Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

These aren’t real High Elves. They’re just Void Elves without the skin condition. Blizzard is spitting on us and you people are so desperate that you thank them for it.

No Paladins

No normal hair or hair colours

No alliance Silvermoon

How are any of you happy with this?


Well it’s not like now it would be completely fair to steal literally everything from the Blood Elves just to justify playable High Elves in the Alliance, right? :stuck_out_tongue:

of course it’s just a “skin” for Void Elves…Void Elves is still the main allied race, High Elves is just customization if you want to RP as such. But if Void Elves get any lore in the future, of course it will still be heavily void-focused and related to the Old Gods/Void Lords in a future void expansion. MAYBE they could make a lore explanation for having Void Elves fair skin, but probably won’t…I mean the explanation is that in Telogrus’ Rift we saw since the beginning High Elves and Blood Elves both interested in the Void who weren’t transformed yet…


They literally promised us an Alliance Silvermoon in-universe via Alleria.


Well she said that, but NPCs say a lot of things anyway, and not everything is always true…especially by the ones corrupted by the Void :stuck_out_tongue:

also that would require:

-another faction war for the Alliance to attack Silvermoon, and one just ended, so another one won’t happen in many years (if ever)

-the Alliance should take over Lordaeron before attacking Quel’thalas because otherwise they don’t have a lot of supply routes, and getting back Lordaeron itself is a dream right now

-The Alliance invasion would probably be repelled because the factions need to have at least one major capital/zone on every continent. For this reason Draenei will never be defeated in Kalimdor just like Blood Elves in the EK


Huh. Normal-skinned Void Elves. That is a fair compromise, now hopefully people who demanded High Elves wull never make any more demands. For anything. Forever. Because frankly this has been a topic that has shown High Elf demanders to be the most self-entitled beings ever. They don’t deserve anything more.

Oh my God… Are you kidding?

First they gave Void Elves as a compromise, you were not happy.
Now they are LITERALLY making Void Elves have white skin AND they get blue eyes. You are not happy.

You would seriously be only happy once an Elf race has the prefix of “High” in front of it? How about we rename everything to be “High Elf” just to satisfy your precious desires.

Grow up. You got what you wanted, now stop making asinine demands, you insufferable brat.

Pretty sure it is either a really childish and entitled brat, or a troll. I am leaning on somewhere inbetween.



Now they go “give elves all the classes”.


All we need is this big pile of weed and then set it on fire and duude every elf who wlaks by will be high elf.


“They”. Zakky boy you know full well I was against the addition of High Elves.

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LOL, seriously… how do you expect Blizzard to give the Alliance TWO allied races based on the same Horde model, when the one you already have is already being given 90% of the options you wanted?

At most you could search for a further compromise concerning the character name tag based on sub-race templates or something such.

This is the best your going to get, No your not getting the horde capital, No Paladins aren’t coming to Void Elves. This is the compromise.

If you want fair skinned, High Elven Paladins the horde is there waiting for you.

If you want fair skinned, High Elven, Hunters, Warriors, Monks, Mages, Warlocks, Priests, DKs and Rogues the Alliance is also an option.


It really isn’t that serious. They’re never going to make blue-eyed Blood Elves for the Alliance, so they’re trying to find a compromise. I have a love-hate relationship with Blizzard, but at least they’re trying. I think this solves the High Elf situation easily, y’all are just ungrateful children who don’t care about the lore and only yourselves. Grow up and accept this, because it is the ONLY thing that will come close to a playable High Elf.


Any support these high elf fanatics had is over, luckily most people are happy with these changes and there is just a few cry babies (2 that i can see in this thread) that are still throwing there dummies out the pram.

When does it stop! your given High Elves, oh i want tattoos, i want the the western side of Silvermoon rebuilt for the alliance, i wan’t High elf druids. this constant demanding needs to end.

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Yes, and they’re posting on here as if anyone cares. As if anyone wants to listen to them whine about this. It’s a great compromise, I don’t know why it’s such a big deal.

I dont understand.
If it is for RP-reasons: There are addons to swap race-ID
So whats the problem here?

I only see lack of blonde hair as an issue . But sure as hell will racechange.
Never liked the Purple

Even if they look closer to there High Elven cousins they are still Void Elves, i think giving them blonde hair pushes them too close to just being High Elves. Keep the washed out tones maybe add white and black but no blonde.

They shouldn’t give Void Elves blonde hair. Even if these changes are to satisfy the High Elf whiners, it is still a Void Elf at the end of the day. Maybe white hair or black, but not blonde or anything too Blood Elf-y.


I would avoid bright colors altogether for them.


I was actually hoping for a white almost vampric pale skintone and black hair i never imagined we would get flesh tones. but i can still hope for my black hair =P

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I mean white/pale is fine, its practically a lack of color :wink:

Its the bright coloration that looks weird on void elves.

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At this point, Blizz should just make High Elves a neutral race and change to either Void Elf of Blood Elf depending on the faction you pick.