Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 2)

Continuing the discussion from Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1) - #8397 by Zettìe-argent-dawn.

Previous discussions:


By the power of twiluna i declare this thread reopened!





Not this again…
You alrdy got void elfs that can be customized to look like the real thing.
Even if they did add them then how would you differentiate high elves from void elves.

Theres no point on adding them if theyre just a lazy copy paste with just the name being changed.


I want to ask something to “HE” players

Do you love alliance or do you love quel dorei ?

Why this question ?

90% of living quel dorei are blood elves

10% are quel dorei in alliance, those “High Elves”

In those 10% we have :

  • no more culture
  • merging with human husband making half elf babies ; a half elf is not a quel dorei like a puppy of 2 different dog breed are not pure breed.
  • no city
  • very low population
  • making friends with void elves

In blood elves :

Big city
No merging
Paladin order
High population
Etc etc

Surviving high elves comprise a mere 1% of the original high elven population, with the blood elves accounting for the remaining 9% of it.[2][11] Since Kael’thas took 15% of the blood elves to Outland[11] (i.e. 1.35% of the original high elf population), and since Kael’thas’ army numbered at least 2,000[70] it follows that the total high elf population is currently at least 1,481 (and at least ~148,000 prior to the Third War).

1500 HE + human husband, no city, half elf babies + no more culture


15000 BE : city, culture, order, no merging, no half babies , conservative mind

You cannot love a race with a patern which is gonna lead to extinction
People who love Quel dorei must desert those HE and VE infidels and come back in sindorei side
The actual HE lore patern is absolutely not conservative and lead to extinction

I love more my people than horde/alliance then i choose to come back in the good side with my people

Half elf are not cool, half elf babies in a elf race that is on extinction is the final step before extinction
2 half elf parent will never give birth to a true quel dorei
High elves dont make babies or with humans leading to bastard babies (RP)
Alliance high elves mindset is the arthas’s 3rd arm to finalize the genocide

I am at work today xD Welcome Moontear! Congratulations for your thread too reaching the halls of honor today along with Twili and Puny.

Thank you for making a very engaging thread that reached Systems attention. o7

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please delete this topic, re-created new one and continueing from previous one.

At this point I’d say the latter holds most true, though one doesn’t exclude the other tbf.

I like blue.
I like the belf model the best.
I do not like velf/fake helf hair.

but blood elves dont marry human paladins and they are 90% and they dont do half elves babies

alliance quel dorei ruin their own legacy by merging with human and stay far feom 90% of their people

Wait…the system can automatically start or continue a thread?! :dracthyr_uwahh_animated:

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we, elves, control everything. :man_elf:

kneel before us, human.

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why not change the lore for Blood Elves by having them neutral since our stance with the horde is family-friendly?

God SkyNet is pro-Qual’dorei

The last thing we needed, the continuation of this hellhole

Seems like the automatons hacked the forums with pro even propaganda dto irrigation us.
Time to reports it to the democracy -officer and the ministry of truth.

I don’t often get chills from sheer concern, but bravo. Bravo sir.

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[Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)] lasted for 4 years. Perhaps there will be 10 years for this forum.

Humans saved you Elves from the Amani Trolls. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :roll_eyes:

So. What are the High Elves going to do if they join the Alliance?
They don’t really have a navy. Perhaps magic research? Druidism and nature?
Perhaps there can be more effort into restoring High Elf populations. The friendship High Elves have with the Dwarves could see that Dwarves protect and safeguard High Elves. Until they are more robust to play a bigger role in the Alliance and Azeroth.

High Elves will need a leader. More of a unifying figure to rally others behind. New people can step forward.

The SC high elves have been helping the Alliance for years, we just want them playable.

It’s time for Vereesa to shine! :heart_eyes:

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What a great leaders you have

2 spoiled sisters who married human paladin/mage and made bastards half elf babies.

The future is assured

Sarcasm ofc

A leader is supposed to show good exemple for lead his people.

Its why i often say : alliance quel dorei patern leads to extinction

Abandon those humans and void elves traitors and go back home

restoring High Elf populations

Litteraly impossible, they are lorely 1500, they make no babies and when they do it with humans.

Alliance high elves will go like Dodos :dodo:


15 000+ horde high elves here, culture, big city, enough elves to have couple and high elves babies

Perhaps there can be Elvish rule without another Windrunner.
Sylvannas had the Forsaken (look how that turned out), Alleeria has the Void Elves.
The Windrunners are practically Elvish royalty akin to the Sunstrider bloodline.
But Windrunners produced Half Elves.

Yeah this does not really work.
Half breeds just will not do it. Dark Iron Dwarves should not accept Bronzebeard rule. There have been a lot of Dwarven wars where Dark Irons 1 v 2 both the Bronzebeards and Wildhammers.

Now former Emperor Dagran Thaurissan his blood has been watered down. This half blood Bronzebeard might not be qualified to rule. Without the blood of Dagran Thaurissan then neither is Moira qualified. Otherwise how are the Dark Irons not a vassal / servant race to the Bronzebeards?

High Elves still have a viable population though. Few if any follow the path of the Windrunner sisters.

Traitor Elves will be more accurate term for Blood Elves.
Blood Elves turned their backs on the Humans that protected Quel’Thelas from the Amani Trolls.
Blood Elves turned their backs on the Alliance (of Lordaeron) when they fought the Horde in the early wars, to join the same Horde they fought against.
Blood Elves were going to turn their backs on the Horde when Lorthemar was in negotiations with High King Varian Wrynn to join the Grand Alliance., ONLY the Purge of Dalaran forced the Blood Elves to stay in the Horde. Confirmed by both Lorthemar Theron and High King Varian Wrynn.
Now Blood Elves turn their backs on the Void Elves who without Alleria Windrunner will not have survived.
Who will the Blood Elves turn their backs on next?

lol only the Windrunners. Besides. The Void Elves were supposed to be too few in number to be viable for anything. But yet they put a decent performance in Battle for Azeroth. Void Elf - Blood Elf seems to still be hostile.