Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

Well thats one way to spell “idiot”, thats for sure

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Is it being an idiot that someone has passion?

that argument can be used on MANY things in WoW

And chronicles are “according to the titans” that they were proven wrong many times. So no, once again.

They are not actually. Despite people trying to prove it otherwise. 3 different elven types, high/void/blood.

it is speculated by the titans themselves.

the trolls believe the elves were descended from them.

Are night elves descended from trolls? The night elf race was formed so long ago that no hard evidence has surfaced to answer this question, although it has been asked many times. All that is known for certain is that a tribe of nocturnal humanoids came to live on the shores of the first Well of Eternity, and the Well’s cosmic energies changed them into the night elves we know today.

Certainly many trolls do believe that the humanoids who developed into the night elf race were trolls. The theory does have some credibility, for there is at least a superficial physical resemblance between trolls and night elves. Furthermore, the troll race dominated much of ancient Kalimdor several millennia before the night elves came into power.

For the record, official lore doesn’t confirm that Night Elves are descendants from Trolls. Trolls say that Night Elves come from them and Night Elves say that they are their own race, created in the image of Elune. Blizzard leaves it up to debate. So it’s a speculated origin, not a confirmed one.

Little is known about the night elves’ precise origins, for their race was formed so long ago that no hard evidence has surfaced to prove or invalidate this theory. All that is known for certain is that a tribe of nocturnal humanoids came to live on the shores of the first Well of Eternity, and the Well’s cosmic energies changed them into the night elves we know today.

Certainly many trolls do believe that the humanoids who developed into the night elf race were trolls. The theory does have some credibility, for there is at least a superficial physical resemblance between trolls and night elves. Furthermore, the troll race dominated much of ancient Kalimdor–the only continent on Azeroth before the Great Sundering–long before the night elves came into power.

Nevertheless, many night elves find this theory preposterous and abhorrent. They are quick to point out that the first night elves began their rise to power by defeating a number of nearby troll tribes. As a consequence, the trolls came to fear and respect the might of their new rivals. The troll theory of night elf ancestry may have been a direct result of this early conflict. The trolls hated the night elves–a sentiment that persists to this day–and may have wished to marginalize the night elf race and its accomplishments. Also, attributing the night elf race with a troll heritage likely helped the trolls come to terms with their own shocking defeat.

Without additional data, there is little point in debating the merits of this controversial theory. No doubt it will remain a matter of contention for years to come.

Troll Compendium/Are Trolls Related to Night Elves?

As compromise would be that there actually WERE nocturnal creatures before everyone else that descended into night elves and trolls. Anyway, night elves are on their own.

But they are the same race, the difference is cultural and political. Like there are bavarians, saxons, swabians, austrians, but they are all considered german based on their language, or on their citizenship.

Moontear is a night elf supremacist. Don’t bother trying to argue with him.

same origin but different race/faction.

Or nevermind: They should just merge all races that look exactly the same, and let people choose subcategories of it. It’s better. Final fantasy does it this way I think (tried it a while ago)

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Ah yes, lets use the evil bad lady who thinks shes better than everyone making leering taunts at specific people as a clear and obvious plug by Blizzard to directly claim Blood Elves and High Elves are a different race rather than the political/cultural divergence they are and nothing more.

Its not speculated by anyone. Its a known fact.

The titans view of things doesn’t change that.

There is only one origin for elves and it IS literally that they were a tribe of Dark trolls that lived near to the waters and were changed by it.

You can pretend I guess but the truth is the truth. Sorry.

The old tidbit Blizzard had as a fun debate was eradicated by Chronicle precisely because it was no longer part of the debate.

There isn’t a compromise. There is no need for one. Trolls are the ancestors of Night Elves is perfectly fine on its own and is the actual truth.

You folk calling yourselves supremacists for one race over another… I’d think you’d be able to get any of your lore right…

I think they are same person
Or have problems with similar symptoms

here is the TRUTH:

According to Blizzard : “Chronicles is a canon but flawed since it’s from the Titans perspective"

So, please read it again. It’s from the Titans perspective.

Night elves did not descended from Trolls. Every night elf knows that.

She was not evil, just portrayed as one and was as “such” because to save her people, that what leader would do.

Yes blood/high/void elves, 3 different race factions, unless you can provide me evidence that game or lore identify them as HIGH elves, all of them. :slight_smile:

Is that why the night elf sentinels got so insulted in Suramar when they saw the troll status, imitating their ancestors? Learn2Lore. Your embarrassing yourself.

