Blood elves aren’t fel infused. The Felblood are. Blood Elves are just high elves… that changed their names to honor their dead.
Warlocks class doesn’t infuse you lol.
If you’re going with Blizzards use of “race” then sure. But that doesn’t mean they’re different races. Blizzard uses it interchangeably with faction grouping.
Orcs and Mag’har are not different races for instance. Tauren and Highmountain also aren’t different races. Kul’tirans are not a different race from Stormwind Humans.
The Blood Elves and High Elves are not different races. But the Void elves are.
They’re different groups and the Kal’dorei are a different race. Quel’dorei and Sin’dorei are literally just a name change of the same race.
Playable Blood Elves are not changed at all nor did they feed on the fel. Blizzard themselves have stated this multiple times.
The eye color change is a matter of aesthetics. It will dissipate over time and they will return to blue or go gold if they utilize the Light or have Faith through the Sunwell.
The Felblood Elves of Outland did however consume the fel and became a different race.
Any fel consumed by playable blood elves is a matter of rp choices you make and does not reflect the lore of the blood elves as a whole.
No, they’re still the same people and the same race. Only differences are ideological and political.
Then you’re not paying much attention to what I’m saying.
Blood Elves and High Elves are the same thing. Its a name change that defines them.
Void Elves are actually different. (Umbrics group anyhow)
It seems that by the way you’re going with things we actually only have Blood and Void elves. lol
You’re not alone. A great many people want that option.
Then that would make allied races pointless since Blizzard could have done that from the start but rather went for a more complicated path where they actually bothered to introduce the respective races to the world via the lore as opposed to just adding a name tag. And besides there are actually addons for that kind of stuff if you are into it.
They are however they messed up the lore so badly the way I see it, high elves are irrecuperable since they have been used exclusively as a anti-belf story device across several expansions, even if it made little sense. So yeah, good luck introducing them as a race whose whole purpose is to go “grrr” when they see belfs, for no reason at all.
I disagree. While the Silver Covenant has long been used that way they could easily have them shift in their general storyline by literally having them do anything else.
Actually I think having them join as a full Alliance faction would greatly help with this as it would force them to be part of other narratives. Even having them join up with the Void Elves would do similar.
Additionally there are the Highvale elves. You could use them in all sorts of new ways with their general interests with the Wildhammer and the Draenei they could make for some interesting allies.
I especially like the idea that the Highvale actually end up disliking the SC due to the Purge. That they can’t understand or like them after they effectively slaughtered their own kind. The Idea that the Highvale see the SC as just as bad for their people as they saw the Blood Elves is very tantalizing to me.
Like I said, the fact that they only used them as an anti-belf device won’t wash away too easy because it has been used to such extent, with no actual purpose, that it’s become a bad joke.
And having them join the Alliance is pointless. They are already in the Alliance, with Velfs playable and their customizations this is just a waste of time.
And let’s be honest, helf traditional role in WoW is to be a human’s arm candy. That’s it.
Look, a third elf race that has the same exact model as two existing ones would be a terrible idea. The line has to be drawn somwhere.
Well they could make it easy. Diffrent character background. Example The Telogrus rift backgroud does not represent the Alliance High elves as they are more for the Natural world of Azeroth and Magic. For the High elf like Dalaran or Windrunner’s Overlook with Dalara floating in the background and the Alliance/SC High elves starts in Silver Enclave in Dalaran and they are member of SC or invited by Veeresa Windrunner to join the SC and then sent to Stormwind to the Stormwind Embassy.
For Wildhammers well either Hinterlands background or Twilight Highlands but with a Wildhammer settlement at the hills. However the Wildhammer in Twilight Highlands have fled to Ironforge after Cata.
Eredar well wouldn’t Argus background be more fitting for them.
You mean the 5 people that resisted and got killed and the rest got sent to Violet hold or fled with Rommath and Aethas Sunreaver to Silvermoon?
…Like the Humans who have killed each other for years…ohh how could they?? or Orcs who also killed each other for years …ohhh how could they?? or trolls killing each other for years…ohh how could they?? or dwarves who also killed each other for years…ohh how could they. So why would the Highvale elves be bothered now when they haven’t for a very long time.
The entire Purge thing was Blizzard idea to stop us High elf fans from asking for the Silver Covenant to become playable, to make the SC to look like “The Bad Guys”…it did not work. Or should we bring up all the things the Horde has done over the years or that specific elf than lead to 1000 upon 1000 of High elves death, it does not even compare with the Purge what he did to the High/Blood elves. I do think his name was…Dar’Khan Drathir which is the main quest line in Quel’thalas and have been since BC but most forgotten that name and or that it ever happend.
