Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

Like how Blood Elves are traitors and cowards to their own ways by joining the Horde, despite the very same Horde helping the Amani to pillage and burn large parts of Quel’thalas?

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Honestly you all who still side with Moontear on this one…

Even if Blizzard added the full package… Hairstyles of Belves. Tattoes of Alleria. Made you completley indestinguisable from High elves…

Moontear would still keep this thread alive. He wont be happy unless the Alliance gets the literall race added.

Why am i so against this? You might ask? …Indeed why would I remotely even be…

Orcs got their own allied race for Brown skinned orcs with Orange eyes. Why should i feel this strongly about the Elves of the Alliance getting the same treatment?

Because like it or not. The high/Blood elves where added to the Horde… And have been for almost a decade now. There is no going back on that.

Giving Moontear what he wants, Beyond whats already given. Would be a step too far on the Horde fanbase that even got this race to begin with.

Void Elves at this point are almost uindestingquisable from High Elves… All seperating them is a a mere 12 sec proc and different hair styles…

And tattoes not even the Blood elves can use to immititate Alleria.

Unless Blizzard added a new much desired Horde race to compensate… Like idk… Tuskar or the Ogres?<.< …I can see they will feel compansated for that possibly.

Ogres could be added for very long time,they are part of the horde and we still remember this

No Ogres this time around… But seems Gnolls and Tuskar are getting an update… if added to an allied race. Where do you think each will end up in in the end?

It would be called “Core race” , not an allied one, because it’s not BFA anymore

Bet they are glad having troll upright (Zandalari troll)

And Human druid and shaman (Kul Tiran)


I love elves, I mostly play elves, but even I think we already have enough elves in this game…so pls no. We do not need another reskin of blood elves and night elves, just give them more customization and spend resources on improving Drac’thyr…

I was mostly kidding. But on a serious note: VE’s does literally have all the features for HE → ‘normal’ skintones and the high elf body. We know from telogrus rift that the ordinary alliance HE’s are also joining the VE’s, so there’s nothing to say your character is a ‘real’ high elf.


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Void elves could absolutely become a demon hunter,because they were blood elves that’s why!

Void Elf warrior = You were Blood Elf Warrior

Void Elf Warlock = You were Blood Elf warlock

So then they could be paladins and demon hunters!

Everyone can get the silver covenant tabard no? Paladins and voices sure… Wouldn’t matter unless your extreemly picky and spesific about it.

Blizzard wants to unlock all race/class comboes anyway soon too… So there is that.

Can’t you see how scuffed and half-assed your “solutions” are?

If you simply aren’t interested there’s absolutely nothing holding you to be negative about it on a forum thread about the topic.

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I can… but there is that other huge ‘‘Belves are a horde race stop stealing our races’’ Side to consider and satesfy too. Blizzard made Belves Horde… They can’t go back on that now. Even if the Lore and everything else is in place.

I mean they can… But then they’d need to toss a bone to the horde base to make up for it too.

I play Blood elf.

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Some are but silver covenant aren’t. So we want playable high elves such as silver covenant high elves.

Yeah, add everything but the high elves :smiley: So why not make silver covenant playable and solve this? And yes void elves should be able to look like Alleria.

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…They already added high elves. Adding a third indentical race is insane. And no it wont be comparible to humans and Night elves or nightborne or whatver.

We will have three identical races just for different skin tones and hair styles alone. With added tattoes.

can you buff shadow please.


Nooo! I don’t want Tuskarr on the Alliance! Give me Arrakkoa, or Ethereals, or Sehtrak, or Vrykul, anything but Tuskarr! PLEASE!

Anyway, did you all see the void-themed recolour of the new S4 KSM mount? You could ask Linxy to pass on that we’d like to see more customization for 9.2.5