Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

Is he going to be alright? Do we need to stage an Intervention or maybe call someone for him?

To be honest I don’t care what Belf players said.

At the end of the day ONLY Blizzard’s opinion matters. If Blizzard call these options as “High elven” then that’s what I will consider it.

And if they said I can freely call myself a High elf, then that’s what I will consider.

Blizzard’s opinion matters on the subject. Not Players.

Blood elves don’t own the game. So don’t listen to them.

I wont bother to scroll and see what you are discussing, but since the Void Elves can now look like High Elves why is this thread still up even?

blizzard opinion is in character selection screen and in-game ;p

Not yet. Almost there. A few hair colors missing. Or at least, one natural color.

Because, based on my discussion with the OP he/she wants a Silver covenant race, not that there is any difference between them and the High elves we have now.

Basically they want a Third playable Thalassian race. I personally disagree, but to each their own.

Bahahahaahaha that’s just too much. Really.

Well it won’t happen.

That’s why Blizzard added customizations instead of new races.

They act as a “sub race” kinda thing.

  • Wildhammer
  • High elf
  • Sand Troll
  • Dark Troll
  • Highborne
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i’m fan of the nightelves.

I like elves overall.

no. :slight_smile:


lore/racials/.leaders/cities/ ect?

Then you’ve proven yourself as someone who does not know the lore and so should not be taken seriously on matters outside of “elves are pretty”

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High elves and Void elves have a similar lore. They survived the Invasion, they were both exiled, and our leader is Alleria Windrunner sister of Vereesa Windrunner.

What are High elf racials anyway? We never seen or heard of them in-game.

Void elf Racials are great anyway.

Not that there is any Difference between Vereesa and Alleria (tbh Alleria is better)

They are both Alliance. You can choose whatever city you want. My void elf lives in the Allerian Stronghold.

so…well…UMH…maybe …who knows now…

Similar, but not same.

If its just the one line I dont think its enough to retcon the lore.
I think it was just written by someone who didnt do their research into the race.

Or is the book written from the perspective of the characters? Because that would make sense to.

Either way, if its just those few words, I think we can dismiss it

well, one line, but clearly stated. Fel addicted…so

So if a new book had one line saying the high elves were actually orcs doing cosplay youd buy the retcon?

you said i don’t know lore…i linked something to prove that blood elves can be called fel addicted, because we have official source for it.

There is your problem. She has been proven to not understand or know the Lore before…
She also threw not one, but -two- of her characters into ‘War Crimes’ one of them saving Varian Wrynn’s life!

Yeah, she is not a credible source.

Official Blizzard canon lore however says otherwise, so…

No, the official source says they weren’t. What are you talking about?

As long as she is hired for that job… it’s official.

that’s also official.

that book is official source too

Alliance should have had the elven race, it made absolutely no logical sense for them joining the Horde other than “the Horde is severely unpopular in vanilla and we need to boost them so here, have skinny humanoid elves”.

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Actually that is incorrect. A Blizzard hired author did have to recant their works as being lore incorrect, because they had accidentally retconned a race because they had “Never read about them or played them through” That would be…

Ta Da!

Christie Golden.

Apparently not.

Not according to Blizzard and the Author themselves.

You were saying?

Don’t be so ridiculous, did you play WC3?

Your personal assumptions…