Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

But oh well… can’t complain either… At least blizzards mistake there. Made high elf customazastion have a valid ground to argue their case on. So everybody in the end got satesfied to some extent.

Alleria have always been and always will be. The case everyone will make. For why Void Elves can retain their High elf apperance.

And if your a High elf fan or RP’er you can always use the new customazastion to make that real. And thats all thanks to Alleria.

By your logic the Nightborne are no longer Highborne then :kekw:

They are original Highborne who mutated in a different way the Quel’dorei did. They changed both biologically and by name, I don’t make the rules :woman_shrugging:

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Nightborne lived under the Nightwell for ten thousand years under their dome ><…

Prior to that they where the same as our Ordinary Highborne playable Night elf mages. Living off the well of eternity.

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You better go and check the lore books.

Quel’dorei- Child of Noble birth in Darnassian, it is not a Thalassian word. Quel’dorei were given name to the Noble elves, if the elf is noble, and from the big city, they are already Quel’dorei.

The Ren’dorei are an outcast, they are not a Quel’dorei, they are lowborn scums, playing at nobility, all to ready to mingle with lesser races, nothing more.

The disgrace of our noble path, they grew as savage as trolls lurking in their forests, we have not survived 10, 000 years, to see our kin becoming a lowborn commoners, pathetic.

Ren’dorei used to be Blood Elves and High Elves before that. You’re free to hate that race for whatever reason, that doesn’t change that fact :woman_shrugging: You should work on your Elisande impersonation btw, it’s not convincing

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Here is a radicall example xD

Is this man no longer human? Cuase he abused silver chloride ‘‘Magic’’ <_<

That’s a stretch, Ren’dorei specifically are really just Blood Elves that threw caution to the wind in their persuit for power
They were banished because of the sunwells reaction to Alleria (void partycrashing in the sunwell at merely her pressence alone)
nobility has 0 to do with it, they were banished because they are perceived as a threat to the sunwell
(I overwrote cause I thought I was posting and not editing ree)

Blood elves are High elves, their eyes were changed to green due to the pact Kael’thalas made with Illidan back in time, but in TBC lore-wise, their eyes turned back or became yellow, due to the cleansing of the Sunwell.

Stop, I am trying to be serious here, our noble heritage is being harassed by a lowborn commoner.

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Yes, but her appearance did not changed, except eyes.

There is: eye color, skin tone, different voice, different school of magic they addicted to.

well, in darnassian “quel’dorei” = highborne.

You are one of those people who needs to open the lore of the WoW as well.

Nope, their eyes changed to green due to the use of fel and proximity to fel crystals.

I’ll need an actual quote for that

Weren’t you the one saying that Blood Elves having green eyes was enough to say that they were biologically different from High Elves?

He is human, like blood or void elves are still ELVES, not the high elves.

No need to thank us for saving your kind from withering around Suramar as a wretched.

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The novels and wowpedia disagree with you. Citations on the matter have been repeatedly mentioned in this thread.

So his no longer a ‘‘High human’’ Then… You racist >:c

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kultiran human are still human, yet different.

Go to your forest lowborn scum, I have not survived 10, 000 years to be a called out from a disgrace of my kin.

Now your fat shaming too?! Never have I ever! Kul’tirans are a different nation! Not a new species!

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So Alleria does look like a high elf , wasn’t changed by void magic, yet she is no longer HIGH ELF, but a void elf. YET, blood elves and void elves still are high elves, except Alleria. Nightbornes…

The lore is consistently clear on one matter; she is a Void Elf. What you choose to do with that fact is on you.

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