Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

And Sylvanas is associated with those Undead. She’s not Alliance and shouldn’t have any lore revolving around the Alliance fanbase.

She was.

and :



Isn’t now. What was isn’t important.

I don’t care for what “was” (before WoW.)

Any High Elf fan who wants Sylvanas as Alliance is an idiot.

I agree at 100%

Don’t even know your own lore lol.

I like them. They should get their own hub tho.

No. Go away.

IS occupied by the blood elves. It is called Falconwing square.

Who already left the Alliance by decree of Anasterian himself.

Nothing evil to kill the people who genocided you.

good equality would be to lead the Horde out of the shadow of the alliance when apart from being the bad guy they instantly disappear the moment the big bad guy shows up instead of faction conflict.

Finally someone said it out loud.

You have access to the Sunwell already. Void elves don’t because Alleria almost triggered a void invasion.

Void elves are already the allied race with the most options. Time to give some love to Nightborne and Mag’har.

we will never know what she did if arthas never killed her before.

But facts are facts she was what she did, alive and undead. She had her freewill, except when she was arthas’s pet for a few moment.

Don’t even know your own lore lol.

Excuse me sir to have a job, life, headache and stuff making me not knowing everything on everything, unknowledge is not a crime

We never know what would have become of her, has she survived and maintained her title of Ranger General.

Would she have left with Kael’thas and become the Sunfury Ranger General? Would she have remained behind in Quel’Thalas or would she have taken exile? We don’t know and tbh - it isn’t important…what is important is that Sylvanas, as known associate to the Forsaken, should return and primarily be a Horde leaning character.

  • Purge of Dalaran.
  • the ranger Halduron sent to Vereesa to aid her in finding the bow of Alleria.
  • and of course this:

She literally died a hero when defending her kingdom. No one could forsee Dar’khan being a filthy traitor.

You’ll never get that with these people. Look at Void Elves. They are given their own gimmick, their own theme and these people try to turn them into blue belfs.

But that is essentially what I’m asking for. “Blue Belfs” but as a stand alone, independent race, far from the base of the core race (The Blood Elves.)

High Elves can have their own theme, but High Elf supporters just have to trust me when I say, that they should be independent from Quel’Thalas.
Long-term, setting up a new home, whether it be the Hinterlands or Crystalsong - it will be better for the High Elves, long term.


This is entirely false. lol


thanks sir, i ll read and learn


seriously ? unless 10% of the land ? Can’t we share ? ._.

This is not actually true.
Lightforged, nightborne, Highmountain, maghar, zandalari have more.

Void elves just have a lot of skin tones and hair colours, but lack in all areas outside of that.

Kul tirans really need some love though.
That race lacks in every area.


there are only ruins and crackfelzombies on left side and a little BE camp. come on.

Selfish Blood elves :dracthyr_lulmao:

Them and Mechagnomes seems really lackluster right now. Honestly even the Dark Iron could use more, though they at least feel solid.

Kul’Tirans though are truly sad right now.

The blood elves are already in a process of reclaiming what they lost that was the entire point of their TBC story. The only parts that they couldn’t hold alone was the Ghostlands and thanks to Sylvanas the Forsaken aid came to them.

Myself is a simp for Dame Auriferous.

You can’t really use TBC-Cata era half measures to indicate the status of that side right now.

its entirely possible that the Blood Elves recovered that side. We may see this with Midnight when they remake the city even.


Mechagnomes would be in a really great spot if they had access to gnome hair options. Thats the thing that really holds them back.
Same with dark irons.
Hair seems to be the trend here. We need more hair choices! :scream: