Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

Maybe Blizzard should do a quest to recruit all groups of high elves (like the man’ari quest) and add new HE customizations at the same time (hairstyles, beards, tattoos…). The high elves will officially join the void elves. :ok_hand:

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Once again I show my overwhelming support for more choices for players, including customisations and races, Blizz need to be constantly reminded of this.

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void elves are high elves. Let’s focus on new stuff.

Void elves are Blood elves who were High elves, a small faction of High elves still survives to this day and aids the Alliance through excursions via third party faction and they renounce their former Prince to upkeep their heritage, Please learn your lore.

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THe high elves and void elves both never sided with Kael. Thy accepted Anduin as their leader.

Rather than an allied race, which won’t happen now, because they’re are just the same as Blood Elves - I think this idea, from MMO champion, is actually the best we can hope for, for all races.

Why go through all that when you could just have racial skins?

Just have racial skins - there’s no way the highborne would be neutral or friendly towards the Horde, considering it was the Horde that culled them twice.
Racial skins for Night Elves could be:
Regular Night Elf
Highborne Night Elf (Mage, Warlock)
Darkfallen Night Elf (Hunter, Rogue, Death Knight)
Illidari Night Elf (Demon Hunter, Warlock)

Then you just pick which one you’d like. It’s not directly impactful on the lore, but gives players more options.

Humans could be:
Stormwindian Human
Lordaeron Human
Arathor Human

Blood Elves could be:
Regular Blood Elf
Sunfury Blood Elf (Mage, Warlock)
Illidari Blood Elf (Demon Hunter, Warlock, Mage)
Darkfallen Blood Elf (Hunter, Rogue, Warrior)

I don’t think the “class” specific skins work, because it’s trying to pidgeon-whole people into just playing a certain class with a certain race skin.

For Void Elves - rather than going “Farstrider”, just go:
Regular Void Elf

That way - it leaves the door open to either play a Quel’dorei Farstrider, Quel’dorei Magister or Ren’dorei Warlock.

Humans don’t look different aside from skin color. Why did you push this again.

There was actually an entire zone cut from WotLK that would have heavily focused on the Silver Covenant High Elves. That zone is the Crystalsong Forest, where Dalaran is.

Well, the zone wasn’t cut. It was just left unfinished with barely any content.

I suggested something similar about a year ago. Shameless plug -

Highborne were “culled” by the Horde? I don’t even recall this happening once. Unless you are talking about Teldrassil.

It is confirmed that the Horde defeated them in the Dire Maul dungeon and caused them to flee.
The Horde killed the majority of the Zealots, loyal to Tortheldrin and burned the Library.

After that, it was Sylvanas’ onslaught.

The Highborne were actually culled 3 times, with the first by Prince Tortheldrin himself. the latter two were by the Horde.

Heh…doesn’t surprise me. Also that Black Vrykul castle to the west was left unfinished too. Crystalsong is so perfect with mystery, mystic and also a ancient Highborne Village/city and the music is so powerful, majestic and magical (I just love the music from Crystalsong Forest). Nothing is quite like it on Azeroth. And the magical energies that is erupts out there around Northrend that the Blue Dragonflight attended before DF expansion. And would love if they had Sylvanas High elf Farstrider armor with a male version of it and Robe version for mages, it be perfect for Silver Covenant theme armor and it also have the right colors. Also be nice if the Thas’dorah bow had a Silver Covenant color version would be awsome. One can dream atleast.

Also if Alliance could get Vrykul or give the Kultirans Vrykul options and a bit of lore that there sill “Tall” Barbarian humans out there, living like Vrykuls do and worship the same gods. And Also the Kultiran males have Rexxar six pack and female have Orcs female/ or those female warriors from the maldraxxus six pack. More option to look like a Barbarian human on the Alliance side.

There it is…Yeah I remember just didn’t want to go through the entire thread to find it. But yeah it would let people play as they want to play as. Doesn’t need to be a entirely new level zone for all the races but they have an area that is their own theme. A empty space rock middle of nowhere in void space isn’t exactly a home. Hell even the Ethereals have it better than Void elves. Sure the view is nice but there is nothing there.

You forgot normal Gilnean humans. Love how they talk and would love to have a hunter with Warhamer Witch hunter armor (Armor we might get in the future as the Hats were dataminned, possibly for the tradepost.). But also if we could get more Normal/skinny size humans so we can have more Rogue/Mage humans. Would love to have my Main…A Rogue as a Human (Finally be A Normal Human Rogue that is not on Steroids) as I always have my main in other game as Rogue/Theif as Human. and Second a Warrior/Barbarian Human and then a Elf hunter. Humans they could also throw in the Kultirans Humans in the sub section. The big Humans, and they might do that if they going to need space for more races. Perhaps they compact the races like if you choose troll you have the option for normal trolls or Zandalari trolls or Orcs you have the option of Green skin orcs or Mag’har orcs etc.

And we have that Diplomat armor on the wow store which many thought it be a pirate theme expansion the next expansion to be but Mike Ybarra said no Pirate theme expansion. But what does a Diplomat do…“Make Alliances” and “Keep those Alliances strong” so its possible there be more Allied races in the next expansion. And since its the players are the ones that get that armor, maybe we will become that Diplomat represents our faction that will make those Alliances with other races. it will be interesting to watch this years Blizzcon with Chris Metzen at the helm (Where the story of wow is going I mean), I hope, …I hope he brings back that old Warcraft feeling that made me love playing Warcraft in the first place.

There are already the high elf, darkfallen, wildhammer, sand troll/dark troll, man’ari racial skins and I hope there will be more.
I think Blizzard should also add the “race tag”, this is perhaps the only solution that would avoid adding another race that is physically identical to those already available.


You would also need to make it where you can freely change those tags aswell because a High Elf looking like a Dark Fallen would cause more issues, unless you got locked to the skin but they would have to create a hell of alot more unique options ingame for customisation.

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Friendly reminder he is responsible for the horrible treatment of the blood elves in TBC.

Their world was devoured by the void and they are now refugees.

Unwashed savages is the Horde thing to do.

That was back when they were still evil and serving demons. Isn’t that the same thing you accuse the blood elves of?



No means No. Get lost.

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There’s no need to be rude and mean to others, instead f saying no agree with them and then go make a thread asking for more stuff for your own race or any races you would like to see added to the game instead of being closed minded, Support thy fellow player.


It was the initial comment if you scroll up. Blizzard gave you a compromise to make the elves normal. They even have more options then blood elves now. If that doesen’t make the high elf Community Happy that is their own problem.

Ahhh Erevien, nice alt, another one to put on ignore, I matched your feats of strength rare mounts to find out it was you, bye troll.

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Give up high elves and move on

Character creation needs these new features !
