Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

we already have them, not yet playable. Elves are most played and most popular races. Why add something like “gnolls” that only less then 1 % would play them? Waste of resources.

Look amazing.

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More options yes please, also want a proper dark ranger class :>

Waste of resources is when you put exactly same model but add different name. And I wish other races would get more spotlight. As I am bored to death of elves.

We really need another class that can use bows. Not sure Dark Ranger makes sense as its own class, but it could definitely be a spec of a “Ranger” class.

elves could fill that spot. Quel’Dorei for alliance, San’layn for horde. And all elves get dark ranger spec.

The gift of naaru has been replaced with a fel visual for man’ari customization.

Blizzard should do the same thing for high elf customization, for example an option to cancel the EE visual effect, red blood instead of purple blood…

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but a skin tone is not what high elf fans ever wanted.

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Its the History and the Allegiance of the Alliance High elves have for the Alliance which Void elves lack. So EE visual effect won’t be enough or red blood. Umbric and his followers has no history they ever fought for the Alliance in the past, They stayed in Silvermoon until they were exiled. And they don’t have a real Allegiance towards the Alliance.

However Blizzard could fix all that but they won’t as evidence shows. A Skin does not have decades of History and the Allegiance to the Alliance. The Alliance High elves and Void elves need to Join together under the same banner or make them a separate race. But Void elves have been the only race in wow that is been Incomplete since day one since end of legion. But that is becuase they were a last minute decision and not enough time to build up them like the other races with culture, tradition, “A REAL HOME” etc etc. Would been better if they made a race, lets say those void corrupted eternals playable that has 10000 years of history, tradtion, culture, their own language and have a “real home” with a city etc etc and have long history of knowledge of the void would make more sense than combining 2 races into one but still screw it up.

Sure some high elves that is not affilited with the Alliance have joined the Void elves but they won’t be void elves, but more like void elves in traning. To be trained the same way as Alleria was trained by Locus-Walker as they can’t redo what happen to Umbric and his followers. Because what ever Umbric and his followers were meant to become, if they redo it and fail to stop it. Who knows if they are still…sane? or turned into a savage void creature as the crazy ethereal did not know what would happen to Umbric and his followers.

But as I said Im curious about this Cosmic void as it seems to be Uncorrupted (Not Old gods void magic) Void magic. And they should look at Ramavatarrama work as he make things for all elves. Starcursed hair was a great idea for void elves.

As this picture that was made by someone else as High elves and Void elves under one banner.

But I do like this picture with the void smith. As I do like the idea ice as space is cold and stars as elves like in LOTR elves were fascinated by the stars.

…I don’t know, maybe with the Cosmic void can fix what is missing with the void elves and if they had the History and Allegiance that Alliance High elves have. I do like being there at Telogrus Rift (If it only had buldings and didn’t look like death everywhere) and its music, abit of mystery…but when returning to Azeroth it feels like Void elves don’t belong on Azeroth or Warcraft. Void elves were not asked for, they just feel weird for Warcraft world. But I can’t deny they are interessting when going to Telogrus Rift. But don’t have the same feeling leaving Telogrus Rift. Maybe it would been better if Umbric and his followers was introduced back in TBC but not as playable but we were working with them, side by side and later on help them get to Telogrus Rift were they could study more about this forbidden magic. And they later returned at Legion and fight side by side with us during Legion expansion and then became playable. Building up the Allegiance for the Alliance and History with the Alliance. That we already established connection with the void elves long ago. They do have glowing blue eyes and purple that does not work on Azeroth. The eyes are dim when coming to Azeroth.

