Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

Aye. maybe when Sylvanas returns she will bring in the Alliance High elves, as she brought the Blood elves into the horde. Maybe she could do the same for Alliance High elves. And as Blizzard have made a time skip. Maybe she will come back earlier than we all thought.

Well when some of the Void players wanted Void elves to have more corrupted Customizations to the point they no longer look or be an elf. I just lost faith in the void elves and want High elves again and hopefully high elves will become playable and then the void elf players can corrupt the void elves to their hearts content.

Hmm a male version of Sylvanas armor with more chain armor into the chest piece (Like Lid Carters picture) and her bow with the armor with a Silver Covenant tabard. That is how I would like my Silver covenant High elf to look like. I mean Blizzard “knows” what we want but don’t want to give it.

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even Undead Humans are brought into the Horde by Sylvanas

but, they may have served her

You mean only elves in the Alliance?

As they did almost all human races?

but Undead Humans and Blood elves as the Horde ones

triggered noises

Cant not wait to see that happening. Yet we still do not know which is “secret” race that will be playable at DF launch?

Like a third faction, how night elves were in WC III.

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watching my profile im guessing they are introducing drow elves instead high elves. bad blizzard, bad!

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Hah, had to google word “drow”. You were “Drow” but now you are a vampire elf ;D

it was bug?

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Yes. I dont know why…

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Just make High Elves for Alliance as separate race from void elves.

This is getting stupid to a point where actual void elf players don’t like the High elf customization and don’t want a paladin.

It’s this simple. Just make a separate High elf allied race and put paladin in there. Whatever the mess was made for High elf customization for the void elves, it’s already done.

I am just sick of people getting angry about adding gameplay functions so people can have fun. If the developers have originally made high elf as allied race, this would have never happened. Instead, they just wanted to put everything to one race aka void elf, a race that was never made with proper lore or story was just trashed again.

Video just give an idea how starting area could look:


This thread was a few days from being closed. There was absolutely no need to revive it.

Just give it up already. Blizzard has already given in to your demands twice.

Not the first time either.

I literally can’t understand. The new custom options are basically what high elves look like. That is the compromise Blizzard is willing to do. Why can’t some people be happy what they are given?

Same that they are not happy for having diaper tiny humans before the Vrykul as an allied race

And when blizz added most of the allied ones that came from nowhere (They´re trolling us), which means that the developers have no respect to the stories


Like how, lets say, some people are not happy having a stabile Horde, leadership of a council that would avoid bloodshed and self-extermination, and work for a better future of Azeroth?
Yeah, there are some insane people out there, thats for sure…

Why can’t you be happy with your council? Why can’t you be happy with what you are given?


Void elves are basically high elves. All options to make your elf look normal instead of voidy are there. You could literally not spot the difference if you put them next to each other.

The Horde isn’t stable. For the fragile peace treaty multiple Horde races and their interests were thrown under the bus. Thrall and Baine are literally acting on the behalf of Anduin whom turned the Horde into a puppet state.

Void elves most definitely not just basically High elves thats a rather egregious thing to say.

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Put them next to each other and you won’t see any difference.

Except one procs purple and has Void tainted hairstyles and the other doesnt, you can easily tell the difference between them, you’re just being an aggravator because you feel threatened by this thread.