The truth is that Night Elves are descendant from Dark Trolls. As it has always actually been.

More than Chronicle supports and says this. Enjoy your delulu.

She was a bad guy taunting specific people… Shes not a lore source. Shes just a person.

She only draws distinction because there are two opposing sides. High Elves and Blood Elves are the same race. They’re just different factions. Politics and culture are all that define them as different.

She only speaks of the two groups high and blood.

I actually don’t claim void elves as the same race. They were directly changed by the void considerably. They are however, still thalassian elves. They haven’t lost their origin.

Blood and High Elves are literally the same thing with a political and cultural change. Theirs isn’t a difference of race no matter how you try to pretend otherwise.

Also Blood Elves are still called High Elves by Blizzard… in their own lore documents on their website. Until the recent change to the character creation screen they also were referred to as High Elves who changed their names to Blood Elves.

Their heritage questline remarks about them being the High elves prior to their name change…

In none of this do they experience any physical changes that would make them a new race or species. They are literally the same thing as a High Elf.

According to the titans, and their information is flawed.

Then according to you, blood elves that identify themselves as void elves are still blood elves.

She acknowledge that they are 3 different races. Like very other leader in WoW.

Yes blood elves are no longer high elves, fel magic changed them.

As they always portrayed with fel green eye color, different skin, voice tone, behaviour, magic consumption.

Blood elves are called blood elves, high elves are called high elves.

Saying all blood elves are high elves is like saying all high elves are night elves.

Void Elves were actually changed… Blood Elves and High Elves have not been changed.

Not a single leader has indicated the Blood Elves and High Elves are actually different races. They do mark their political differences but thats it. They’re the same race.

According to Blizzard they were not changed… They’re the same race they were before its a magical effect on their eyes. The same effect would happen to any high elf that is exposed for enough time with the fel. Just like any high elf with faith will see their eyes become golden thanks to the Sunwell. :smiley:

Blood Elves and High Elves are high elves. Not all high elves see themselves as blood elves. Cause its just a name. Not a race.

Actually its not.

Well, Alleria is an example of being a high elf and using void elf powers, so people mistake her as void elf instead.

Well Elisande already did that. In-game we have 3 different elven races with their leaders. What else you need for a proof?

No. Blood elves changed skin tone, eye coloUr, voice tone, consuming different type of magic etc. Yes they renamed, but also changed into blood elven lifestyle. Every new newborn elf is blood elf not a high elf.

Alleria is a unique case and a hero and thus doesn’t follow the same rules as the void elves we play… like many “leaders”

Its very clear that the void elves have been changed from what they were… given they literally say so, have different skin, hair and blood. It also appears to remove their need for the Sunwell? But that last bit seems to be up in the air and its not really explained.

Regardless the Blood and High Elves have no actual differences beyond a name.

Some actual proof would be nice.

Elisande is taunting the leaders of three groups of elf… shes not saying anything about whether they’re different races from one another.

Blood Elves have not had any change to their skin tones only their eyes which show the magic that was filling the city at the time. Its no different than the orcs. Green Orcs aren’t a different race to the Mag’har. One just hasn’t had the fel introduced. Those physical changes will dissipate with time according to the Devs.

The Blood Elves green eyes are already dissipating either to gold or blue. (Also purple but lets not get too deep into the unexplained when we have the explained.)

Also they didn’t change voice tone either. rofl.

They consumed arcane magic endemic to the creatures and items they pulled magic from. A scant few of them mostly in Outland pulled magic from the Fel. All of which for a short time.

Now, as of the end of the TBC expansion the Blood Elves get their arcane mana from the Sunwell just like the High Elves also now get theirs from the Sunwell… since its connected to them across time and space.

Being a blood or high elf is a name and nothing more hun. They literally just changed their names to honor the fallen.

Well, they pretty much can look exactly like blood elves.

Yes they do, that’s why we have 3 different factions and 3 elven races.

Kaldorei, Queldorei, Sindorei. 3 different races.

Void Elves so far still only have the blue skin. We’ve yet to see a void elf with natural skin beyond Alleria who is a unique case.

Regardless the change in blood and the addition of tentacles is a significant change.

Blood and High elves have had no such changes.

We have two political groups calling themselves different things and one who is actually a different race. Blood and high elves are just a name difference due to political and ideological differences.

Shes talking to the groups arrayed before her. Not about races.

There are no differences between a blood elf or a high elf beyond political and ideological viewpoints. Blood Elves only changed their name. Nothing about them changed their race.