Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

Well they got to arrive there somehow if all the elven tribes is coming home.

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Maybe, If Silvermoon city will be under attack. Its possible the streets of Silvermoon becomes a battleground. I thought the Invasion/major Attack would take place in ghostlands but maybe all of Quel’thalas will be attacked by the Void. Perhaps Dalaran will come to Quel’thalas as it is also is a City of elves even if its a Human/Elf city.

“Dalaran? Hmm…Now where did we park it?..”

But we will see what will happen, there still 2 years before Midnight comes. I hope there be a video soon showing what Alleria is doing in Dalaran or if we see more in the Harbinger questline coming soon or we see it in the prepatch.


If they hadn’t I was going to. :stuck_out_tongue:

Helves for the Alliance!

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This is a faction issue not a race issue and you people proove it every day.

I think its a “Blizzard provided a faction of elves for the Alliance that were also Alliance back in older games and then kept on using them showing that the High Elves do in fact still have full on factions aligned with the Alliance time and again, and so naturally fans of that keep asking for them to be playable especially since they made a fairly good interplay between the High Elves of the Alliance and the Blood Elves of the Horde” issue.

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Que’thalas was part of the Alliance in Warcraft 2 and immediatly left once the war was over. Those who kept following the alliance were those who died at Theramore and the Silver covenant who was formed to watch as a milita to supervise over the Sunreavers. You aren’t angry they are playable. You are angry the alliance used to not have them before Bfa.


Some did die there sure. Others escaped just fine with several of the other survivors of Theramore. Not everyone died there. (Hell not even all those captured by the Horde died even.)

This is true. Though I will point out you’ve left out the Highvale Elves from the Hinterlands, the Elves from Allerian Stronghold and the scattered high elves through other Alliance lands, many of which serve in the 7th Legion of all things.

Why would I be angry either way? I’ve been pretty happy with my Blood Elves and Void Elves just fine. Having high elf options for me is just gravy, though I admit most of my high elves have shifted into void elves because I really like those stories.

Again… Why would I be angry? Wanting to have a thing on the Alliance that I see in the Alliance is normal?

High Elves are there and around and me wanting to see them playable in the Alliance (or otherwise enhanced through further customizations for the void elves) is literally no different than me wanting the Jinyu to be a part of the Alliance roster, or the Wildhammer or Furbolg.

Nor is it any different to me wanting Ogres and Hozen and Forest Trolls and Taunka on the Horde side.

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Then why are you still pushing this topic? They are already palyable on the alliance now. Blizzard gave in to your wishes twice.

Until we dont have :

  • High elves without sh*ty blue sprite buff
  • High elves without void loading screen on characters menu
  • High elves in the horde :nauseated_face:
  • High elves in alliance with no paladin possibility
  • Silvermoon as horde city.

This topic must be maintain and re-uped

  1. introduce true high elves with starting patern like pandas : after few level you choose to stay high elve and become ally

Or become a blood elves and become hordy

Same capital for both, neutral. But only for BE and HE, hostile for other HORDE races.

No more trolls and “living” corpses in my city and preciselsy NO VULPS !

  1. questline for actual BE and VE to become HE

ex-BE become ally

  1. put the false king lorthemar in jail with his new girlfriend

  2. reintroduce the HE throne with HE king or/and queen

Blood elves must be tolerated but not rule the city.

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No. Silvermoon stays a Horde city forever. Get out now.

Have been since 2007 get over it.

That is an active trait you don’t have to use it.


No. We are friends.

Apart from the ambassadors there are no Orc or Troll NPCs anywehere in the city. Cope harder.


Alleria can die trying.

He justbecomes ranger captain again and Kael’thas might return.

Will you shut up already? That is why Blizzard doesn’t take you serious.

Consumption of fel crystal makes you toxic my brother in ears.

That is an active trait you don’t have to use it.

Its not an active but a passiv proc

Apart from the ambassadors there are no Orc or Troll NPCs anywehere in the city. Cope harder.

