OK, I’ve had to explain this several times in this thread, but lets go over it again.
War paint or tattoos is not a High Elf exclusive thing.
Here are the examples where it has been depicted throughout the entire franchise.
The Elven Ranger units in WC2. 90% of whom will have died in the Scourge invasion, of the survivors, 90% of -them- are Blood Elves. (Ironically their warpaint was red)
Kael’thas, from the box art for TBC. Famously a Blood Elf.
Grand Magister Rommath has tattoos, also quite famously a Blood Elf.
4.Alleria, who left Azeroth -Before- the Scourge invasion, so all Elves were Thalassians. She didn’t even -know- that Blood Elves existed until the end of Legion. She didn’t know that there was a difference between Blood Elves and High Elves (which is a purely political one, remember, the mana draining thing is a -learned- talent, not an inherent Blood Elven ability. A High Elf could learn to do it. Heck, they -do- do it, just on leylines or items (Which is what did for the High Elves at Quel’Lithien lodge.
Basically what it tells us is that Tattoos seem to be a Magister thing (Kael’thas and Rommath) and Warpaint seems to be a Ranger thing (the WC2 Ranger units and Alleria.
It’s a Thalassian thing, not a High Elf thing.
As such, if implemented, should be done so for both sets of Elves.
Trust me, I really don’t, I read books like War and Peace for fun!
Have you read this thread? or are you just assuming you know my stance on the whole issue? I have said several times that I -am- OK with the other hair colour options. I have literally (in the correct sense of the word) stated that many times. If you had read the old thread I think you will find that I was actually advocating High Elves as a separate Allied Race, even suggesting racial leaders, starting zones, home region, and High Elf themed Racials. I’m just saying here that Void Elves are getting thrown under the bus so that people can play ‘High Elves’.
Of course it is. He lived in Quel’thalas during that brief period of time when the Fel Crystals were there. That is how the High Elven race react to exposure to Fel. Fun fact, Blizzard actually stated that the Allerian Expedition Elves -also- have Fel-green eyes in canon lore. Originally the models did, but then Blizzard felt it would be too confusing (a bit patronising of them I always thought) However they -did- leave in the quest text where one of the Allerian Elves even says that she knows she looks identical to a Blood Elf.