Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

I dont get why there is any discussion around the lore.
The high elves had a relationship of convenience with the alliance that ended on bad terms.

The elves, renamed to blood elves started going in a direction that some did not agree with.

Some left to the alliance, some left to dalaran, some went elsewhere.

So they don’t have this long amazing history with the alliance. However there is still a subsection of the race that choses to be alliance

And yet some stayed as I have pointed out several times. And some returned as blood elves beginning of Warcraft 3 as well some blood elves went to human cities/villages because they didn’t like Grand Magister Rommath new technique that drains mana from living creatures and they changed their name back to high elves. In BC in silvermoon there were those who could not understand why they joined the horde and left the alliance and protesting in the street of Silvermoon. Also but its strange but Its likely because horde players complained. Sylvanas was …can’t find the word. Felt sick for ever choosing to join the horde. But later on she seems to want to go back to the horde for some reason, but I think its the backlash from the horde players. Sylvanas should be going to the Alliance with her sisters and there be finally a sisters reunion.

Since I can’t make a new replay at the moment I edit here.
Yeah she should, she is more now what she was before Arthas stabbed her.
There should be a consequence or her story would not make sense or have little meaning for joining the alliance. Tyrande might forgive her once Sylvanas have done her task in finding all the lost souls in the maw and give them to Pelagos for judgement so they can find where their souls is suppose to go in the shadowlands. Its just Genn Greymane left who need peace for what Sylvanas did to his son. I hope we get alot of story in 9.2.5 with all the race of what has happend while we were in shadowlands. Altough I wonder where in the blood elf story of 9.2.5, where was Halduron Brightwing. The chief of security for Silvermoon. He didn’t seem to be with them in the story or the farstriders. So where were they? and why did they need of young recruits when the farstriders are suppose to protect the borders of Silvermoon. I mean its his job to keep Silvermoon and Quel’thalas safe. And they don’t seem to mention him either or the farstriders. Can only see warriors, paladins, mages, warlocks, spell-breaker guards but no farstriders.

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At this point in the story, especially if it’s true anduin is with her, I think her going alliance makes a lot of sense for her.
The alliance letting her in is another matter.

She also tells the Horde player to continue fighting for the well-being of the Horde.

Yet the majority are Horde as is the common lore. It’s time for high elf fans to forget Silvermoon. It’s a Horde city. High Elves can return, but they join the Horde and follow the Silvermoon leadership.

And Sylvanas chose the Horde because she did send agents to Stormwind to seek out an Alliance. They never returned.
She also sent agents to Quel’Thalas and whilst the Elves refused at first, Sylvanas’ agents were sent back to Lordaeron.

How you felt isn’t a concern to the common lore. Feelings aren’t important.

Yeah i don’t see her being anti horde at all.
I can just see her wanting to be on the side with anduin and her sister(s)

Except for the high elves that still stuck with the alliance back in TBC and Wrath and MoP and Legion and BFA…


Blizzard keep making more high elf NPC in every expansion for alliance…so? :smiley:

Yes, Silvermoon is alliance city.

Silvermoon is a Horde city as the vast majority of the race, and the occupants of the city, are Horde.

Its fine to ask for high elves to be added as a race.
I will be underwhelmed if it does happen purely because it will be the third variant of the same people added. But I’ll be happy for those who want it.

But there is no reason to overreach and talk nonsense either

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Take a walk through the city and see how well received you are. :slight_smile:

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What really interests me is to know what Turalyon and Alleria have planned for the future.

I imagine that Silvermoon must be a goal to reach but I don’t think this city will become Alliance.

Blizzard is too lazy to update a deserted city.

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While I fully get his anger, she didn’t really kill him.
He jumped in front of an arrow.

It was more suicide on his part than murder on hers.
Of course she was trying to kill genn so it’s not like she’s innocent either.

I dont think they want to take the city
I think they would want to win over the blood elves

|For now maybe horde, but blood elves never wanted to be in horde. And Thalassian Elves can come as pilgrims to the Sunwell, so and Silvermoon.

They didn’t want to be alliance either.
Theyre out for themselves.
But the horde is working out pretty well for them.


There are already two identical high elven races: Blood Elves and Void Elves that can both be given High Elves’ appearance. Make your choice.

The Silver Covenant didn’t exist in 2004.

Most people interacting on these threads do not agree with you though

I don’t know what you’re drinking, but I’ll have three of those

They’re delusional

The Nightborne are much more different from the Night Elves than Void Elves are from the Blood Elves though

It has nothing to do with being Horde players, and the example you gave shows how little you know about these races too. High Elves were members of the Alliance of Lordaeron but Anasterian chose to leave it, and the Blood Elves fought with the Alliance again during the 3rd War but had to give up because they were set up by Garithos.

The Blood Elves weren’t part of the Alliance anymore when they joined the Horde. The protestors didn’t understand why Lor’themar didn’t want to go back to their former allies of the Alliance.

… Sylvanas joined the Horde because the Alliance had rejected her and the Forsaken

Human territories seem to be their priority, not Silvermoon.

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Yeah. Literally, nowhere in any of those quotes did I write that you can’t wish for playable High Elves. I said that you already have them and are only missing the labels and a couple of classes.

You do know how to read, yeah?

It wouldn’t be his third thread on this topic if he could

They didn’t want to become part of the Alliance, because a famous Alliance leader with a big ego, small brain and Elunes chosen hated them - as she did with the Nightborne. Maybe put Tyrandes head on a pike as a gesture of good will.

Not even a couple
Void elves are missing druid, shaman, demon hunter, and paladin
None of them being a normal part of high elves culture
They would be nice additions, but none are essential by any means


The “classes” part was for High Elves. I pointed out when I first responded to this thread that asking for High Elves when we essentially have them already in the form of customizations is kind of illogical. What would make more sense to ask for now are the labels and classes that befit the Void Elves when we make them look like High Elves using the customization options we were given amply last time.

High Elves can be paladins, for instance. So, if they divided the current Void Elf race into two sub-races - Velf and Helf, you’d be able to be a paladin as a Helf and perhaps a different class as a Velf which Helf can’t be.

Though, I am not too sure about Druid for velves. Druid is nature magic… Void Elves are infused with the void. I suspect there’d be a clash somewhere. Remember that the Nightmare and all the creatures that came with it - Satyrs, corrupted treants/plantlife, etc, all came from the Void. It was an Old God that planted the corruption and Old Gods are spawns of the Void, so. Not sure current lore permits that.

Same with Paladins. Void Elves can’t be that. Again, the sole reason why we can play as Velf priests is because of the Shadow spec.

Again, if Blizz gave us class skins then they could’ve easily given Velves druid and we’d be able to recolour the abilities and forms to look more Void-y.