Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

NOT. Elves belong with elves or at least some sort of the alliance.

no highelves are still not playable, what you got are blood elves with less customization options.

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Those are High elves. Not Blood elves. Unless you are saying Blizzard is wrong because they said these options are High elven.

We didn’t even get Green eyes, so that should be proof that we are not Blood elves. Unless you want to prove me otherwise go ahead I’m listening.

Can blood elves and void elves actually communicate in game if they speak Thalassian? Can we even speak in our native languages anymore or did blizz remove that feature?

Yes we can both communicate in Thalassian :smile:


And it always nice ^^


Aw that sounds fun and maybe even have a forbidden friendship. I used to be good friends with a Draenei and we would always hang out together lol.


Best thing about being a Void elf is to get the ability to communicate with a Horde member without using the elixir of Tongues. It’s so expensive!

I really love chatting with Belves cause sometimes I need help with world quests and stuff.

And sometimes the Alliance use me as a translator :joy:

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Alliance: Tell him we will kill him if he not tell us where is the gold!!!
Void Elf: They will kill you if you dont tell us where is the gold…
Captive: Okay, okay! The Gold is under the big tree, three miles east from here!
Void Elf: He said, he is not afraid of death…

Sorry had to
Age old joke :rofl:

The best thing are usually forbidden… :heart_eyes:


Seems we really do agree on many things haha

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Those are blood elves that used/use void magic and were kicked from sindorei

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No. Those are Blood elves AND High elves. You see High elves joining at the Telogrus rift.

And Even Alleria herself is a previous High elf, now Void elf.

So yeah not all of them are belves.

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High elves and blood elves are supposed to look the same. What were you imagining high elves to be?

Void elves already look almost identical. It’d be more practical to allow high elves through void elves at this point.

Blood elves no longer use that name. You’re playing a blood elf. Not a high elf, although the two belong to the same race.

Your faction does.

How do you define the term “high elf”? I mean, what’s the difference between being a high and a blood elf in your eyes?

Basically nothing, except a name change, but not all took the Blood Elf name, like how not all blood elves had green eyes even back when it was stylish (its just a side effect of Fel-radiation, really)
the name “Blood Elves” or Sin’dorei, childrens of blood is just a name they took to honor the fallen, their spilled blood
But its down to the idividual, how one respect one’s fallen comrades; by taking a new name to honor that blood… or keeping the original to honor ~7000 years of tradition, culture and memory, Anasterian and the whole Sunstrider Dynasty
Every non Kal or Shal’dorei IS a High Elf, a Quel’dorei, descendant of Azshara’s Highborne, no questions asked, you can’t change biology (meh, okay, sponge-Elves, they change they genome like one changes socks by soaking up energies, but other than that) by renaming yoursef. You could call an apple an orange, it still remain an apple, taste like an apple, smelles like an apple, and looks like an apple…
Some of these apples decided to survive they would do anything, including draining mana from creatures. Some of those apples said no.
You could be easily a High Elf who decided I will keep them name, after all, traditiooooon, but will do everything to stay alive , because its damn hard to preserve the culture and memory if you are mana-starved to insanity and death… like how you could be a Blood Elf, who not necesarlly happy with the whole, lets buddy up with the Orc and Ogre alien ivaders who attacked Azeroth several times and brought the Legion to our doorstep, undead filth, who destroyed our people, goblins who supplied them weapons and such for money and Trolls, our enemies from the dawn of time when we arrived here and kicked them out from their sacred land to build our empire settled down in the forest and would rather side with humans or chill in Dalaran than fight alongside those monsters, yet still honor the fallen by taking the name
You can’t really stop someone taking up or not a name, its just philosophy, and philosophy like ideals are damn hard to keep down!

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A horde faction because stop stealing.

There is no difference, it’s just a name. One which is no longer necessary or relevant. We are High Elves and we are a Horde faction. Stop trying to steal us and stop trying to steal our vulperas.


B-but we love the vulpera! :fox_face: :pleading_face:

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yall can moan as much as you want, you wont get anything else!

Stop stealing our identity!

You can keep your identiy, we just want the hair color
The High Elves who not embraced the Sin’dorei ways have a different identity
A bit like the Kaldorei-Shal’dorei thing, same race basically, different vallues


They’re so adorable!