Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

Nagas and Ogres have been the most highly requested races in the past. More than HE I think.

i have Rped High elf with a blood elf dk ever sence LK :stuck_out_tongue:
so we need no High Elves …

Same. Had blonde hair and blue eyes since LK.

It does not work like that I’m afraid. You want something the other faction has, aside that being extremely puerile, that something is already in game, you people are just so entitled that you think you get to dictate how everyone is supposed to react to your infantile demands.

Also that statement is generic referring to all races, if you want a more specific statement I suggest you look up what Ion said.

What you want is alliance bias. I will fight to the very end to prevent that from happening.

Our time will come. Don’t lose faith friend. The Horde will prevail and the Alliance fall.

You mean the comment where he apologized and said he was not a man of Lore?

Or the other comment where he says: blue eyes on Blood elves makes no sense at all, and will NOT be a customization for them. Lol.

Most of what Ion said turned out to be false as Void elves got natural skin, and Blood elves got blue eyes. :nail_care:

Good thing i have no eyes :smiley: .
I thought you were quitting the game? I remember you making im quitting post a while ago.
No im not asking you to quit im just wondering what happened.
No blonde or natural haircolors for void elves unless blood elves or horde get completely new race or heaps more customizations as reward. I cant even make undead blood elf anymore since im playing dh again so im not interested in that anymore .

I’m back :smile: it turns out I just needed a two week vacation. Are you happy to see me?

Shadowlands is actually much more fun than I thought it would be. I’m having a blast leveling.

I’m talking about the one where he said that if you want to be a blue eyed, pale skinned, blonde elf, the Horde is waiting for you. Those few words that got you people roaring on the forums like you stepped on a landmine or something.

So yeah, like I said, conflicting opinions, I’m not sure why you think Blizz should listen just to your opinion and not the opinions of those who don’t want their race cloned.

Ah well welcome back then. I’m glad you are feeling better now.
Shadowlands is pretty fun. Little issues here and there but fixable :slight_smile: like my class! haha

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Bad Jakafo! Bad!

Smacks her nose with a rolled up newspaper

Don’t feed that Troll!


Hides the fox traps

Horde lies!


Well I don’t want blonde hair.

I did want it originally, but I saw how “sensitive” the horde got for their blonde hair.

That’s why I just learned to accept my natural skinned Void elf the way she is and I love her! Been having fun leveling her in shadowlands. However, having black hair (at the very least) would make me happier.

Welcome home!

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The only lie here is that the Alliance is a good faction. You will fall like all the other alliance players I have killed in PvP recently. I hate all of you and will show you no mercy. DOWN with the Alliance!

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And not cloning belfs would make us happier too.

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But how the undead elves are okay…? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
Dark Rangers…? :roll_eyes:

They are already “cloned” so if you are suggesting they remove the new skin colors then you are dreaming. It won’t happen.

But if you are against blonde hair and NEW stuff like that, then I understand your point.

And Black hair is NOT Blood elf based, it is also Void Based. :nail_care:

well, we getting highelf customization and playable highelves…like it or not. Nobody cares about blood elves of horde, from alliance side ,since we got highelves and void elves

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I do!
I mean I always friendly with them, help out when see them, avoid killing one in pvp and always try to have a nice chat using our native tounge
So far it is working out pretty well!