Nope but good to know others feel the same way with void elves. But whatever if Blizzard makes the High elves (SC) playable they can do whatever they want with the void elves. I lost faith in void elves when people asked for N-zoth customizations when N-zoth had “nothing” to do with their creation when it was in fact a crazy void ethereal that created the Void elves but Alleria stopped the procces before it finished. Making the Void elves something between a Blood elf and a Void ethereal, Making them into a brand new race but still had the appearance of an elf as that was the “main idea” for Void elves. But then again the Void ethereal did not know what Umbric and his followers would turn into as he said “What shall you become??..” However with this Cosmic Void Blizzard might make things right if they play their cards right.
And maybe we could have Void elves looking like Sylvanas. Still void elves but kept their High elf heritage with a SC Tabard. If they going to with that the void elves are the future of the Alliance High elves. If so it needs a Story “Ingame” and make it a “good one” that all the Alliance High elves and the SC High elves and the Highvale elves and the Blood elves that is leaving Silvermoon to join the Void elves. The Silver Covenants colors were unique as no other race ingame have that colors. We have enough races with purple and gold like the Draenai, Nightborne, Night elves, Forsaken but no one has the white, blue, silver which should have been better for the void elves. The Loyal Alliance High elves should been the front and center for void elves that Alleria should have trained but somehow…Blizzard forgot they even existed and Alleria too it seems even though they fought side by side with her for years and stood up for/supported her when the rest of Silvermoon did not and Blizzard made up a new group of exiled Blood elves that never exist in the Lore…as in ever and they would not have anything to prove their loyalty towards the Alliance as they always been there for the Alliance for YEEAARRSSS…Blizzard could have added Umbric and his followers later.
Because its their own people who lost 90% of their population and really don’t want to see more of their 10% remaining populations to die.
Also cause they probably see themselves in a better light than that. lol
Like it or not the Silver Covenant should and probably would see repercussions once knowledge of the Purge got out.
Like hell it was.
Blizzard just thought it would be cool. They didn’t care at all about the potential in world ramifications of the Purge or they’d have reconsidered doing it at all.
Darkhan… was an elf who opened the way for Arthas’ assault on the Sunwell and through Quel’thalas’ gates.
Whats he have to do with anything else? He died and has since been killed a second time. He got what he deserved.
I’m not sure what that has to do with the Silver Covenant, The Highvale Elves or the Blood Elves in this context. Darkhan is an example of someone actually facing the consequences of their actions… they literally died over it twice.
I mean I think most players just like the void stuff so they asked for void stuff is why N’zoth was brought up. Sometimes it is just because its cool.
I do agree that I want to personally see options more slated towards the cosmic void which I always saw as more what we (void elves) were rather than the horrific old god void concepts. (That said I still love Voidberg… A mockup a friend made of a void elf with a bunch of old god additions based on what we saw in several requests.)
Ideally I envision a situation where the Void Elves and the SC and the Highvale kinda form up together within the Alliance. They don’t… officially unify by any means but rather keep their specific traits and work together with the Alliance as a whole. Plenty of folk like the SC, even if I do not, and they’re already often serving alongside the Alliance so they fit just fine, the Highvale have mostly been forgotten by Blizzard but have amazing potential story-beats, and the Void Elves are their own amazing thing with wonderful opportunities for the future and for the truth of the void to come forwards.
Now I don’t think we’ll get another AR for High Elves, I think that ship sailed a fair time ago, but I do expect more options that will fit alongside high elves to be given in time to void elves. The SC tabard is already available as is the void elf one, but it would be neat to see them implement a highvale one as well and show the disparate high elf/ void elf factions interacting and having their own flavors.
But thats what I’d like to see going forwards. You can complain about what already is all you want I suppose.
I’d rather enjoy the doorways before us.
EDIT: Also how can you not have an issue with the Purge and the SC but be upset that I want to see some conflict between the Highvale and the SC? You like conflicting storylines but don’t like them? lol
Yes it was, dosent take a genius to figure that out. Same thing with the Sunwell event was never going to happend back in TBC. They only made that Raid/Instances to kill 2 birds with one stone when we asked for High elves to be playable for the alliance just so they could say, there, there alliance is your High elves. Destroying the theme what blood elves were when TBC released. Just like they did with letting Horde get blood elves knowning that Alliance wanted High elves as they were everywhere in the Alliance areas and Horde wanted a pretty race to balance out the player base, when the devs themshelves admitted behind the scenes clip before TBC was released that they had to change the entire lore why blood elves joined the horde “We had to change alot of things to make it work” and its exactly that is when the Warcraft lore goes all wrong and has been broken ever since.
