Felblood Elves’ which are two very different things?

no. you delude yourself. having void energies seeping out from within you = not a high elf.
so unless you’re a lvl 1 bank alt who never entered combat, you are not and cannot be a high elf. this is the position of the belfposters, although their motives are selfish aka ‘‘ONLY WEE RED ELVES HAVE HIGH ELVES SKIN’’