Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

Blizzard already said no. Accept that and move on with your life.

Bob is a coward I agree. But Kael’thas was magnificent. If he was still alive we would have left Quel’thalas and made Netherstorm our new home.

a crumbling and miserable place… full of abominations and ruins… in a diyin world. Only the velves home is worse than that

And full of magic energy coming directly from the Nether itself. Enough to sustain the race for eternity.

who wants to live forever in a miserable place like netherstorm?

Now where did I leave that postcard… oh. There we are.

Let’s face it. None of the Void Elves should play real estate agents.

eh eh this is why in the previous post i stated

But i agree. velves wouldnt be great real estate agents…

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Reading posts before jumping to conclusions?! :scream:

Sir, this is General Discussion. We do not do that here.

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Well Im sure the idea was there Erevien, that could have happen back in BC. If you were playing a non Blood elf player in BC and you ask Nazgrel in Thrallmar “What are the Blood elves doing here?” His responds was “They are looking for a new home”. So the idea was probably up there in the air with Blizzard to make Outland their new home. And maybe Kael’thas could have been the Blood elves leader in Outland that joined the Horde. And Kael’thas had plenty of Blood elves at his side in Outland.

And Fel, Best place for them to learn more about Fel was in Outland. I mean why else would the Blood elves be moving to Outland by the Dark Portal than to learn more about this new powerful magic. And at the time Fel was the strongest magic back in BC.

Well…Alleria never gave up on the Alliance (And she is still fighting for the Alliance after all these years), or the High elves that followed Her.


Hmm something between a Void/High elf theme and Night elf theme. Grey trees and silver/blue/purple leaves. And still in void space (From Gods of war Ragnarok)


We used to be High Elves.
Blood Elves were also High Elves.
Now, we are something more… we are VOID ELFS!

“Lord, N’Zoth! Give me strength! The void shall set me free!” :japanese_ogre:

P.s. The High Elves are dead, Arthas made a pancake powder out of them!
Long live the Void Elves!

Don’t be disingenuous, not all high elves are dead, infact a small amount of them are very much alive and kicking, and if they can make a race out of 12 void infected elves they can pull a race from anywhere tbqh with you.

Maybe, but I don’t care about a minor group of outcasts that don’t want to identify as a blood -or void elves.

I think Blizzard did us a friggin favor giving us Void Elves instead of High Elves.
Thanks Blizzard! <3

delete this

You were my brother… Anakin!

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Still no high elf selection on void elf… as subrace

High Elves are indeed a subrace… inferior to Void Elves.
Would not be suprised if Blizzard would allow players to choose to have the inferior title “High Elf” in the future.

I believe that the official response by WoW was that the population of High Elves would be too small, and the majority morphed into two branches, the Void Elves and the Blood Elves. There might’ve been consideration of making the Mage Night Elves storywise as the High Elf refugees, given that Night Elves are not into the Arcane, and I did like the High Elves, but we’re seeing fewer and fewer of them as the years past, that we have 3 Elven races, what makes the High Elves special, other than their features of being Blonde with Golden eyes.

That was “Ion’s” response even though he has never played Alliance (Always Horde) and did not know Silver covenant even existed since he does not know the lore and should not have been given a lore question in the first place as his expertise is game mechanics like dungeons and raids. And after void elves was created blizzard have ignored the Alliance High elves existents even though time and time again Veeresa gets put back in the story when the story evolves around Sylvanas or Alleria and they also put in more high elves on the Alliance side. But everyone knows it was nothing more than “bait” or “carrot” for High elf fans which have been going on for years.

Yes They did have put high elves and blood elves on Telogrus rift but they are not fully Void elves as they can not redo the events that happend to Umbric and his followers because Alleria stopped that and as many many forget it was not N’zoth that created the Void elves. It was in fact (“Facts”) a crazy Void ethereal known as “Nether-Prince Durzaan” who also was using a Void lord artifact which he had no idea what it would do, I mean why else would he say “What shall you become…” . So no more Real void elves can be made. And Umric and his followers are just Mages and Warlocks and had no Warriors, no Rogues or hunters among them. Shadow priest well they use void powers so they “kind of” a shadow priest much like Tauren Sunwalkers are “kind of” a Paladin. Blizzard just added those classes so the race wouldn’t be limited. The High elves and Blood elves there are just studying and learning the same way as Alleria and there for can retain their original form just like a shadow priest.

Well if Blizzard is now going for more classic Warcraft story of Wow which is more ground to earth story like Dragon flight. Then its going to be, in time Void elves will not make sense to wow’s lore and story as they should have just made High elves playable to the Alliance and later on made Ethereals playable. And as we seen they are 2 kinds of ethereal races. One that is more arcane based and one that has embraced the void. Or made a race that have been using void powers for 10000 years.


If I remember correctly the Night Elf mages were “Highborne”, not “High Elves”.