Ohh imagine this angry unsub
Surprised you don’t have me blocked on here. You’ve always been terribly scared of anyone who doesn’t like your precious little trolls.
As for the current topic, I’m advocating for everyone. Not just Elves.
And what is TE exactly?
Void elves are void elves, highelves are highelves.
Watch the video.
You will learn both who T&E are (seriously, a wow fan who does not know?) and why they make the point that the Void Elves with Blood Elf skins are/can be Alliance High Elves.
Or of course don’t, if you rather have fun trolling the community and asking for more to Blizzard. Guess that can be fun too.
Nope, I only block people who are behaving terribly and for which I have no desire to waste time for because they proved they’re not worth it.
It has nothing to do with “precious trolls/elves/pandas/gnomes…” I respect that various people have different tastes, it’s perfectly normal we find appeal in different things.
What I don’t respect is obsessive and incredibly rude behaviour. If someone is throwing really nasty slurs for mere disagreeing or posting extremely offensive content like pictures which are showing revolting content just to spite someone then I believe it’s good enough reason.
And honestly I could care even less for someone being butthurt over it. I’d be perfectly fine if someone I don’t like to ignore me. Good riddance.
I hope it will close the subject, as I found it amusing that after so many months it would be still an issue. I moved on long time ago and I am having a blast in new community. I am happy now.
He can roleplay his Void Elf however he wish to but it’s an undeniable fact that there are some stark differences in culture and physiology that sets the two groups apart and no lipstick can cover up those bluish void spots on that pig because they reveal themselves every time they go into combat.
And it takes a biased mind to suggest that it would somehow be so inconceivable for Blood Elves to RP around as High Elves when we know that High Elves are free to make pilgrimages to the Sunwell. We in fact see them congregate peacefully on Quel’Danas in Wrath and there is nothing to suggest that those elves have since been forbidden to make that journey. Maybe some of them chose to stay behind and reunite with lost family. Some may have even taken on their racial name in honor of their kin.
The possibilities for RP exist on both sides and did for Void Elves even prior to yesterday but the game will never ever make that distinction.
…Liadrin said that the High Elven People died on Quel’Danas after Kael destroyed the Sunwell. With how content people seem to be with this I’m at least glad that their legacy going forward is now firmly rooted in the Void Elves but even more so the Blood Elves.
Then why call me here?
Are you capable of understanding basic things, or are you trolling.
The ship has sailed, this all you are getting. Vast majority of high elf fans are satisfied, its time to move on before you humiliate yourself further as a spoiled child.
Void Elves are Void Elves, no matter how white they are. They’ll still have those racials. Still, they are related to High Elves. If they were not one before, they’ll be related through previous generations.
Aw well, doesn’t really matter for RPers. Seems like a big cop out for High Elves but if it keeps people coo-ing and aah-ing until the next they get bored and demand something else, then fair game. Well done! You cried your way to another victory.
Ah, careful mate. It was the High Elf fans that were crying non-stop and got what they wanted. They seemed more like the spoiled children here! ^^
I honestly think this is the entire point (and nothing else matters).
My point being: I find it totally legit for Blood Elves to have blue eyes, as they were High Elves who just changed their name at some point. Fel corruption came and went.
Alliance could not get the exact same race. Void Elves were somewhat weird when introduced but we eventually got used to them. The High Elf Wayfarers in their starting area show us that some High Elves may have joined their cause, so the Alliance is now getting Void Elves with more normal looking skins that can serve the roleplayers.
Works for me. I am just saddened that apparently some Alliance players can’t see that as enough. But then again, my main is a Draenei and that’s not subject to change, so I guess I do not really care or really cared to start with, so I do not understand their ‘need’.
No? The only time I did something nasty was because you were spamming one really nasty picture. It was to show a point to not do that.
I didn’t? I only linked a thread to someone else for giggles. People get notifications for linking their threads?
Actually they ask for Blizzard to give void elves the blood elf hair colours and hair styles, because apparently northing is ever enough. Allied races weren’t even suppose to get any customization options on 9.0, but Blizzard did this specifically for the Alliance. Still more cries and more demands. He specifically says that if Blizzard doesn’t give the hair colours and hair styles then they might as well not have bothered with skins at all.
And that’s where I disagree with them then.
Some High Elf Wayfarers have been seen in the Void Elf zone studying the void, and the Alliance gets High Elves through them. Not necessarily Silver Covenant, but enough to please most roleplayers anyway.
Besides - there always were High Elves with dark hair, too. They are an offshot of the Night Elf Highborne after all. Many different hair colors there. In fact, ONLY Dath’Remar Sunstrider had VERY UNUSUAL auburn hair to start with.
Up to Blizzard of course, but personally I do not see the need for anything else on Alliance side. With the skins and eyes for the Void Elves we already got much more than I ever thought would be feasible and within Blizzard’s range of approval.
I am now ashamed to be on the same side as you in this.
I most definitely will still argue for full high elf options being playable. Thing is, and this is the reason I was opposed to high elf options for void elves in the first place, that with this, we’re extremely unlikely to ever get high elves as a playable race of their own. So we’ll have to make the best of the options we’re getting for void elves. Asking for the most proper high elf options possible is a part of that, and I’ll keep on doing so.
That being said, we really don’t know much about what’s been planned other than the few images Blizzard decided to show us. We might get proper hair, and we might even get the option to choose alternative expressions of Enthropic Embrace and Spatial Rift. It could be solved like how Zandalari trolls choose Loa, or it can be done with glyphs, toys or other similar approaches.
Why are you so opposed to the void? You do need a magic source to sustain yourself, and the sunwell is in the hands of the opposition, and how long are you going to count on its benevolent leadership to keep the sunwell open to you. The void completely removes the dependence to Silvermoon and blood elves.
I love the void and want more voidy stuff for my void elves. But I also want high elves that don’t feel like void elves.
So, roleplay as a high elf that uses the void to sustain himself. Kinda like Alleria, but the “high elf” tag is simply not possible and its the only thing you are missing. I don’t think its a big deal.