Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

This is my Troll. Way prettier than a NElf.

and the only reason void elves are popular is because of the high elf request deep rooted in alliance since vanilla



I mostly see Void elves using the natural skin 90% of the time.
I rarely see the Void skin unless its a Shadow priest or warlock

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Is that why we are getting stuck with them? Ugh…

Incorrect. Learn the lore of the thing you are asking for, please, this is painful watching you drive the cause for High Elves nosediving into the dirt…

So you even know the lore of High Elves at all? or did it all start with Silver Covenant for you?

I think it is likely. Nightborne need it the most, their models got nothing, heck, their models were released unfinished. Blood Elves still need customisation options to bring them into line with the other ‘core’ races, Ranger and Magister options would be fitting, Blood Knights seem a bit more austere, whereas we know Rangers go in for feathers and warpaint, and Magisters for Arcane tattoos and such. Void Elves could probably do with some more hair options, colours and styles so that we can -finally- put this matter to rest and people can play High Elves on Alliance, this would satisfy everyone apart from the lunatic fringe, who could then be comfortably ignored. Equally however, -Void- Elves need more customisation as themselves, not just customisation so they can look like High Elves, as that is a bit of a disgraceful slap to those who actually -want- to play Void Elves who look like Void Elves.

So you want Void Elves who look identical to High Elves, then you -also- want High Elves separately from that?

Cool, just don’t whinge if they then gave the Horde something totally new and different, we’d be OK to farm off any whingers about Horde getting a new race to you to deal with, yes? You’d be happy to explain to them why it is OK?

But they can look identical…and I gave some interesting ideas about potential racials -if- High Elves had been introduced, as well as leader figures, starting zone and starting quest experience.

They’re not part of the Alliance since the beginning though. Quel’thalas and the High Elves owed Arathor a debt since the Troll Wars, they only ever joined the Alliance during the Second War, and left it afterwards, regarding the debt as paid. (Which Arathor agreed it was, as they left the Alliance at the same time) -Some- volunteers under Kael’thas fought with the Alliance in the Third War, and we saw how that ended. A Small amount of High Elves who were exiled sook refuge in Alliance lands, or kinda did their own thing. So no, they weren’t part of the Alliance from the beginning, just during the second war, everything else was individuals (largely those who lived in Dalaran)

We still don’t know that. We know the Wayfarers and Scholars are -studying- the Void. Nobody knows how to make new Void Elves yet that has been confirmed in Lore.

This bit I find ridiculous. High Elves should hate Void Elves more than even the Blood Elves do! I know they put it in there, but it makes no sense lorewise. It’s like a Rabbi walking alongside someone casually chatting “So you learned your way of life by studying the works of the guy who wrote ‘Mein Kampf’?”

Dark’han Drathir did the dirty on the High Elves twice as much as on the Blood Elves, so it is really weird…It’s like…how do -any- Thalassian Elves want to have anything to do with people who studied from the works of a traitor and was responsible for the death of 90% of their entire species?

It’s just weird…but sometimes Blizz do Blizz…

Interesting idea, I mean they -have- been Alliance mercs before, in Stonetalon, so it is possible.

Factually incorrect, as we would expect from our resident sexist. Quel’thalas was a Neutral state when it joined the Horde.
A more factually correct (so the best type of correct) would be if Tuskarr joined the Alliance, also a neutral race.

Then your words would make sense.

That doesn’t confirm anything. He’s talking about the existing Void Elves.

There is no indication he is making new Void Elves, because he doesn’t know how to. He knows how to make ones like Alleria, but that kinda needs a Dark Naaru. There isn’t even a single Naaru on Azeroth anymore, so unless he wanted to tangle with the Scryers and the Aldor (and by extension the Horde and Alliance) in order to do over A’dal and create one more Void Elf, it seems pretty unlikely.

Even the Wayfarers and Scholars refer to “A new path of study that was denied” Studying something doesn’t mean you -become- it.

