Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

Pretty standard Human Male Paladin posting to be honest. You’ll notice that unlike some of the Belfposters he screams and rants about he has not actually produced any productive ideas as to how Alliance HIgh Elves could be implemented, but then, nor has the OP, so they are pretty much ensuring they ain’t getting them, because they haven’t actually said anything productive towards the idea.


Come up with some good ideas for them then. Don’t just Parrot “Silver Covenant! Silver Covenant!” as that kind of just shows that you know squat about High Elves in game on Alliance side.

Come on, some useful contribution to the topic would be good from you, we won’t ask the Human Male Paladin poster as we know they are never good for useful ideas, but surely as someone who wants them, you must have some good ideas for them? (No you cannot copy my ideas for High Elves from earlier, come up with your own…)


that’s very good idea, highelves such as silver covenant highelves

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So…you’ve got nothing then?

Well, thats fine…Nothing is what you will probably end up getting in that case, I feel sorry for the genuine High Elf fans…

We :clap: already :clap: have :clap: High elves :clap: on :clap: the :clap: Alliance :clap:

For what reason did you think Blizzard added Natural skin, purple and blue eyes to Void elves? To give us the opportunity to look like High elves!

Asking for a Silver covenant “race” (by the way they are not a race) is kinda silly.

You can easily Become a Silver covenant using a regular Void elf wearing the tabard.

And IF you really wanted High elves you would ask for stuff added to the Void elves like a few natural hair colors, otherwise anything outside the Void elf race won’t happen (go look at interviews)

Is this your answer to everything?

This is kind of wishful thinking, but I hope they would overhaul the race system somewhat to reflect the split between genuine Void Elves and their 1 questline worth of lore, and the high elves. Like this:

This could justify giving new classes to High Elves like Paladins, as well as the potential for new voice acting and no void visual. Although I admit it would be difficult thinking of what would happen to racials in this scenario.


We apriciate your concern

Hugs Brigante (no dagger in the back, I promise!)

no we dont

ps didnt u quit last week? had a whole thread with 100 replies?

A Void Elf is still a High Elf, it’s just one that turned to a life of crime.

Crime? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
What crime?
A Ren’dorei is a High Elf that soaked up Void energies, instead of Light energies, or Fel energies, or Arcane energies… energies of the Nightwell (tho’ I’m sure that is Arcane too) or blood in the case of the San’layn or Old God powers, like the Naga, mutated to a half spider like the Fal’dorei by a freak magical incident, involving some Nature magic.
And I’m sure, somewhere there is an Elf who absorbed enough elemental powers…
Go Team Sponge!!!

Crime against nature. One of the worst crimes you can get. Way worse than burning down a rotten old tree, that’s for sure.

Nonono those are our cousins, the Kaldorei, who force their will on and twist nature to their desired ideal… like Val’shara. Druidism my cute behind…
The Void Elves never commited crimes against nature!
Well, except if you were a Blood Elf before the Accident and drained living magical creatures and such for mana… I mean the Kaldorei not even let the Blood elves near to a Moonwell for a reason

It wasn’t last week it was 2 to 3 weeks ago i think.

I’m back now enjoying Shadowlands. Got a problem with it?

Yeah, High Elves shouldn’t be fighting. The Night Elves are the real bad guys… and their human pets.

I’m not sure there is a real “war” among the various High Elven factions
The Silver Covenant mostly chill in Dalaran
The Blood Elves not actively seeking to hunt down the Void Elves… and Rommath and Umbric I’m pretty sure had some personal thing going on we don’t know; the Elves are at the moment at the top of the Endangered species of Azeroth-list, and kicking out a little reserach team, because studied a traitors writings… kinda weak excuse, when you seek power to save your kind. Sure he was a traitor, no question in that, but research and power in itself is not inherently “evil” (okay, maybe Fel) , like how a gun , a bow or sword is not evil… Kicking out a group of scholars when there is a whole world full of places they could work under tight security? Silly… unless there are some personal political reason behind it, lets say a Magister vs Magister quarel… :thinking:
Anyhow, the Void Elves are in an uncomfortable situation, where they must prove their worth to their new patrons, the Alliance… but Telogrus full of High Elven and Blood elven scholars travelled literally to the end of the universe to study in peace and not murdering each other!
Only when their allies, the Horde or Alliance see them…
The Blood Elves manged to work with the San’layn too… and of course the understanding between them and the Naga as kinda historical at this point, the scallies saved basically the remained Blood Elves!
Its a bit messy, but… I think the Childrens of the Noble Blood are not really in war with each other. Just when forced to do so…

yes the highelves

not yet playable

no you can’t unless you can change tag.

Well if they stopped asking for high elves on alliance they wouldn’t have to…

While thats true, its hard to deny the fact, Horde got Elves only to attract more people… but I guess what Brigante always tell us is true, if you don’t look the Elves thrugh the lense of the Tolkien glass, then they are more fitting addition among ogres, trolls, orcs, goblins, minotaurs , kitsune and even zombies…
The anoying part, most of these races are age old enemies or bought nothing but misery to the Elves (except the Tauren and Vulpera… and the Pandaren), while the Alliance races are more or less neutrals in this manner
anyhow, what happened happened… Blood Elves are in the Horde and some Elves landed in the Alliance
But we speak the same language so… open to negotiations and peace :heart:

We already have High elves through the Void elves. Only missing a few hair colors.

The “war” that’s happening on the forums is just two groups of people that don’t want to listen to each other. So the argument continues. Then you have people in the Middle who are trying to make a compromise for both sides.

This has been happening since Burning crusade and I imagine it won’t stop any time soon, although it might slow down a bit if and when Blizzard adds a few natural hair colors to Velves. Only then will the arguments (in my opinion) begin to decrease.

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And hari styles… without tentacles… :eyes:

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We actually have 4 hairstyles without tentacles.

The slightly messy one
The long one with the bangs (very popular)

The side pony tail one (I’m wearing Now)
And the medium one.