Ehh, they don’t get many options when you make a character, and they don’t -really- look like the Nightborne you see in game as the inhabitants of Suramar (Which is weird, as surely the models were already programmed!)
I agree, and Blizzard did a sufficient amount of work to differentiate them from Darkspears, they’re good.
Ehhh, I’d say the Vulpera fit in the Horde for the same reason that the Blood Elves do: The Alliance kicked off on them. I mean look at it from the Vulpera point of view. “We’ve got these neighbours, the Zandalari, who we get on with, and suddenly these new folks turn up, they wear a lot of red, and they seem to be pals with the Zandalari too, and when some of them come to Vol’dun they help us with the Sethrak problem, in fact they seem pretty cool, so we trade with them. But then, these other dudes turn up who wear a lot of blue, turns out they don’t like the dudes in red, and just because we trade with them they start killing us and burning our caravans, which is not cool, and when the Zandalari kind of joined the guys in Red because the guys in blue had attacked their city and killed their king, it seemed like a smart move for us to apply for Team Red also”
Vulpera completely fit the Horde Ethos.
Ehh, They’re just pointless. They’re like Lightforged Draenei. “Oh, so it’s exactly the same except for some Warpaint/Tattoos and different horns”
Don’t agree with them joining the Alliance though, That’s another reason why they’re like the Lightforged Draenei. The Horde hero helps them, but their cousins are in the Alliance, so to the Alliance they go, whereas with the Highmountain, the Alliance hero helps them, but their cousins are in the Horde, so to the Horde they go.
Same thing really.
Either way, both LFD and HM Tauren are rubbish as ‘new’ races. They’re nothing new, and should have been reskins.