We need to see some solid evidence that this can actually happen, because right now, lorewise, the -only- Void elves are those who were part of the magical experiment that went wrong.

So you don’t want High Elves then?

Unfortunately, that is precisely what Moontear is asking for.

Groovy groovy, I don’t have as much time on WoW as I would like at the moment, (Curse having a job that by definition means I work from home anyway, even during Lockdown!) but I will keep an eye out.

We got the least of any of the main races, apart from possibly Draenei.

A fairly sweeping take on things, and not really that accurate, some people really love the Allied races.

Thankfully, it really is not.

Not really a selling point, basing the Silver Covenant being War Criminals as a reason for them to be Alliance :stuck_out_tongue:
Besides, they weren’t even Alliance then. Jaina brought Dalaran to the Alliance after the Purge, much to Varian’s annoyance.

Shush, Adults are talking…

Awwww… not the Worgen or the Draenei?
Bias! Bias I tell you! :fire:

And now you see the kind of players we have to deal with :roll_eyes:

I honestly don’t are still clamoring over high elves, they gave us Void elves and then alleria style skin, which is for all intents and purposes a high elf.

Credit where credit is due, he not wrote the equivalent of Mein Kampf (great, now the immage of an elven rabbi stuck to my head) , or “How I betrayed my People vol.1-12.”, just journals about his studies of the void and shadow
The Its more like studying the works about Cold Fusion of the guys who happens to also wrote Mein Kampf situation… :expressionless:
Knowledge is not inherently evil, like how a bow, a sword or gun is not evil… but who wields it
And Umbric and his scholars just wanted to save and protect their people… and void seemed a great source of power (mostly because its the uinversal other side of the Light coin, so potentially could be…)

True, but lets be fair, if you go “Oh, so who wrote that then?” and they tell you it’s like “Oh…right…that’s…probably not OK?”
I think it would be very difficult for Blood or High Elves to divorce the name Dark’han Drathir from the relatively recent catastrophe that wiped out 90% of their species, still pretty sure he has a special place in their ‘litany of hatred’

Just seemed like a really odd take, and in fairness, we see it in game, even Magister Umbric says it when in the Void Elf starting zones. “Ah, I can see now why Rommath was so against this” after referencing Drathir.

The fact he is facing the Wayferers when he says this. should be enough proof.

Elves change race very easily depending on the magic they use, there are many evidence to prove this. so simply using the Void would make them Void elves.

there is no indication that says he cant. Void elf lore is still new and fresh.

Those Void elves are the ones with Void skin (hence the experiment gone wrong)

Natural skin (my assumption) was added as a result of these new void elves joining. Because if we are those exiled Blood elves from Silvermoon, we would have Green eyes, not blue. Blue is the only option available along with purple, both Mostly associated with Helves. though it became available to belves recently, very little Belf NPC have blue eyes. And very little (if any) Helf NPC have green eyes.

not really. High elves have been shown to accept the Blood elves ONLY IF they join the Alliance again. This is Vereesa’s confession. So Void elves being Alliance and Thalassians would be enough to strengthen the friendship since they follow the same faction and they are kinda the same people. Vereesa is good sisters with Alleria too.

That makes no sense. Blood Elves are the High Elves. Alliance High Elves are more like a smattering of small partisan groups. It’s kinda like a weird religious cult claiming they are the only humans and you can only be accepted as a human if you join our cult. The rest of the world is just gonna say eh? No!

