Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

High Elves and Blood Elves are the same race…
The difference is political.

If High Elves became playable, by necessity they’d be identical in appearance to Blood Elves.

I’d rather see High Elves added as playable, rather than giving Void Elves “normal” looking customizations all the time.
We’d end up with zero voidy customizations.

I think its a bit too late for that :stuck_out_tongue:

i mean… look at me

Could be, but then the High Elves do have Warlocks in the Silver Covenant, so, ehh, who knows…

Highly doubtful…

Trolls: So Amani then? Yeah, they are not allied with those, and still hate them. The Darkspear however have never been at war with Quel’thalas, the two have only ever been allies. And whilst Darkspear are Trolls, there are instantly apparent physical differences between them and Amani, as you can tell in game.

Orcs?: Yeah, give you that one, there are probably some very, very old Orcs left alive who attacked Quel’thalas that one time.

Undead?: I know, crazy right, imagine allowing people enslaved by another’s will a chance? Silly Elves. You’d never see the Alliance suddenly being OK with having Undead wandering around their cities…oh…wait…do people forget that Death Knights are Undead? Will no one think of Lordaeron! :stuck_out_tongue:

Zandalari:? Easy to forgive an enemy if you already fought them and beat them. On your own.

Well that’s the fault of the High Elves in Hinterlands being silly sausages isn’t it? They could have remained loyal to their country, in which case that wouldn’t have happened, but betrayed it, and now sow the results of treachery.

Sounds pretty noble to me…we know they have a healthy disdain for some races, which is shown in game.

coughs -Once-, and less recently than the Alliance did.

Just a reminder, she was never a Blood Elf. She is a High Elf.

Such -good- people those High Elves…So principled, so noble, so…yeah, no , sarcasm only goes so far. :smiley:

Not really. Void Elves haven’t gotten their “Allied Race customizations” yet. They got skin colors from Blood Elves.
The purple eyes were given to both due to a bug on NPCs, then they gave it to both.

But I’d rather see more voidy customizations for Void Elves in the future. Not exclusively things to make Void Elves not Void Elves.

These are just examples made by someone on twitter. Silverleaf or something.

We could have those “Old God” esque eyes, tattoos that aren’t “tattoos”, but rather permanent void markings. Like when we turn blue in combat, markings of that nature except permanent. Maybe the coloration of these tattoos would also determine what shade we get when Entropic Embrace procs?
Pick a deep purple tattoo color and your body will turn the same deep purple when it procs. Or blue, or black, or any color that fits the Void theme.

The Void corrupts and twists. It’s literally only the imagination that limits what they could do with the customizations for Void Elves.

Edit: I don’t mind playable High Elves. I’d welcome them with open arms, as it fits the lore and people seem to like them.
But I’d rather not see Void Elves reduced in order to make “pseudo-High Elves”.
There are those of us who are rather fond of the Void Elves for what they are, not because they are the closest thing to High Elves the Alliance has.


for the ones that are ok with eating cold leftovers yes.
no more defeatism and compromise.

No its not, we got high elves. You might not like it but that’s the tea.

in your head maybe they are high elves but not in reality ;(
theyre blood elf rejects called void elves

Blood elves are high elves, void elves are blood elves, therefore void elves are high elves.

potato=grows on land=apple

well written thank you.

No it’s true. highelves are alliance thing. and passed for horde to save them from dying,.

Read some Lore. In fact, may I suggest looking up the words ‘High Elf’ on Wowpedia, which comes with canon blizzard sources. It might help you.

And I don’t mind more customizations for Void elves either. As in Voidy stuff.

So long as we can be the High elves we want. In my opinion, I already achieved the look. so im happy, Thats why i welcome Void options.

That’s why I’m against your “permanent tattoo” idea, only because we would he forced to have those tattoos and not have a option without it. (At least that’s what I assume permanent means)

Nah I meant permanent as in always visible on your body but with the “void” coloration of Entropic Embrace.

If you went without a tattoo it would work just like it does today.

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And Dark Elves to the horde

Ah ok. That sounds like a cool idea. Black hair too please. Its a tragedy that void elves dont have Black hair to begin with. i mean… it is a voidy gothy color.

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Well Day of the Dragon as far as I know still canon and there: Dark elves were elves, but not like high elves. They were beautiful in their own way, too, but it was a cold, haughty beauty, one that in the end repelled. The beauty of the dark elves was said to be almost as chill as Deathwing’s voice, if not colder. They were lesser beings with minute lifespans and quick to rashness, plunging into what was believed too great a risk. In their folly, they brought demons. (p 160)

best thing if we end up killing Sylvanas in SL is we can get her bow as drop :smiley:
hopefully a ilvl 330 bow :stuck_out_tongue:

Its not a phase mooooom :rage:

she was right… it was a phase :rofl: mine ended about 5 months ago. now i started wearing all colors

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The high elves are a race descended from the [night elf] [Highborne]

When Quel’Thalas left the Alliance,

so yeah, you keep saying read highelf lore… dear diary…

Elves has no place in “horde”. They should be with their own kind or independent like kirin tor, smth.

Blood elves should leave horde because there’s not a s ingle reason for them remain in such faction, along with nightborne.