Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

Ehh, they don’t get many options when you make a character, and they don’t -really- look like the Nightborne you see in game as the inhabitants of Suramar (Which is weird, as surely the models were already programmed!)

I agree, and Blizzard did a sufficient amount of work to differentiate them from Darkspears, they’re good.

Ehhh, I’d say the Vulpera fit in the Horde for the same reason that the Blood Elves do: The Alliance kicked off on them. I mean look at it from the Vulpera point of view. “We’ve got these neighbours, the Zandalari, who we get on with, and suddenly these new folks turn up, they wear a lot of red, and they seem to be pals with the Zandalari too, and when some of them come to Vol’dun they help us with the Sethrak problem, in fact they seem pretty cool, so we trade with them. But then, these other dudes turn up who wear a lot of blue, turns out they don’t like the dudes in red, and just because we trade with them they start killing us and burning our caravans, which is not cool, and when the Zandalari kind of joined the guys in Red because the guys in blue had attacked their city and killed their king, it seemed like a smart move for us to apply for Team Red also”

Vulpera completely fit the Horde Ethos.

Ehh, They’re just pointless. They’re like Lightforged Draenei. “Oh, so it’s exactly the same except for some Warpaint/Tattoos and different horns”

Don’t agree with them joining the Alliance though, That’s another reason why they’re like the Lightforged Draenei. The Horde hero helps them, but their cousins are in the Alliance, so to the Alliance they go, whereas with the Highmountain, the Alliance hero helps them, but their cousins are in the Horde, so to the Horde they go.
Same thing really.

Either way, both LFD and HM Tauren are rubbish as ‘new’ races. They’re nothing new, and should have been reskins.

Nightborne only look good when they’re dancing on top of mailboxes in any of the Horde cities.

After carefull consideration and giving it a whole second i can say No to Helves.

OMG this again, seriously? you’re getting High Elvs, blue eyes in Shadowlands, which means there will NEVER be another Allied Race with the same model, eyes, give up, submit, surrender, stop this spam.

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You should give up, submit, surrender to the reality.

We will never stop requesting.

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To be fair this topic was made back in May. It’s the community bumping the topic back up again by the many comments.

As a High elf fan I’m happy with the new skin colors and eye color for Velves. :heart_eyes:

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Just give void elves belf hair colors and some hairstyles, not a whole new allied race Blizz made it clear that High Elves are also studying the Void to become a Void Elf.

And give Belf red eyes and two undead skintones

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??? No we are not getting highelves…void elves receiving blood elf customization, blood elves receiving highelf customization.

Highelves not yet playable. Ion said anything possible in the future.

I hope one day, they allow us to play real highelves. :slight_smile:

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So you’re suggesting we all get another race, same eyes, same classes, pretty much, hair styles etc, no ty

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Yes, that is what they are suggesting. Now if they did that, and then gave the Horde a completely new race, can you imagine the howls of anger on the forums?

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Actually I like Elfs, nothing against them at all, whatsoever, Lore? don’t ask me, I play the game, High Elfs, sure, but it just to me at least (my opinion) not saying everyone has to think the same, we are given Blood Elfs, with Blue Eyes, Void Elfs are getting blue eyes, normal skin, sure, blizzard can give Void Elfs less Shadowy Hair Styles if it stops people from spamming these, but for (me) at least, current state of their beloved Quel’dorei, and correct me if I am wrong, was once Sin’dorei, or the other way around, pretty sure the other way around, Sin’dorei was once Quel’dorei, however I don’t see the reason to make a brand new Race, that would be the exact same like 2 races we already have, the only difference that might be, is the underwear colors etc, I just don’t see the reason to have a riot about this, still…

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To be honest, even this would not stop them spamming the forums with these “requests”.

I’d hope you like Elves, I mean you’re posting from one! Nah, I know what you mean. As to the lore of it, it goes Kaldorei, who then exiled some of the Highborne, who then became Quel’dorei after they landed in Eastern Kingdoms, who then became Sin’dorei, after the Scourge wiped most of them out, then 10% of the survivors were Exiled for refusing to drain mana from living creatures, and they renamed themselves Quel’dorei.

For a -very- short period of time all Elves from Quel’thalas were named Sin’dorei, until the Exile, when like I say, the Exiled ones changed their name back to Quel’dorei, You’ve then got a very small number of Blood Elves who got infused with Void energies who were also Exiled at some point between the end of Legion and beginning of BfA, which is what you’re posting from, The Ren’dorei.

Hope that clarifies things a bit, Elves be confusing…

I mean I didn’t even go into the Shal’dorei (Nightborne) who are an offshoot of the Highborne that -weren’t- exiled from Kalimdor.

And yeah, I don’t mind Void Elves getting hair customisations so that they can look like High Elves, I think that would be a fair deal.

The only problem I can see is if they were given High Elves as a separate Allied race, The only problems I could see would be that the Alliance would then have -two- races representing only 10% of the population of Quel’thalas, and the Horde would only have -one- race representing 90% of the population of Quel’thalas, you can see the problem there…

The second problem is that there is also another race that has been in the Horde since the WC games, and is still in the Horde, and isn’t playable, that people have asked for since Vanilla, just like with High Elves.


Don’t ask me why, I hate the idea of Ogres personally, but people do want them, and they are the direct equivalent of High Elves. Both have been in their factions since Vanilla, both are still members of those factions, and both are currently non-playable.

I mean I can see how they could work, Just use the Kul Tiran basic graphics skeleton but scale it up slightly. Problem is, if they do this, Alliance would be getting a reskin of a reskin, whereas Horde would be getting a reskin of an Alliance race.

I don’t think most Alliance players would be happy with that situation.
It would be groovy for the High Elf fans, but the wider Alliance playerbase would probably see it as the Horde getting something new, whilst they just got a reskin of Void Elves.

I mean we saw the fury on the forums when Horde got Vulpera and Alliance got Mechagnomes. It would be far, far worse.

No, I think the best option for them to take, would be to give Void Elves hair options to look like High Elves, so that way people can RP as High Elves, without it causing any friction. And to be honest, thats cool, let Void Elf players have blonde hair, brown hair, white hair, black hair, whatever, to go with the High Elf looking skin colours.


No, I want murlocs instead, so that I finally enjoy playing a DH.

Nah man, Gnolls be where it’s at. Playable Gnolls, Think of their /roar being that horrible whickering Hyena laugh. I mean, Murloc’s do have their appeal, but nah, I’m all about the Gnoll.


High elf request continuing like 15 years? If would be happy if they allow us to play them.

this is not a spam :slight_smile:

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No chick at this point it’s definitely spam, you’ve got Void elves who look like Blood elves now and you also get Blue eyes to boot!


highelves fans never asked void elves…so…we ask highelves.


Sorry but that’s not happening. They gave Blue eyes to both Void elves and Blood elves so both of these races can have a slight High elf feel.

Adding High elf as a race of its own will never happen.

I’m a High elf fan by the way. I’m not hating, I’m just stating facts.

The Ren’dorei grew on me. I started to love them more and more. Especially with the new customization.


im happy for you, and who like this…but there are a lot of who still want highelves )

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