Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

No they’re not. Blood elves are affiliated with horde.

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Play your little headcanon as much as you want. Won’t change the fact that high elves become blood elves. That event can be found in the Warcraft III game and it’s been repeated throughout WoW countless times. Players who roll a belf and have the patience to read the quest lore in the starting area are aware of that. So please, spare me the convenient fabrications, ok? Go back to crying about Horde bias.

yes they did. but they no longer are highelves but blood elves.

Tbh who cares let us have our high elves and stop gate keeping something srsly. There are high elves that stayed in the alliance and we want top play as them not the blood elves in Silvermoon.


And tell me how many people wanted mechagnomes? almost no one and I think people will be happy if the San’layn are based of the princes models.

Nobody will be happy if the female models aren’t that of a female blood elf.
And again - how many people wanted Vulpera? They weren’t even being discussed until 8.3 when they were announced.

Alot of people there was even a thread for it.

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I care. The other people here care.

So how about you stop asking for stuff that belongs to the belfs? Like their identity?

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But we arent we are asking for High elves in the alliace.

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Nope, you are asking for Blood Elves painted blue, figuratively speaking.

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Not really we are asking for a alliance race not a horde race. If you don’t like it sucks to be you.

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Your still willing to annoy San’layn fans.

Your a hypocrite. Your whole “make everyone happy” is actually “so long as it makes me happy, Horde fanbases can get stuffed.”

Not really I mean give them the Blood elf model Idc really I just want the high elves in the alliance to be playable. If everyone can be happy with that Idc if they get those San’layns but In my opinion give them the princes look.

Hehe. Sucks to be me? I’m not the one here crying my eyes out cause Blizz just won’t give me that belf clone I always wanted.

And yeah, you are asking for a Horde race.

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This is a cardinal point. Blizzard realised the mistake they made in giving Void Elves facial hair options that had been asked for for Blood Elves, and are now giving them to Blood Elves, This is as it should be.

Equally, Nightborne should have (and have -considerably-) less options than Night Elves)

Err…What? Which race was it that famously allied with the Naga once? They were Highborne, know where most of the Highborne and the blood of the Highborne are now?

Team Red.

I mean thats even the title of a freaking book about the Blood Elves, “Blood of the Highborne”. Just because the Night Elves have some amateurs playing around at being Mages doesn’t mean they are anything near the actual true scions of the Highborne.

There is no lore reason why Naga would side with the Alliance. They have never been on friendly terms. Ever.

Suramar and Silvermoon are both magical cities of wonder, not mud huts. Don’t make the mistake of thinking ‘Orgrimmar=Horde’, Thats just one of their capitals, same way as not every Gnome would want to live in a massively glowing crystal ship/city (Which would probably be really painful on their eyes) where everything is built for a race more than twice their size…

What has Mud Huts to do with it, when there is a city that actually -existed- at the time they became Naga, that is already Horde?

You really don’t have anything constructive to add on the subject at all, do you? I mean you could at least remain civil towards people, you are not exactly painting a very good image of people who want High Elves here, when you should instead be coming up with -ideas-.

Yes, well, in the US some people voted in Trump, and some of them do not believe in evolution, and that dinosaurs are a hoax (Although they are never certain by who, and why), and that Covid is a biological weapon created by an unholy alliance of China and the Democratic party in order to keep 'Muricans down.

Forgive me if I am loathe to take “But on the US forums” as a sensible barometer as to what people want. I mean the UK is not much better these days, but we haven’t gone full on USA yet.

On the original High Elves thread on the US forums there was some beautiful artwork showing elves, as ideas what High Elves ‘should’ look like.

Know the problem?

None of it is what High Elves look like in game.

They -all- wanted these fantastical things that all had 100% in common.

They all looked ‘better’ than the Blood Elf model in game.

Thats the problem. Thats where it fell down, because if you want something that looks ‘different’ or ‘better’ then you don’t want High Elves at all, do you? You just want Better Elves. And that shows a crucial lore misunderstanding.

Because there is no difference between a High Elf and a Blood elf apart from political affiliation. Oh, and that High Elves are Mana-Vegans.

Does being Vegan make you more likely to wear warpaint or have tattoos? I think not. Does it make you more muscular? I think not. Does it define you in a way that you physically look different from the exact same person you were just because of your diet? I think not.

So whilst the artwork on the US thread was very well executed, and beautiful, it was -not- High Elves.

High Elves look like Blood Elves. Because they are the same damned species!

Hang on, wasn’t the point of this about giving Alliance High Elves? Suddenly there is talk about giving the Alliance something else as well, over a Horde race that hasn’t even been asked for? Stay focussed.

No we don’t.
I think that would be a terrible addition that brings absolutely nothing to the game, and only detracts from it. Who in their right minds wants San’layn? They’re a glorified Blood Death Knight with a Night Elf model and no female version yet, why on earth would we want them? We already -have- them. Roll a Blood Elf Deathknight, or even better, roll a Nightborne Deathknight. Spec as Blood. Tadaaa! Your San’layn.

This offers nothing to the Horde playerbase that is not already attainable now that Allied races can be death knights.

Ahh, comedy joke post as ever. When you going to apologise to people for the really unpleasant things you said to them by the way? Because if you’re shackling your star to the High Elf cause I may well change my stance, you do not have a good track record at all, and I don’t think they want or need your help.

Actually this is an oft repeated fallacy, the people with Mechagnomes seem quite happy with them as it goes, I’m rather looking forwards to making one myself, in Shadowlands.

Thats not what happened. Vulpera weren’t asked for. We just got them. about 50% of Horde really like them, and 50% really hate them. There is this constant myth that the Horde “got what it asked for” Which doesn’t actually stand up to any scrutiny. That simply is not what happened.

Well I think we can tell when you started playing, can’t we you silly sausage? The original WoW High Elves used the Night Elf model, I’m afraid, so you are, as ever, 100% Incorrect. That was even the original model for Sylvanas. The current model used to represent High Elves in game is a copy of the model made for the playable race of Blood Elves.

I mean if people wanted to look like original wow High Elves then fine. Just roll a Night Elf and use a pale skin. Job done.

For the umpteenth time. Its. A. Name. They are 100% the same species.

Quite a few it actually seems, they’re rather popular, and no thanks, I don’t want San’layn, because you know the thing about Vampiric Elves?

You can already play one.

I mean thats what a -Blood Elf- can do, drain the energy from a living creature, so whats the draw in this? Why is this a drastic new gimmick?

No thanks. I want a new Allied race that looks unique with unique abilities.

Think realistically, don’t blinker yourself with these silly ideas that High and Blood Elves are somehow different. They’re not. They’re exactly the same people, and every adult Thalassian Elf will have at one point been a High Elf and at another point a Blood Elf, and some…Some like Vereesa, will have been a High Elf, and -then- a Blood Elf, and -then- a High Elf again!

The lore is a heady elixir, but one worth ingesting so as to understand how it actually works at times…

So if you don’t care, then don’t question what the Horde wants. You don’t deserve a voice there.

Let real Horde players decide what we want and you stay out of it.

Lol I am asking for Costums for void elves mostly Sure I like a allied race for High elves so yeaa That is false.

hear, hear - ‘we want high elves’ argument reduced to cinders

I play also horde so I have a say in this. And Alliance players have a say what they want and here you are. And I played mostly horde so yeaa…

No you don’t.

You speak for the Alliance and the races they want and let Horde players talk about what they want. You’ve got your voice, now let others speak up. You’ve had your say about races you like on the alliance, now it’s time for others and actual Horde players to have their say on these matters.