Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

Says the guy who gets consistently banned for radical postings about how the game is not for him anymore, how ironic, you are an issue that wastes Blizz’s time all on your own.

You know the high elves are not the only race which the community has wanted for a long time right? Ogres, forest trolls, thin humans, Jinyu, Naga and such are also favorites we have been waiting for.

Then go make posts about them if they are that wanted, stop skulking around a request thread stomping your feet like a child… Jesus christ some people think so much of themselves…

It wasn’t me who revived this topic so you are barking at the wrong tree here.

And ironically you’re keeping it alive with your incessant moaning and feeling of self importance, like what you say will actually mean anything is laughable, as I said go back to your comedy threads were people can mock you for being you.

Everything important has already been said. Blizzard will not implement a third race with the same model. And I will leave it at that. Hopefully the thread will die over the next month.

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And you carry on like a broken record, well done you just increased your irrelevancy.

we accept your payment. ;D No need, Silvermoon is alliance city. Welcome the majestic BLOOD ELVES to the alliance!

well the high elves are in the alliance, already. Nothing to create or implement. Just allow players to play them. Very simple.

Silvermoon is Horde and your antics will not change that.

Payment was already accepted. Silvermoon is ours, as always was. The alliance city.

Silvermoon and Suramar are ours. Diremaul will follow. The alliance doesen’t deserve any great elven city. Humans are your stick. Which will always be the lore being for the high elves. Being arm candy for a human husband. Like Turalyon and Rhonin.

Dont forget to lick the boots of your Orc and Troll overlords later Erevien.


Orcs and Trolls are reliable allies. Unlike Tauren and humans who abandoned us when it matters.

Reliable allies? They massacred and hunted your people for years, they pillaged your cities and villages, the orcs and trolls never aided the Quel’dorei, now the humans helped you fighting them.

Humans never helped us. They only care about their own lands. Now is sweet payback time. I will see that Stormwind is torched to the ground.

Every time i think about this, it blows my mind… :smiley: orcs and trolls slaughtered blood elves, yet they joined horde. :clown_face:

isnt exactly in this way

At last, Anasterian rescinded the high elves’ allegiance to the Alliance. He stated that the humans’ poor leadership had been directly responsible for the burned forests in the borderlands of Quel’Thalas. King Terenas Menethil argued that nothing of Quel’Thalas would have survived if not for the hundreds of valiant humans who gave their lives to defend it. Despite his attempts at reestablishing diplomatic relations, however, the elves opted to remain independent of the crumbling Alliance.[6] Anasterian’s secession sparked the domino effect that led to the Alliance of Lordaeron splintering almost completely: Gilneas and Stromgarde followed Anasterian’s example and removed themselves from the increasingly deteriorating Alliance.[15]

Still reigning over Quel’Thalas at the time of the Third War, despite his advanced age, Anasterian spared little thought for the plight of the humans in Lordaeron; true to the past, believing it to be a human issue than the high elves would not deign to trouble themselves with.[16]

We knew when to abandon ship. The Forsaken stood by our side when we defeated the scourge in the Ghostlands.

elves are very famous cowards and turncoats. with inept leaders.

its interesting

Let’s screw the faction bias on this matter. Make them available to both factions.