Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

i mean i also could make a topic and then get maybe 3 or 4 people to agree with me and make sure we bump the topic before its automaticly closed. but you people have been bumping this topic for years without adding anything worthwhile to the discussion. could you just get banned for this circle jerk please .

whats wrong with me? i’m not the one obsessively bumping this topic for years without anything new to the discussion

I never really got the part about wanting exactly the same hue of white hair colour alliance HE’s have - lorewise high elves had all sorts of hair colours, the reason why the ones from alliance all have the same is probably just Blizzard laziness - or lorewise, they either inbred heavily or all decided to dye their hair the same colour. But sure, give VE’s that hair colour if it’s so needed

Erm excuse me? What do you mean by “you people”?

That’s a lie.

Did quick research.

US - most active topics about requesting playable the high elves - views 300k, replies 84.8, latest topic not closed yet.

EU- most active 72.1 k views, 13.3 k replies (excluding 1 deleted and hidden very active topic, which was done abusing mod power.)

Hardly would say it was done by “3 or 4” people…to make this topic so active.

People want to play the high elves and nothing but playable the high elves such as Silver Covenant can change that. Like it or not. :slight_smile:


Im not sure what thread you’re on about, but on the US forums threads don’t lock after 30 days.

The only times a US thread closes is if it reaches the maximum amount of comments, or if a mod shuts it down.

NOOO!! NOOOO! No Tuskarr!! BAD Vulpera! BAD!

Oh do you mean the 20000+ capped High elf thread on US and the other 12000+ thread also on US? As well as this one here? Oh and the 14000+ replies thread on mmo-champ called High elf Megathread? :slight_smile: Cause I would not call that ‘‘from time to time’’

Also I know you Old Man, you always barge in literally all High elf threads or Void elf threads we make to tell us how you don’t want any more elves and how Blood elves is the top race of all. You are just a sour anti that’s all you are.

Guess what? With Darkfallen likely being the new upcoming Allied race for Horde, it makes PERFECT sense for High elves to be added for the Alliance as a separate race. Dark Rangers for the Horde, and High elf Rangers for the Alliance. But no, we’ll most likely just get a poor off-brand version of DRs as Night elves instead. Bear in mind though that it was never the Alliance who asked for Night elf Dark rangers. It was Hordies trying to make up fair excuses to get their Dark rangers.


Still support High Elves as an Allied Race for Alliance.

Void Elves are not High Elves, no matter what customization they throw at them and High Elves have had representation in the alliance in nearly every expansion.


Blizzard is the one that have been bumping this topic since Vanilla.


I am not absolute in this matter because Void elves can indeed look like High elves these days, but I have acknowledged some very serious issues that have rose out of this unison of the void and high elf themes. Lemme explain below:

Accussations and mockery: Antis and other people who dislike High elf-pros keep spewing that we ‘‘bleed purple’’ that ‘‘we are Void elves, not High elves’’, and that we are ‘‘void infused and thus no longer High elves’’. This is outrageously unfair towards a huge community that clamoured so many years for High elves (15+ years) and who is absolutely not at fault for being given something different from what they asked for.

Attacks from void-theme fans: Void-theme fans are blaming us for not getting a proper wave of customization on their Void elves that is void-themed, and for the devs mostly trying to cater to high-elf pros rather than them. So a 3rd warfront was essentially created, and an even bigger divide among the Thalassian races fans.

Void-theme Restrictions: Well, we cannot be anything essentially. We cannot be DHs, because we will ‘‘explode’’. We can’t be Paladins because we will ‘‘explode’’ (even though it’s not so black and white). We can’t be Druids because the Emerald Dream would never welcome us. We can’t be Shamans because the elements would never side with us. So basically not only do people hate us, but so does the very World of Warcraft itself!! Imagine punishing and causing so many problems to a huge High elf supporting community in this manner just to maintain distinction :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting:

Do you see how many problems have arose out of this ‘‘idea’’?


Couldn’t agree more tbh.


Really nice thought, let it be so!

Exactly this.


You already have the blood elf model with white skin and blue eyes. Seriously. Stop.

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It’s been said here already, they’re not true high elves.

Blood elves are politically different to high elves so are void elves.

They would have been better off making high elves alliance and blood elves an allied race.

Actually that wouldn’t work, but anyway they’re not the same.

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High elves are in alliance and their copies were passed to save dying and unpopular faction - horde. No, we don’t want blood elves or void elves, we want the high elves that are and been in alliance since forever. :slight_smile:


Reading that reminded me how it feels to be 12. Good times, but a bit cringe.

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Don’t want more elves of any fictional allegiance or creed tbh. Where are my damn tuskar?

The Alliance HE’s are just the cowards and traitors who abandonned their home land when it was in dire need after the scourge attack.

Also we see High Elf Wayfarerers in TR, so it would appear that the ‘actual’ HE’s of the alliance are also becoming VE’s → no shot that they would actually add High Elves(?)



We asked to play: Vrykul,Ogre,Arakkoa,Saberon,Tuskarr and Sethrak

So there is never end of discussion!


Yes, indeed, and they are in the Alliance but without a proper playable option with all the features.

Easy to understand, I can’t chew it down much more for you.