Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

Well, I can use a better example if you like.

“All trucks are vehicles, but not all vehicles are trucks”

It is basically the same sense to the Void Elves and Blood Elves. They’re all High Elves, but not all the High Elves are Blood or Void Elves, considering that there is some High Elves out there that don’t identify as either group.


Sara’s right :hugs: basically, after the fall of Quel’Thalas, Kael’Thas renamed the surviving High elves who were inside Quel’Thalas as Blood elves. Some High elves were not living in Quel’Thalas, and had decided not to follow Kael’Thas after the fall of the kingdom for a couple of reasons. Those High elves chose to either stay in Dalaran with the Kirin’Tor, or with the Silver Covenant, and maintained their High elf name. Some also chose to go and live in the ‘‘countryside’’ so to speak, such as Quel’Danil Lodge in the Hinterlands and other areas. Some where already living in Theramore. Please do correct me if I’m wrong guys, I do appreciate High elf lore but I don’t always remember everything.


New Void Elves are High Elves too as evidenced by the npcs in Telogrus. Talking to you really is tiring :woman_facepalming:

Sorry to disappoint you but I wasn’t. Just passing on the first thing several people on this forum told me when I answered this thread for the first time last year as I saw several people being banned for being straightforward with you

Nope. Kael’thas himself wasn’t in Quel’thalas when he renamed his people Blood Elves. It would be only logical for High Elves living far from Quel’thalas to not have been aware of this although I doubt it, but what happened is that the Blood Elves who refused to use fel and were subsequently kicked out of their homeland for it took back the name High Elves. Sorry for breaking my promise to not interact with you anymore, it won’t happen again.

How can biologically blood elf changed by void magic still be a high elf? :smiley: :ok_man:

maybe you should stop listening lies made by other people.

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There was a cutscene of it even in wc3… And also in the Sunwell* trailer back in Tbc he clearly states he renamed his people the Blood elves. In honor of the fallen of Quel’thalas as he took them to Outlands.

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Go back and read what I wrote again since that’s not what I said :roll_eyes: You can also go to Telogrus yourself and talk to the Elves being taught Void techniques by the Locus Walker.

Which doesn’t make any difference to what I’ve said.

Nope it doesn’t. Just a testament to what your already saying.

Honestly it doesn’t matter if Keal’thas named his people The blood elves in or outside of Quel’thalas or not. He did it to honor the blood of the fallen after Scourge.

A huge misconsception most Elves make is to just assume it has anything with their eye colour to do. Like it’s a physicall biologicall change that called for the seperation. But no…

They are the same Elves.

After the the Sunwell got destroyed though. Some elves depended more on its magic than others. Some where even unaffected entirely. Like the many of the Farstriders. And didn’t need any new sources of magic. And never had their eyes change to the Fell green. After all the fell crystals in Eversong and Silvermoon where put in place. And fell practice became a thing.


The only High Elves I really think of when I say that they might not have been aware of the name change are those who followed Alleria to Outland and were completely unaware of what was going on in Azeroth until they were notified of Kael’thas arriving in Outland with Blood Elves years later. The others all felt it when the Sunwell fell even if, as you say, those far away enough from it didn’t suffer any sort of withdrawal unlike the ones in Quel’thalas

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Of course they weren’t aware… They did infact not have phones ><

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The mages there could have still been capable of seeing what was going on in Azeroth through crystal balls are something :sob:

Intergalactic Divination mail.

Sender: Keal’thas Sunstrider…

Subject: Racial name change update.

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the recipient was not present. a new delivery attempt will take place in 10 years


Ad pop up: Is your divination speed slow? Upgrade to planets only… For only 599 gold a month. We can make your divination speed travel 1000 Lightyears a second. Unlimited message upload and download speed.


Alleria is still a high elf, just using void powers, she was not changed biologically by void magic.

It magic source they are addicted to, yes using fel or void changes you into different elf, that’s why they are called blood elves and void elves not high elves.

Only in Void elves is this the case sadly… And Blizzard screwed this up monumentally by adding Alleria as the only High elf that didn’t biolocially change into purple to prove your point right…

Blood elves didn’t either… Fell Elves are the real biological race change from fel. In the sense your thinking.

Green skinned orcs too or even worse. Fell orcs. Who used to be our Nagrand and garrosh un turned brown skinned orcs.

This is the crux of our clash xD and all thanks to blizzard and Alleria…
Had they from the very beginning… Made Alleria turn purple too and change the same way as the the rest of the ‘‘void eves’’ there would be no arguement.

I wasn’t talking about Alleria, but fyi she calls herself a Void Elf. She’s the one who names the people who were in Telogrus that way and I’m pretty sure that siphoning the energy of a Void tainted Naaru changed anyone’s biological nature, even if it’s not constantly visible on the outside.

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Easier to look at it as Thalassian/Darnassian(maybe Shalassian as well?)
The permanent eye change has been retconned

she is the voidest void elf after absorbing a fallen Naaru
her pressence at the sunwell alone was enough to trigger an attempted invasion

Why was she not changed biologically, when she’s literally the same as the other Void Elves? And why does she refer to her self as a Void Elf if she’s not one?
Your logic is flawed. You agree that Alleria is a high elf, because she think’s herself to be one, but that same logic is not allowed for regular VE’s and BE’s. Lol.

You’ve been called out on your hypocrisy several times, every single day for the matter. Why not just accept that VE (and for extension, BE) are high elves? Your weird headcanon on how races are defined is not wow-canon, and you have never proved it is.

I rarely would ever defend Moontear… But this is entirely Blizzard’s fault…

Making a character like Alleria a Farstrider with no affinity or skill in magic. The only High elf to retain her High Elf heritage while all the rest of them. Even Umbric turned into a smurf…

It’s as if the biological change applied to everybody -except- Alleria as far as void elves are concerned. And none of these arguements would have even happend if it weren’t for Blizzard doing this.