Even one troll or orc is a troll/orc is too much.


I rather eat fel magic then becoming a servant of the void lords thank you.

I rather eat fel magic then becoming a servant of the void lords thank you.

Both are bad

Silvermoon must be purged from crackfeladdicts, trolls undeads and orcs.

Taurens are cool, kind and wise. They are ok to visit.

We must Make Silvermoon Great Again

So you are just baiting I see. Gonna ignore you now.

I m not baiting you, I m 100% honest.

Ears brother, you need to learn meditation and calm down. You seem to be anxious and violent.

You re suffering of fel, freund.

Naxxanar was merely a setback! With the power of the orb, Valanar will have his vengeance!

Yeah, good luck getting Blizzard to give you a 3rd belf knockoff that uses the belf animation.

I think you fellas have an issue understanding that it does not get better than the belf customizations.

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Its why i use belf model

  • more haircuts

  • access in Silvermoon without being attacked by guards

  • dont need to put /cancelaura entropic embrace maccro on every skills i use :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

  • 1% crit + 3% mana every 2 min VS 5% heal but ugly smurf sprite

But I m still High Elve and be with Dead people and animals like orcs trolls and vulp’ is terrible for me

There is no perfect solution but right now the better is BE model

TWW will bring a 3rd dwarf race with same model into the game so… No reason thats not gonna happen for elves

Blizzard has three options, and I suspect one of them will come to pass in Midnight:

A - introduce a new neutral High Elf race, at the cost of Blood Elf and Void Elf populations (it’s up to them if that matters at all). Make this the Quel’dorei people have always dreamed of. Unicorns and braided hair, war paint and what have you. Just go all-in, since everybody gains access to them.

B - let Void Elves and Blood Elves have access to the same “High Elfy” customisation options, including the same hairstyles and tattoos (but obviously also let them have some unique features, like tentacles and fel green eyes). Also let Void Elves be able to turn off their turning blue in combat as part of this.

C - merge all current Quel’dorei races into one and the same, which is a massive undertaking and probably not very likely. Pick High Elf as your race and then make a choice for a sub-race. Perhaps this would be the beginning of a new system for “race talents” or whatever, letting you make significant changes to your race in-game and thereby getting access to different racial abilities or something.

I personally think option A is best, B is most likely, and C would be better for the long-term health of the game as it would allow them to re-use that new system for other races such as Dwarves, Tauren and Trolls in the future.


I agree but question is :

Does Blizzard have the right or/and the courage to retcon/delete BE and VE with questline like a questline about deception from the void entities to VE making them leave the void and process their own curse, turning them into HE and a questline about medical/magic or something else for cure the fel addiction of BE turning them into HE.

How to do technicaly? Turning off BE/VE new characters creation? All remain actual BE/VE force to do the questline?

And after? Which side are they? Alliance or horde? Or maybe as new neutral side?

Neutral side : how can we comunicate ? Horde speak orcish snd alliance “common”

HE need to be able to talk orcish and commun and of course thalassian i guess

We are talking about a compagny which the main goal is and will is : MAKING F***ING MONEY

For me the better way is :

  1. rebuilt left side of Silvermoon
  2. making Left + Right sides non-hostile for BE/VE/HE
  3. Delete BE/VE characters creation
  4. New Race neutral creation : HE
    Works like panda, level 10, 3 options :

Stay HE or become VE and be alliance (HE/VE), or go BE then Horde

  1. Make left side non hostile for all others alliance race, hostile in right side
    Make right side non hostile for all others horde race but hostile in left side

HE : New king or/and queen, or Vereesa Windrunner
BE : Lorthemar
VE : Alleria Windrunner

It can be funny and interesting :

Left side leaded by the HE crown or/and a windrunner sister with the other windrunner sister (VE) as ally

Right side, fel addicts, non crown leaded and with no windrunner sister

HE paladins order vs Blood Knight Paladin order rivalry

But the most beautiful way is :

Curse be/ve and make all he/be/ve be reunited together into HE

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