Its excatly what happpend. only those who resisted got killed. Horde players claim that Sunreavers got wiped out at the so called Purge then how, how were they so many at thunder isle. And Lor’themar theron Demanded from Jaina at the entrance to the Thunder Throne that his people to be released from Violet hold.
Everything you blame Silver Covenant for. Or another example in TBC Blood elves killed other Blood elves that was part of Kael’thas forces…ohh how could they, Those Blood elves were “FAMILY”. Or Felblood elves in the Sunwell instance…ohh how could they, we could have helped them with their Fel corruption, they just had a little to much fel in them. They are FAMILY, after all right?? right?
So why should Highvale elves cry only at what Silver Covenant have done? They were task with a mission to round up the Sunreavers and some resisted and attacked and got killed for it.
Or example the Night elves killed Highborne elves 10000 years ago…ohh how could they, they were “Family”. Its not their fault they slept with demons. Night elves killed druids too that made a packed with the Legion and became Satyrs…ohh how could they, they were “Family”. Remember a Satyr named Xavius? He was a Night elf druid. Then we have the Druids of the flame also killed by Night elves and other races…ohh how could they?? They were “Family”
The point is, it doesn’t matter. The blood elves made their choice when they joined the “enemy”. The Horde is not the enemy you say?? Its not the Old horde you say?? Not the Blackhand’s Horde?? The orcs in this Horde except The Mag’har and Thrall is the very same orcs that killed humans and high elves and dwarves from the first and second wars. The very same orcs, not new orcs but the very same, the Blackhand’s Horde. They only reformed to a new Horde to start fresh but they are the same orcs. Should they be put on trial what they did in the first and second war, will they ever be on trial?? They did not care if it was a soldier or civilian they killed in those wars.
Or take for example what happened latest. Burning down teldrassil which killed 1000 upon 1000 civilian Night elves??
Will the Horde ever be put on trial for that??..the answer is Noo. Will the other Horde members care what the Horde Military did?? nope…well except Saurfang who was haunted by it, remembering the past when he fought for Blackhands Horde. What he did to those Draenai civilians. Ofcourse he did opposite the whole thing at Sylvanas. But the Horde did fire at the Tree knowing full well what what was going to happen.
Also The Blood elves/High elves has had 5000 years or more of hatred of trolls, but they joined a faction that had trolls, sure Vol’jin and his darkspear had nothing to do with it but that shouldn’t have mattered but there was Nooo conflict at all for joining the Horde that had trolls in the faction?? Hmm isn’t that strange when trolls have been killing High elves and used them for sacrificed and drank their blood…no conflict, really Blizzard??
Or that the Lordaeron humans that treated High elves/Blood elves poorly, that is now Forsaken and it was the Lordaeron humans that did that not the Stormwind humans as Llane Wrynn was trying to be at peace with all races…but really Blizzard?? no conflict at alll? Just forgive and forget? So really it does not make sense at all why Blood elves would joined the Horde Blizzard??
Ohh the Alliance betrayed them…when? IN the second war the horde moved out from Silvermoon and went to attack Lordaeron because they needed a Victory against the Alliance and Silvermoon was an Impossible task while the Shield was up and it took a while before Orgrim Doomhammer realized this. Gul’dan warned him but he did not listen as he made a promise to Zul’jin. But he could not keep it. So the Alliance moved to Lordaeron aswell and the High elf king saw it as a betryal but how. The High elves outnumbered the Forest trolls. They had no chance without the Horde backing them up. So if anyone was betrayed it was the Horde betraying the Forest trolls.
Ohh the Alliance did not help them with the scourge…news flash Lordaeron fell before Silvermoon/Quel’thalas was attacked. Lordaeron was in ruins and what was left of their forces was scattered and was in hiding from the scourge. Well what about the Alliance in the south?? What about them. There had been no war there for some time so their army had been disbanded and was across the kingdom in the south. And if that elf shield would have hold the Alliance would have saved their scrawny little… but alas they were betrayed by their own Dar’Khan Drathir remember and it did not matter, they did send Runners to all the Alliance cities that was remaining. (Because Sylvanas and the High elves knew that Lordaeron had already fallen, its what Arthas and Sylvanas discussed at the gates of Quel’thalas) but they were cut down in eastern plaugelands were legions of undead was. And important note…“It takes time to build an army and mobilise it” So the Alliance in the south would never gotten there in time anyway.
