Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

It can be anywhere with that frost themed art work. But thing is high elves are in a “core” of alliance races, mercenaries in hearthstone.

Because it must be a thing , high elves are favorite since vanilla, players want them playable. What void elves want is more void themed customizations not to look like high elf. Blood elves all ever wanted were alliance high elf blue eye option.

Let’s be honest, you look somewhat as high elf look but like mile away from real high elf look.

Blood elves can look almost exactly like high elves. Yet void elves can look almost like blood elves but not as high elves.

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and what exactly makes us look more like Blood elves and not High elves?

Do we have Green eyes or yellow eyes? Nope. Last time I checked we don’t have those. We only have purple and blue eye shades, similar to that of the High elves.

In terms of hairstyles high elves and blood elves share the exact same hairstyles 100%. So blizzard isn’t just going to copy paste the entire blood elf hairstyles to void elves, or copy paste the entire high elf hairstyles for that matter. Because it’s the same thing.

I still don’t understand Moontear how you think we look more like “Blood elves” than High elves. You have yet to convince me. If we had Green eyes instead of Blue, I would’ve agreed with you. But that’s not the case.

Thank you. I used to be very happy to be able to play Void elf. But when natural skin tones came out and I saw we were restricted from having “natural” hair colours, I got seriously distressed. I am really glad this ordeal is over for me now.

I honestly think that if a better job was done with Void elf customization overall, players would not be asking for all that customization now. The fact they’re giving us customization in very small batches makes things far, far worse actually. Because it gives third parties the illusion we’re getting a lot of stuff, when in actuality we have much less than LFD, NB and Mechagnomes after 9.1.5.

We still have 11 hairstyles LESS than Blood elves. But everyone just ignores this and keeps repeating the same stuff.

The jealousy and hate from blood elf fans and the Horde is LITERALLY what causes Blizzard to deliver customization for Void Elves in such tiny little batches. If it was in my hands, I’d release ALL major customizations requested in one or two goes for both Blood and Void elves at the same time. Keep things fair.

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Well void elf female have hairstyles that is more elven then the male void elf. They even have 3 blood/high elf hairstyles that is just slightly different. either added or removed something from the hairstyle and blizzard says voila void elf hairstyle.

If blizzard added more elven hairstyles for the void elf male either new or slightly different blood/high elf hairstyle. Ofcourse they could add similar hairstyles male void elves have to void female elves. Im sure there are those who want half shaved hairstyle like the number one hairstyle for void male elf.

But then again void elves needs alot of fixing. There is alot of things missing for void elves to make them a true race like all the other playable races. But they were a last minute decision compared to the other allied races. So the void elves could have been accepted by all the high elf fans if they were more complete and felt they are part of Azeroth world and not like an alien race. Its why they felt so wrong, when they first was released in the end of legion. And they should have been alliance high elves from the start and not exiles from Silvermoon that we never heard about…ever.

Umbric and his followers have never existed in the lore before. Should have been the Silver Covenant that Alleria trained and the high elves at Allerian stronghold the use of the void and did not have to “Earn trust” within the Alliance when they always been there fighting side by side with the other alliance races. Later they could have gone on a quest to recruit Silvermoon (But as we all know that failed) and then go look for these blood elf exiles and recruit these exiled blood elves to boost the numbers of the void elves. But for some reason, for some reason Blizzard forgot the other Alliance High elves even existed in the game. Instead they invented a new group we never heard about or even existed. Its more like the void elves were a “test” to see if people would like them and leave the Silver Covenant untouched incase they would change their mind.

I mean why haven’t the Silver covenant High elves joined the void elves or Allerian stronghold high elves or those in Dalaran. Why don’t the void elves have more “Named” npcs? Blizzard have only added more High elves “Named” Npcs within the Alliance. Blizzard could also change the blood/high elf skins to two tone skin color instead of being Light skinned/red color which blood elves got from the exposure of the fel. Blizzard could instead change that red color to either blue or purple, showing the High/blood exposure to the void but instead they just copy/paste the blood elves skin colors (Which made the blood elf players mad which could been avoided if blizzard done as I suggested above). But also the blood elves could have two toned skin color too were theirs is either red (Fel) or yellow/bronze (Light) due to the exposure of the new Sunwell. Then the mount for void elves is also a void formed Hawkstrider instead of being a completely new and different mount.

Then the heritage armor should have had more color option like the mag’har orcs have and option for a hood instead of the helm and the void wings detach from the chest piece so we could have it on any armor (But then again I would liked if Sylvanas type of armor was available for void elves) . If blizzard had put more effort for the void elves from the start. But its not really the wow dev teams fault. Its the higher ups fault that made the wow dev team smaller to put them on working on mobile games.

We also could have gotten a better void form, more similar to Alleria’s void form but its more like a cheap version of Alleria’s we got and choose the color of the void powers since there are two type of void color, black/blue and black/purple. Like I said there is so much fixing to do for the void elves. And If we could get Sylvanas eye color is now and her skin color. Also as others have suggested toggle option for the blue/dark purple hands and feet so those who want to have those hands and feet on the blood/high elf skins and toggle for the void elf skins so the hands and feet match the void skin color.

“Do we have Green eyes or yellow eyes? Nope. Last time I checked we don’t have those. We only have purple and blue eye shades, similar to that of the High elves.”