Maybe Blizzard should just Redo the Void elves and start from scratch. Still being blue and purple but with Alliance high elves being the source of the Void elves and Void elves in traning like Alleria then some unknown outcast group of Blood elves who, no one has ever heard of or seen and never had any affiliation to the Alliance. Perhaps that is were Blizzard made the error with Void elves. Its so weird why Alleria did not train the Alliance High elves “First”. The ones that were Loyal to the Alliance just like her, who was loyal to “her” and still is and she “Forgot” they even…existed???. As Alleria has had no interaction with the Alliance High elves at all. Or even train her Sister Vereesa her new found powers? Or made it so the Alliance High elves/Silver Covenant are trained and use this new Cosmic Void which is more blue void magic and not corrupted Old god void magic that Void elves have been using. Well we will see if Blizzard can make things right. The void are intressant but…I always fall back to being a High elf as they make more sense to the Alliance and Warcraft as a game. Void elves are so…confusing. Its all Confusing.

…No…nevermind, disregard what I said…as I come back from Telogrus Rift to Azeroth Void elves makes no sense, maybe its better High elves became playable and should have been playable at Legion and we get a new race that uses the void that makes more sense. Like the Void eternals as they are bit of mystery to them and they comes from void space. And Telogrus Rift and the music on Telogrus rift would have been more fitting for them. Or a complete new race that makes sense for using the void magic.

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My only problem with this is that both uncorrupted high elf faction are Light practitioners, even tho their dogma differs from the beliefs of humans, dwarves and the draenei, so a subrace corrupted by either undeath, or void would be kind of antinomic in my personal opinion.

Are they? I mean Lady Liadrin was a priest before she became paladin (Funny how that works :thinking:. Its not like Uther was a priest before he became a paladin, ohh wait he was). Where would she have learned about the Light? The Humans of course. Sure in TBC the Blood knights drained the Light from a Naaru and then they got the Light from the Sunwell (And Velen never got a “thank you” from the Blood elves for doing them that favor). Sure the Blood elves beliefs may have changed over time. But like Arator the Redeemer have lived in Stormwind all his life and trained at Stormwind Church with Human beliefs. Strange he got green eyes like all the other Blood elves even though he never been to Silvermoon his entire life but have yellow eyes now. Was there not also Blood elf paladins that was part of the Silver Hand which has “Human” beliefs of the Light. So the Blood elves beliefs would not gone to far off that of the “Human” beliefs of the Light. The Draenai have practiced and worshipped the Light longer than Humans have existed on Azeroth, so they had much to teach the other races in the Alliance and also Dwarves learned about the Light from Humans. And if we go to the Hinterlands the Highvale elves there are very interested in learning about the Light as there is a Draenai priest is there. So they have had many years to learn from the Draenai about the Light.

But hell I don’t mind the Blood elves are part of the Horde. Just wish they were like they were back in TBC. As that made more sense for them as they were all about “Power!”.

And the Alliance High elves should have Dalaran as their home as it was a home to many High elves as Humans and High elves build it together (Even Aethas Sunreaver loves living there than in Silvermoon and did everything just to get back into Dalaran) and those High elves stayed with the Kirin tor when their king ordered them home. As the humans died and their children countinue to work along side the High elves. Well in a way the High elves in Dalaran became parents for the younger generation of Human Kirin tor Mages. Veeresa windrunner lives there with her two children. So Dalaran would be Ideal as a home for the High elves. And you know the Horde has now 2 magical cities with both Silvermoon and Suramar…well 3 if the Forsaken manage to rebuild topside of Lordaeron as it was seen as a magical city aswell. So it is abit unfair that the Horde has 3 magical cities and Alliance have “none”. No Stormwind is not a Magical city its a just ordinary Medieval city with a Mage District that is not that big.

Least work required to make playable ace are high elves. Blizzard could finally make them playable and please most of playerbase.

Exactly this. I really wish Warcraft would evolve from humans vs orcs crap and move on to different franchise. Having to hang out in Stormwind every expansion for many races is plain stupid.

Look nice.

Well…I like the Humans vs Orcs (Old Warcraft 2 fan), however it would be nice with a new scenery now and then. Like we have the expansions start in one of the “other” major cities once and awhile and also all get barber shop and transmog shop in all the major cities so one can choose were to be stationed/live.

