Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

They are not?

That’s why they are called void elves not high elves.

Incorrect. They are not same, except Alleria she is still a high elf.

I already posted videos and screenshots, you can check them, there are 3 different elves groups, high, blood, void.

No, void elves can not look like high elves, but blood elves can, they are missing only 1 hair color to have identical appearance while void elves, for them nothing has changed just few new lighter hair colors.

And this topic not about more customization options for void elves, but about allied high elven race for alliance, such as silver covenant high elves.

Why they are called void or blood elves but not high elves? I already posted video what we want , welcome you to check.

what we want are here, high elves, silver covenant faction.

what we do not want, are void elves →

and blood elves

3 different elven factions. Facts. So explain where you see that void elves are high elves ?