Indeed it strange
But the remained 10% is very desperate
And this void thing is not a new , latest hit
As per Remember the Sunwell, Umbric was a magister of Quel’Thalas and a dedicated scholar with a tenacious interest in the power of the Void. He believed the void to be a force that could be harnessed for the protection of Silvermoon and the sin’dorei people.
And the idea of blood elves dabbling with the Void is an old one, as High Astromancer Solarian could already turn into a voidwalker in The Burning Crusade. Also Elsaana, the Draenei girl mentions how blood elves of the Sunfury consume the energies of Outland’s voidwalkers to power their magic
Okay, they are not the nicest of Elves… thats true, and indeed Umbric admited “yeaaaaah it wasn’t in the best top 10 idea of mine”
Still strange tho why Umbric left the Horde… Rommath exiled them from Silvermoon… but not the Horde! I highly doubt any Orc, Troll, Goblin or unead would care what a tiny group of scholar doing in the basement of orgrimar (they do worse anyhow…)
Especially the shadow/void using Warlock Sin’dorei and Shadow Priest Sin’dorei around… :thinking:

That is true, I had not considered that aspect, desperation does make for strange bedfellows.

I think it is kind of the difference between Shadow and Void, which is admittedly a very pernickety one, but let us face it, Rommath does seem like an absolute stickler for things. The Blood Elves are fine with Shadow Magic, but not OK with going -too- far into that field of study.

Perhaps (And this is just me theorycrafting, so not canon or anything) it is Rommath having that ‘Once bitten, twice shy’ kind of thing. He regarded Kael’thas’ betrayal worse than anyone else, when he realised what magics and alliances Kael’thas was making (Even Rommath didn’t know what was the power in the Fel Crystals, which does make sense, some Mana crystals were described as glowing green). Perhaps he was just incensed at the memories it brought back as to the last time someone tinkered with powers, as he does seem like a crotchety old soul…

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with all due respect, Alliance High elves are the only High elves with any sense to them. along with Void elves more so or less.

Imagine an Elf allying with all the previous enemies of the past who were against Quel’thelas: Trolls, Orcs, Undead, Zandalari, etc. And they are even allied with the Revantusk (forrest trolls) who are killing the High elves in the Hinterlands :clown_face:

reminds me of something, right? :thinking:

Imagine a “noble” elf race who hang out with Orcs at Ogrimmar, Zombies at a underground sewer, and savage Jungle, Forrest, and Zandalari Trolls. they clearly have no right to call themselves High elves, thats why they call themselves Blood elves. what a shame to your ancestors.

Meanwhile Vereesa and Alleria are loyal to the Alliance. They knew that Horde attacked Quel’thelas many times, and killed many of their family. Allying with the Horde would be a spit on their faces.

Even Sylvanas spits on the Horde, since she only joined for her own selfish benefits, and now she is showing her true colors.

what a shameful race those blood elves are…

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Totally agree with you in that theorycraft
But a bit strange, especially what happened with Kael’thas and his companions and the whole Kil’jaden summoning via the Sunwell, Rommath still tolerate Warlocks… (but exiled Umbric and his team for less - my personal headcanon is, Rommath and Umbric had a lover’s Magister’s quarel and the whole thing is political or personal in nature) :thinking:
You can’t really could go deeper in to Fel than calling down infernals and hellfire and summoning demons… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Actually if you toss aside Tolkien and anything he influenced, the Elves in mythology, folklore tend to hang out with those monsters
And usally were the bigest noble monsters of all

yes but we are talking about Warcraft Elves here and the Warcraft lore. Realistically they wouldn’t hang out with anyone because they are very noble and always think about themselves first.
but if they would ally with anyone, it would be a civilized Human city as we have seen many times, and even today.

I guess they avoided that because many people in wacraft 2 noticed the similarities with Tolkien, and Blizzard probably went towards a unique approach afterwards. Still, it doesn’t make sense. I think that’s why we have Thalassians on the Alliance and Horde today.

Actually on the same page I’m surpised the Draenei even set a hoof in a human primitve city…
Or a Shal’dorei leave Suramar at all
Immagine the poor Nightbonre; after their city… Orgirmar :scream:

You can see many Nightborne in Ogrimmar complaining and its hilarious

“so many…smells.”

There is also a Nightborne trying to study in the portal room, but she cant because its too dark. lol