Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

Oh do you mean the 20000+ capped High elf thread on US and the other 12000+ thread also on US? As well as this one here? Oh and the 14000+ replies thread on mmo-champ called High elf Megathread? :slight_smile: Cause I would not call that ‘‘from time to time’’

Also I know you Old Man, you always barge in literally all High elf threads or Void elf threads we make to tell us how you don’t want any more elves and how Blood elves is the top race of all. You are just a sour anti that’s all you are.

Guess what? With Darkfallen likely being the new upcoming Allied race for Horde, it makes PERFECT sense for High elves to be added for the Alliance as a separate race. Dark Rangers for the Horde, and High elf Rangers for the Alliance. But no, we’ll most likely just get a poor off-brand version of DRs as Night elves instead. Bear in mind though that it was never the Alliance who asked for Night elf Dark rangers. It was Hordies trying to make up fair excuses to get their Dark rangers.