So back to the Silver Covenant and Purge. The Sunreavers were no longer allies of Dalaran…they were the enemy. So stop accusing the Silver Covenant when Blood elves themselves have killed other Blood elves as they become the enemy…they made their choice. And so does the Highvale elves see the Blood elves, they made their choice. Otherwise they would have gone home after the Sunwell was relit right? But did they? no they stayed in Hinterlands and still part of the Alliance.
Because for years Highvale elves have only cared for themselves. Living in their own little corner of Hinterlands and not cared what happen outside Hinterlands. Also they are part of the Alliance and have been since vanillia wow.
Hmm…I wonder. If Accolon theory is correct with the Forsaken new Tabards. We do have the hidden/shaded Faction icon/symbol on the Character select screen. Is Blizzard planing that we can choose which faction we want to play with our character. Considering the whole peace thing and cross faction raid/cross faction guild. That we can let our character for example Forsaken character choose to fight for the Alliance by joining the desolate council or stay with the Horde and be part of Queen’s loyalist. Humans that fight for the Horde…hmm who would as mediator for humans or dwarves or any other races in the Alliance to switch allegiance to the Horde…I think “the Syndicate” as they were once part of the Alterec kingdom that fought for Horde in the past and we know there are Human Pirates in the Horde since BFA. Perhaps that is Blizzard’s plan for future, that we be able to choose which faction we want our character to be fighting for.
Which major faction will we give our allegiance to?
Perhaps the same would be for Blood elves as we do know offscreen that Blood elves are leaving Silvermoon since Alleria came back and there has been Blood elves that been against joining the Horde since “day one” which is TBC. Our Blood elf character can choose which faction they will fight for/Let us play in what ever faction we want. Faction ideologically based then race base and perhaps like in the lore for the Alliance High elves some changed their race named from Blood elves back to High elves after Rommath came back from Outland with his new technic that drains mana from magical creatures were some blood elves and the Alliance High elves were opposed to and got exiled for it. “That would screw up the lore”…the lore has been broken since TBC and this peace thing made it worse. “That will screw up pvp”…We have pandas that look the same, same customizations and what not and now Void elves that look like Blood elves/High elves. I don’t think it matters anymore and look…Alliance and Horde can raid together. We get to play any way we want. Much like how it is in other MMO’s. If so…well then they can do whatever they want the Void elves. Corrupt them as much as you want. Void elves in Silvermoon, well as long as they stay in silvermoon and don’t go near Sunwell Isle to the north I think they be fine.
Weird yes but so is the whole peace thing and crossfaction system. Maybe they talk about this at Blizzcon this year. Perhaps it will happen in the next expansion. Well I been to long on the forums today I need to play some games.
Blizzard isn’t that smart. See everything they’ve ever done.
They didn’t do it as an afront to you they just didn’t think you’d care. rofl.
Guess we’re not playing the same game.
I thought it wasn’t that bad either until I played through it. Had toons in the Silver Covenant up until that moment.
First off I didn’t say they wouldn’t still be pissed off at the Blood Elves either. Just that they would dislike the Purge done by the Silver Covenant. So not sure why you bring up other events done at other times.
Second because they would have expected better from their kin.
Third its odd to me that you think they’d have to weight it against EVERY single atrocity thats existed when, lets face it, most cultures and peoples only care in relation to themselves.
Sure, but dude… if they do come out to actually support the Alliance in full rather than support it quietly in the Hinterlands and seemingly contribute nothing else, they’d be well within their rights to be annoyed at another group of their “people” who were just fine with genocide.
And again… Its not like they’re gonna be buddy buddy with the Horde or the Blood Elves either. They’re a more cloistered less trusting group of high elves relative to the Silver Covenant. I just think it’d be neat to have some actual conflict and story between my high elves I guess. lol
Aye, its not really something I think I’d use much myself, but I understand those who want it and honestly I feel like a lot of TRP being added to the game would be useful anyways. So like… I can’t figure a good reason to say no.
you literally have them playable, you can make void elf with white skin and blue eyes, void elves are literally made of high elves and blood elves, void elf has one exception which is racials, they have different racials than blood elf ( and blood elf has racials of high elf) visually they look the same and literally they are the same also
to begin with it having 2 the same looking races was odd and bad decision
Yeah void elves are just high elves that took an interest in the void.
They have all the customisation options of a normal high elf.
We have high elves.
Asking for a third version of the same race because of a nametag and racials is just being fussy