Yeah. It would be easy as well. they got the voices for both male and female, tabard, mounts, they have diffrent armor colors than blood elves. However there is a possiblily that Dalaran has “landed” in 11.0 expansion, that could mean that Dalaran is much bigger city in 11.0. Only saying its a possibility. Otherwise Northrend Dalaran would be best as starting point as we have most Silver Covenant around there.

Hmm seems Blizzard have removed the green fire on the High elf version on the shoulders which is great. Still hoping the Warlocks can use this aswell as I have a Blood elf Warlock with old look TBC look with FEL.
From the US Forums.
The Blue ice fire looks so much better for High elves. Would look great on my (coughing…) FAKE High (Void) elf mage.

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I hope blizz do give the alliance the high elves because it would bring a lot of players back to the game. The horde could have something else mabye a sanlayn or dreadlord something along those lines. Mabye horde could get banshee elve similar to sylvanas that would make sense.


I have no problem if Horde gets San’layn but probaly going to have to wait for them abit, storywise that is. As the last San’layn was killed in BFA. However during the Blood elf Paladin questline at the end of Shadowlands, new San’layn have been created and was leading the charge at the Blood elves in Quel’thalas. Hmm they could have two forms like Worgen and Dracthyr. Have well “similar” Blood elf look, but in combat they turn into a Vampire lord with claws and huge fangs, I quess a similar look of a dread lord. Or maybe like the void elves Entropic Embrace when void elves goes into the void form the San’layn has similar trigger and goes into their Vampire lord form.

Banshee elves…hmm well the thing is that Blizzard gave both sides the undead Elf look…so that might be a problem. I think San’layn is the best bet.

I really do not understand why there can’t be same NPC in all cities for players? Even portals. Why we are forced to stay in Sw and Ogr…

Dalanar could be 10 times bigger more like Valdraken.

That’s exactly what horde would love to get San’layn elves.

Christmas is coming elf on a shelf and all that lets see.

Well Blizzcon is coming and maybe we will hear some news about high elves playable.

Then druids/shamans blood elves horde and high elves alliance
shamans/paladins for night elves and high elves
void expansion to expand void elf lore

High Elf Paladins with proper high elf racial and heritage armor would be amazing. High Elf shamans and druids is a dream I always wanted to have.

So maybe, some great news on November 3-4.

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I hope they announce some new “high elf” customizations for the void elves, especially new hairstyles with braids and tattoos.
If they could also add an option in character creation to choose the “high elf” race tag, that would be really awesome !

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These past weeks I’ve been farming the Silver Covenant marks of Champion in Argent Tournament whilst waiting for next patch. Crazy how even back at WOTLK the voices and even the skin tones of HEs were quite different from BEs!

I am disappointed that in 10.2 BEs will be getting 4 new hair colours whilst VEs not getting anything and are still stuck with awful hairstyles.

I was wondering if when they open up Paladins to all races they might allow for better hairstyles, or a glyph to turn EE visual arcane-like?


Blizzard also needs to unlock the faces 1-8 from the void elf skins as they are Identical to
Blood elf faces 9-16 that Void elves have so the customization combination list is INACCURATE. When that is done the Combinations list will lower significantly for void elves as they are not new faces, as they are the same. So void elves have duplicated faces atm.

Yeah…as the Silver Covenant High elves were more pale than the Blood elves as Blood elves were more reddish to their skins due to the fel exposure (the Blood elves found a new source of power which the Alliance High elves didn’t and was struggling to survive) and had more Human-like eyes due to the withdrawal symptoms of arcane…until Shadowlands. That’s what Blizzard could have done with the Alliance High elves. That they were paler almost snow white skin and blue and purple normal eyes. And their new home would be in Northrend as we met them there and there is alot of arcane wells there that the blue dragonflight was protecting but now they all left for Dragon isles except for a few Guardians. What Blizzard could have done that The Alliance High elves and Blue dragonflight worked togheter in exchange for the High elves to have access to the Arcane wells. Crystalsong forest would have been perfect as their new home. As the place have a bit of mystery left there by the ancient Highborne (still roaming around) and small plot of land that one day could look similar to Quel’thalas forest.

But…oh well…missed opportunity there by Blizzard.