Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

Is that their goal? Factions are supposed to largely be buddy buddy in the large expac, and they’re already making it so that you can make a Void Elf identical to a few Blood Elf customization options. They’ve already largely changed their tune.

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Stop trying to waste an allied race slot

They’ve affirmatively stated as recently as Blizzcon that the faction divide is critical to the game.

And the Horde/Alliance should never be “buddy buddy” with each other.

Let’s also dispel of the fiction that Void Elves/Blood Elves will have the opportunity to look identical come Shadowlands when jewelry/hair styles and hair color are still locked to either race.

And yet they’ve done things like make cross-faction communication possible with Pandaren, Thalassian and Demonic being mutually intelligible languages, Pandaren and Void/Blood Elves can be made identical to each other…

And, guess the multiple times that a world-ending threat has forced a temporary stalemate to face the Big Bad (as has happened every couple of years) never happened, then.

So if I make a pale-skinned, bald, blue-eyed Blood Elf, and a pale-skinned, bald, blue-eyed Void Elf come SL, what’ll be the distinguishing features between those two characters?

And every time those world ending threats come knocking on our door there’s always some Horde/Alliance skirmish happening by the wayside. We’re not true buds and hopefully never will be.

See: Icecrown, Stormheim, the entirety of the Cataclysm leveling experience, all of BfA etc etc.

The eyebrows. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Hmm i can’t see any darkspear infront of troll… hmm maybe it’s just me but I read troll, implying any troll. Their addition makes a lot of sense after the reunition with the zandalari and no one is asking for exclusive racials and is fine with their basic racials, same with dwarves. In addition you already got wildhammer dwarves among the regular ones (dwarf shamans saying hi). Everyone is fine that they can RP as a different troll tribe or dwarf clan.

Regarding VE there is a difference, they go through a physical alteration which influences their body via absorption of void energy. It can also be argued that they’ve been able to recreate an alternatve version of the ritual as Umbric is trying to do or that the effects of the ritual aren’t permanent. Both version could lead to fair skinned VE’s, while the first leaves some room for BE/HE scholars which can join the VE’s ranks this way.

But the only thing that really matters is that they undergo a transformation (via ritual[base VE’s] or absorption[Alleria])altering their bodies (shadow affinity, entropic embrace etc.) automatically changing potential scholar, BE’s and HE’s, into VE’s.

Hmm so why is it that they never introduced a neutral race after they released pandaren…hmmm maybe they think that they have been a mistake? :wink:

For sure you CAN create exlusive racials but it doesn’t make any sense because they’re biologically identical and BE’s aren’t draining mana from living creatures anymore, since the sunwell was restored in BC.

Again BE’s and HE’s are the same biologically atleast regarding that point HE = BE is completely correct. You can’t even argue that they’ve been changed by fel, because we know they’re BE’s who never drained mana from living creatues and weren’t near Silvermoon when they used the demonic crystals to fuel the infrastructure.

I never asked for a „unique narrative“, I simply ask for a narrative which isn’t purely opposing the BE or directly „stealing“ BE-plot. What do you think, why pandaren (especially the playable ones) never had any story relevant plots after MoP?
It’s pretty easy none of both pandaren factions is enough to develop story arcs on their own and unique pandaren arcs don’t make any sense because the other faction would’ve been involved in the same way.

It’s exactly the same with BE’s & HE’s which is why VE’s have been given as compromise, because they got and additional narrative regarding the void theme. IMO it would’ve been better if they’d been HE’s from the beginning, but with the upcoming changes it can atleast be argued that HE’s joined their ranks via ritual/absorption.

Racials, remember one is turning blue in combat the other one isn’t. :slight_smile:

(And pls don’t ask for customization regarding entropic embrace if not a toogle to turn the whole racial on/off or maybe a more/less voidy-option as glyph (still keeping VE-theme intact), I already said this in this discussion if you choose VE you are a VOID-elf not a arcane/nature/holy/…-elf)

And yet, if you choose not to play in Exile’s Reach, you start in Echo Isles as a Troll, where it’d be pretty… unusual to find a Sand Troll, let’s put it that way.

And if you start as a Wildhammer-looking Dwarf, you’re going to get a rep buff with the Ironforge faction, but no buff with the Cata Wildhammer faction - curious! The race does seem to represent one specific tribe or clan. Would I be okay with new racials/voice acting/etc. for them so they can be distinct, too? Sure.

As long as every single Pandaren isn’t forced into a faction change or deleted from the game, the decision has still set a precedent, no matter what they think about it now.

Yes, Blood Elves and High Elves physiologically identical, but they could have made some excuse of giving them unique racials instead of making up a completely new race from scratch rather than one that’d already been heavily involved in the story.

Except void elves are exiled blood elves, so these customizations are nothing but pleasing horde with nothing but stealing alliance highelves blue eye option

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no. let’s YOU - trolls - horde mains. blood elf mains. leave the threads and let US alliance people who love alliance and a healthy faction balance continue these threads

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That’s a hot take if I ever saw one.

Originally Posted by Ythisens

How do you feel personally about the idea of High Elves becoming as an allied? What did the team think about them at the time of the massive megathreads?

Personally I have no issue with them becoming an allied race, as the arguments against it are pretty hard to make.
“Blood Elves and High Elves would look roughly the same.” Pandaren already do this across factions.
“Lore wise there isn’t enough High Elves to justify making them a playable race.” Void Elves lore wise have less people than high elves but are playable.
“There’s too many elf races.” It’s a fantasy game… and they already exist anyway.

There isn’t a good reason to me apart from just flat out saying they don’t want to do them. It’s hard to justify game and lore wise why they can’t be playable.

I can’t talk about anything internal on the conversations, I’m just referencing what’s been said in Q&As.


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Agreed, the only real reason for others to be against it at this point seems to be a sort of devotion to the state of the factions even though High Elf NPCs have been on the Alliance for well over a decade, and we’ll be making characters near identical to Blood Elves soon, anyway.

If people are worried about it taking up an Allied Race “slot” while the Horde gets something more unique, then there should just be options to roll far more High Elf options into the existing Void Elf race.

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great idea. and that duality in’‘velf ar’’ to be ‘‘velf or helf’’ can be justified due to the fact that horde outnumber alliance 60v40% or even more imbalanced - so alliance can get something good that the horde doesnt have

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People lets work together and ask for what we want!

I made a threat for Void elves and blood elves what they want

Let’s stop being at each others throat and help each other!

I honestly don’t understand the appeal of a High elf Paladin. Most High elves would either play mages or Hunters for lore reason and rp, but Paladins was started to be used by the Blood elves first.

Because some people like paladins?

Well we can’t have everything we like, otherwise I would be a Night elf warlock

Classes are limited to some races, and that’s normal since the beginning of wow.

Instead of asking for this, why not ask for normal hair colors for the Void elves. Something that can actually be added. But what your asking is near impossible

Just let people ask for it and we will see what blizzard shall do?

The problem is… the anti-High elf people will just use this as an excuse to show that high elf fans will never be happy, and they will always keep asking for more and more. I’ve seen it being used as an example myself by one of the anti-high elves. So please let’s ask for something basic that can actually be added in the game, like normal hair colors. Asking for paladins is just too much.

Personally I’d play a hunter, but High Elf Paladins are popular among players and are justified in lore. Mehlar Dawnblade was a student of Uther and so presumably there were High Elf Paladins even before the fall of Quel’Thalas.

The Silver Enclave in Northrend Dalaran has a High Elf Paladin trainer, too.