Well the blood elves exiles lose their green eye colors when they start the practice/training for the void powers, so those blood elves we see in Telogrus rift will eventually lose their green eye color. Don’t think the blood elf exiles have yellow eyes since many of them are mages and warlocks. But either way they would lose those aswell. (Blizzard could also fix the eyes/eye color for the void males, they have small eyes compared to the females so those glowing blue eyes don’t show at all, it just become white eyes or just look purple on the void elf male. Wasn’t always so, in legion the void elf eyes glowed blue very brightly even for void elf males but for some reason was removed from the customizations eye list). And if blizzard wanted to keep the Void elves and blood elves different then they should never given the blood elves blue eye color or purple eye color. So if you see a blue eye/purple eye elf you would know it was a void elf or if you saw a yellow eye/green eye elf you would know it was a blood elf. But Blizzard screw that up so what’s the point anymore?


Someone made this. Different colors of the void elf heritage armor. Wish the Thas’dorah, Legacy of the Windrunners had the same color as the Silver covenant heritage armor and a hood.

If there was a robe version of the Void elf heritage. The void hawkstrider was in similar colors, and the void hawkstrider was in blue/black. Perhaps a Unicorn mount in Similar color as the Sapphire Skyblazer. Detach the void wings from the chest piece so it can fit on any armor and have a different chest piece that is more armor looking than a collar as an option.



Could not agree more. They keep adding more high elves and teasing us. I bet we will get eventually high elves and even more races in future.

They should focus on what people would like to play. Void elves lack more void themed customizations. Ok, they can get closer look like a high elves but they aren’t what players ever wanted.


They aren’t what -You- ever wanted… You stopped speaking for the High elves after Void elves could literally become identical to them.

No High Elf roleplayers cares for this campaign anymore. You long troll in shades.

‘‘I want an entirely new race identical to two previously existing ones because I have a racial that turns me purple UwU The community is behind me on this’’

High elf rp’ers I really doubt will find their entire roleplay character ruined by a 11 sec pruple proc no one cares about. Enough to make an entire new race out of it.

No, void elves can’t look like high elves. They now can look like blood elves. Blood elves can look almost like high elves. Ironically horde always gets what they ask. They always wanted alliance high elves blue eyes…yup, HERE my precious pet faction what next?

No, void elves are different and they should focus on adding more void themed customizations for them and make silver covenant high elves as aliance allied race,


Yes they can.

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They can not, already posted picture to compare, You can scroll up. :slight_smile:


Yes they can.

…No u

They are not?

That’s why they are called void elves not high elves.

Incorrect. They are not same, except Alleria she is still a high elf.

I already posted videos and screenshots, you can check them, there are 3 different elves groups, high, blood, void.

No, void elves can not look like high elves, but blood elves can, they are missing only 1 hair color to have identical appearance while void elves, for them nothing has changed just few new lighter hair colors.

And this topic not about more customization options for void elves, but about allied high elven race for alliance, such as silver covenant high elves.

Why they are called void or blood elves but not high elves? I already posted video what we want , welcome you to check.

what we want are here, high elves, silver covenant faction.

what we do not want, are void elves →

and blood elves

3 different elven factions. Facts. So explain where you see that void elves are high elves ?


A very nice thoughts about high and void elves.



Well I really like Sylvanas new look. I mean Sylvanas new look gives a Silver covenant feel. Wish they could gone with that route, of course they would need a new form of magic that would be different from the blood elves and then the void elves could get as corrupted that some players wants with n-zoth eyes (even if void elves have no connection with him, because it was not n-zoth that corrupted them) and they wanted more tentacles, like full hair tentacles and tentacles coming out of the mouth etc, so basically they want a K’thir race or Asari race from mass effect.


I say fine let them have their freak show of a race but let the ones that want more elf looking race, be able to get that. Namely a high elf race.

LideminaCarter’s artwork is amazing. She made more Sylvanas Art.
If blizzard only could have made void elves more like her. Or a different High elf race of the ones that did not join the void elves.


More blue and snow white skin color and those blue eyes Sylvanas have.
And the normal high elf skin color with different shades of blue and snow white, showing their new found powers on their skin and eyes (of course with matching armor and weapons, maybe a updated silver covenant tabard or make the old tabard in HD). Same way Blood elves got fel corruption that gave them green eyes and reddish skin color or as now, they are getting yellow eyes and yellow/gold/grey skin (even if the skin/the customization is not there, they should get it, since that’s what the happened to Lightforged Draenei skin). due to the new sunwell’s “light” corruption.


I really liked Alleria and Vareesa conversation after Sylvanas jumped into the maw.

So high elves are and will be relevant and i guess playable in future.

Sylvanas also will return after she frees all souls captured in the maw.


You have Void Elves, I highly doubt they’d introduce High Elves since hey are 100% identical to how you can customise VE’s now - and also regular Blood Elves

Well something like this:

Players: Can we have High Elves yet?
Blizzard: NO!

Players: Can we have High Elves yet?
Blizzard: NO!

Players: Can we have High Elves yet?
Blizzard: NO!

Players: Can we have High Elves yet?
Blizzard: NO!

Players: Can we have High Elves yet?
Blizzard: NO!

Players: Can we have High Elves yet?
Blizzard: NO!

Players: Can we have High Elves yet?

Blizzard: FINE! but not how YOU wanted, we’re doing a NEW version of High elves, and then later on giving you regular High Elves as a third extra race.

Players: That’s… kind of what I wanted… thanks… I guess?

Players: Can we have High Elves yet?
Blizzard: NO!

Players: Thanks we already got them. :crossed_fingers:

Moontear only: Can we have the exaclty same race as we have now just as another -additional- race because i posted allot of art and dont want to turn purple in combat?

Blizzard and most of the community: No…

i actually posted videos to show differences, you did not answered.

No, The High Elves are not playable, yet. :slight_smile:

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Becuase they where void elves with Alleria tattoes… Just be happy already!!

You got what you always wanted! We all did! Stop this campaign!