Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

It is. recently was there and it look amazing 4k HDR. Maybe will do video. Perfect home for high elves , and Dalaran near :smiley:

oh, i see , but then it is same. Elves/dwarves/gnomes are not humans :smiley:

Someone was playing around with the same idea for Alliance High elves new home.


Starting zone?

Maybe, I would liked if both sides of the Crystalsong forest was the new Alliance High elves home, The unbound thicket and forlorn woods. If the High elves got the leylines working there as it seemed it was cracked long ago, the trees there could look similar to that of Quel’thalas as those trees in Quel’thalas was infused by the arcane magic of the Sunwell (When the Sunwell was still just Arcane). And the crystals in the Unbound thicket the High elves could bring those crystals with them to as a mana source, when they have the need for mana.

But as the pictures shows old High/blood elf buildings, Blizzard could (and is able to as we seen in Dragon flight were they used High/blood elf buildings with a new twist) make new elf buildings for the Alliance high elves from the Highborne ruins (As there are several Highborne ruins across Azeroth). Or if the ruins are restored, the Highborne buildings of the ruins, The ruins might look similar to those Highborne buildings in Azsuna. But without the Elune symbol as we seen that non of the ruins have that symbol anymore. Problably faded and crumble thousands of years ago and could instead use the High elf symbol and the Silver covenant symbol.

But I don’t know. Seems Blizzard just forgot Silver Covenant High elves exist and Void elves are well…incomplete with no “real” home which makes void elves feels so weird in the world of Warcraft…well there are several things that makes void elves feel so weird.

When Silver covenant/Alliance High elves already had their story, lore and their own “Voices”, their own unique mounts that is different from the Blood elves and their own unique tabard etc.

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I am not agiasnt the idea of more races BUT i want the old ones from vanilla to get there love first but at this point in my view the thread needs re doing and done better as now its just spam and bitter comments.

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Looks beautiful.

Void elves also need new home, because lurking in that “void hole rift” does not loot okay ;D

There could be a city where it is for Queldorei, but Rendorei could have like half of it , would united elves.

Which ones?

then, what are these skin colors, and DH ones?

What you mean ?

how this topic not count as spam, remove this cramp

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i mean, Blood elves with DH skin color

if humans, dwarves and gnomes get these DH skin colors

that means that blood elves and void elves are humans too

Dh will be bound to elves. So possibly next will be nightborne and void elves that can be DH and the high elves.

you mean when they transform to demon form?

But worgen and other non-elf race make sense to be demon hunters, because lore actually don’t matter

Blizzard actually disrespect stories

We could literally get Ogres during WoD and could easily add the starting zones in Ashran, Farahlon or non-instanced Highmaul. But instead, they made WoD as the worst expansion, same with BFA and Shadowlands

So that means we will get all classes to all races and Evokers and Demon hunters for everyone

And in BFA we could get Vrykul instead of Mechagnome, how are mechagnomes added before Vrykul while i keep begging for very long time

Yes, and the option skins for DH as you can see in barber shop

The high elves? :smiley: Since WCII

They are still elves, and in metamorphosis take demon form. Elf demon. :smiley:

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it may be possible in 11.0 (which means 10th expansion)

and why will Queldorei high Elves be easy to be added?

  • Same size to regular humans

  • can wear the gears what the others do

  • reusing blood elf animations/rigs

requested reskinned races like Amani trolls, Elven Worgen, Gnomish Worgen, Ice Trolls and etc are easy to get added too

but let´s first focus on the unique/original ones like a cat race Saberon, a bird race Arakkoa, a snake race Sethrak, a fish race Jinyu, Ogres and etc.

Void elves shouldn´t be completely their own race

could be merged with Blood elf customization - merging facial hairs, Hairstyles, new hair colors, and the white eyes and etc.

could agree that in Legion 7.3.5 could get queldorei

there’s no such thing as high elves

Just like the Dark Iron dwarves (Who had been with the Alliance since cataclysm and proven their worth) to be officially announced the High elves (Who had been with us since Warcraft 2, those that stayed after the Elven king ordered them home. Defying the the order and more came after the Scourge attack as refugees as they had nowhere else to go at the time and later found other high elves in outland that joined the alliance etc) to be joining the Alliance in the Embassy building. I mean it would have been a simple thing to do. The horde players have fought high elves (NPC) that is still part of the Alliance since Vanilla, Tbc and what not.

So when Ion says they would blur the lines. How would they “blur” the lines when they been there since vanilla, just not playable for the Alliance players.
And Blizzard themselves admitted in that pre TBC trailer the blood elves were shoehorned in to the horde. “Had to change alot of things to make it work” So they had to change the lore alot to make any kind of sense for the blood elves to be in to horde. However the blood elves are there in the horde, can’t be changed now and as I said before that the blood elves could be more imperialistic and how they were nack in TBC would have made more sense for Blood elves then reignited the Sunwell. Now they can’t say anymore “Remember the Sunwell” because it has no meaning anymore. And the Alliance High elves could have been more traditional and kingdom elves from most fantasy games.

And the ones that think Auric Sunchaser went back to Silvermoon did not do the quest for the Quel’Delar sword or don’t want to remmber. He was there as
representative of the Alliance High elves. And after Lor’themar Theron touched the sword the sword pushed Lor’themar Theron back and Grand Magister Rommath thought it was a plot or attack against Lor’themar. But Auric explaied to Rommath that the sword is alive and chooses its wielder. Then Rommath said “Fine, you can stay for the ceremony but after that I want you gone”. So Rommath kick Auric out of Silvermoon so Auric is still part of the Alliance. Blizzard has not written anymore about him after WOTLK except he got a fan club in BFA but thats it. So they could have when Alliance High elves become playable Auric, Veeresa and Alleria could stand there together in Embassy. And Sylvanas as well so the Sister Reunion will happen.

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Lid Carter keeps making beautiful art.


To be honest i would gladly play faction that are ELVES. All elves into one faction or something like that.

Well, he said that and gave void elves instead ;D Almost, but still not what we ever asked.

I’m happy for void elf players, but high elves still will make a lot of sense as playable race. Especially when people still want them.