Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

Your solution sounds nice as well. As long as they’re re-united, I think it works.

Void Elves, Blood Elves, etc. could have their own little sanctums within Silvermoon, while the city itself is neutral and belongs to all Quel’dorei.


We can also imagine, in the middle of left and right side instead of a war-border a big total neutral for all tavern/ “house of pleasures” / auction house or something else with no faction restriction and managed by a private society and guards like goblins but no goblins 'cause goblins : horde

With, of course, a nice ambiant music sountracks style like in star wars taverns and bands



Or Choice D - Stop the helf nonsense and let velfs develop as their own race and stop trying to knock off belfs piece by piece. That sounds like the most reasonable outcome.

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Or Choice D - Stop the helf nonsense and let velfs develop as their own race and stop trying to knock off belfs piece by piece. That sounds like the most reasonable outcome.

Explain me with the lore and/or the logic, mister dead how can we develop a priest who is a precisley a holy priest with the void elf race.

Shadow Priest void elf : Ok make sens
Discipline Priest void elf : mmh ok … “maybe” make sens…
Paladin = Light utilisation
Void elf = Linked to the Void

No Paladin available for void elves, ok makes sens.

Why there is possiblity to create and play a void elf holy priest? Absolut NON sens

How can you explain me how entropic embrace ( the smurf sprite passiv racial ) can increase my heal from the holy light with the void power ? :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

Note this :

there is also possiblity to make this new Path for VE and HE

Remove VE creation character then add HE creation only for alliance of course.

You pop into a stormwind random house, having few discussion with HE elves NPCs and also or in another table in the same house with Alleria Windrunner trying to influence you to follow her questline making you a VE.

If you totally finish the questline, it makes you VE for EVER.

People who wants to be VE and play emo elf with “lore” = ok
People who wants to be HE = ok

problem solved

No one wanted / asked for VE
There was no LORE before surprise poping VE “lore”

VE are a minority from 90% 3rd war survivor less HE who leave BE.

There is less sens to have VE as playable race than HE
Where is the topic on US/EU forum talking only about VE or VE’s lore with 8084 messages ? :dracthyr_hehe:
Where is the topic on US/EU forum talking only about VE or VE’s lore with 800 messages ? :dracthyr_hehe:
Where is the topic on US/EU forum talking only about VE or VE’s lore with 80 messages ? :dracthyr_hehe_animated:
just fact, by number and logic.

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Well, here, for example:

Apologies so there is a 80+ messages topic. (your topic seem to be very interesting and showing some kind of passion you have for VE)

I m personnaly against deleting void elve. But there is non sens to having possibility to play VE but not HE

its why :

there is also possiblity to make this new Path for VE and HE

Remove VE creation character then add HE creation only for alliance of course.

You pop into a stormwind random house, having few discussion with HE elves NPCs and also or in another table in the same house with Alleria Windrunner trying to influence you to follow her questline making you a VE.

If you totally finish the questline, it makes you VE for EVER.

People who wants to be VE and play a nice blue e̶m̶o̶ elf = ok
People who wants to be HE = ok

problem solved

:white_check_mark: Playable paladins for HE who decided to stay HE
:x:No Holy spec for VE priests
I dont masterize the lore and work tricks about disc priest so i m gonna shut up myself about it



Introduce High Elves with a fully restored Shandaral City in Crystalsong. It has Arcane Magic, the need for Farstrider Defenders and no doubt, will have some Priests of the Light, which will be a good throw back to W3 - High Elf Priest units.

Shandaral has the ancient Highborne look with modern High Elf assets. Perfect time to link Highborne and High Elves (Shen’dralar/Quel’dorei High Elves)

Same reason Forsaken can be holy priests or Lightforged draenei can be shadow priests and since they can’t give you separate specs, you get the whole class. But I suspect you know this already.

Look, I don’t want to get into a debate with you people. Blizzard was kind enough to let you play a belf looking velf on the Alliance side via a compromise. You know what that means? Cause you seem kind of simple. A compromise isn’t getting everything you ever wanted.

High Elves aren’t happening. You want to play a high elf, you’ll just have to pretend, they are avalable on both factions. Now please cut the crap.

You people should be asking Blizzard to give velfs more attention as Velfs, they don’t even have a specific architecture assigned to them and half the cosmetic options given they were kind enough to toss you people a proverbial bone.


Lightforged draenei Shadow priest is also a non sens.

Forsaken Priest are just another different possiblity to play healer during 2005’ vanilla original game cause it was not enough healer (only trolls and forsaken for H-priest) classes in horde. in 2005 we also had few angry discussion about that subject.

Forsaken Holy Priest is also a non sens.

via a compromise

Do you honestly think that requesting to create maccro for ALL of your MAIN skills with the added line :

/cancelaura entropic embrace

for avoiding to look like a smurf?

is a normal compromise?

be honest please

Because there are still a few things the community is requesting.

How’d we get em twice? Took blizzard two separate customization patches to add high elves to the void elves as a sub race at all and there are still a few minor things to be desired…

This is kinda ridiculous though.

It won’t happen ever.

Along with this…

Then, respectfully, you’re a fool.

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People are idiots if they think that High Elves will be playable and have Silvermoon for the Alliance.

The best bet is High Elves are made playable and their capital is in Crystalsong Forest.

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People are insane if they think we are gonna get another belf paint-over.


People are idiots if they think that High Elves will be playable and have Silvermoon for the Alliance.

The best bet is High Elves are made playable and their capital is in Crystalsong Forest.

its not necessary to called “people” by “idiots”

Despite your idea still interesting

People are insane if they think we are gonna get another belf paint-over.

TWW with 3rd dwarves

It’s very necessary. Idiocy should be called out and I call it as I see it.

Playable High Elves are what I’d love, but NOT at the expense of the Blood Elves losing everything.
High Elves have to start on their own two feet and away from Quel’Thalas.

Playable High Elves are what I’d love, but NOT at the expense of the Blood Elves losing everything.
High Elves have to start on their own two feet and away from Quel’Thalas.

i agree its why i said :

I m personnaly against deleting void elve. But there is non sens to having possibility to play VE but not HE

so to not delete BE by logic.

and also

For me the better way is :

  1. rebuilt left side of Silvermoon
  2. making Left + Right sides non-hostile for BE/VE/HE
  3. Delete BE/VE characters creation
  4. New Race neutral creation : HE
    Works like panda, level 10, 3 options :

Stay HE or become VE and be alliance (HE/VE), or go BE then Horde

  1. Make left side non hostile for all others alliance race, hostile in right side
    Make right side non hostile for all others horde race but hostile in left side

HE : New king or/and queen, or Vereesa Windrunner
BE : Lorthemar
VE : Alleria Windrunner

It can be funny and interesting :

Left side leaded by the HE crown or/and a windrunner sister with the other windrunner sister (VE) as ally

Right side, fel addicts, non crown leaded and with no windrunner sister

HE paladins order vs Blood Knight Paladin order rivalry

I hope i m not one of your “idiots” target

my dear i think you didnt get me… i m on your side ^^’

Until we dont have :

  • High elves without sh*ty blue sprite buff
  • High elves without void loading screen on characters menu
  • High elves in the horde :nauseated_face:
  • High elves in alliance with no paladin possibility
  • Silvermoon as horde city.

1st line : i talked about actual VE with white skin tone custom
2nd : i talked about actual VE with white skin tone custom
3rd : i talked about actual BE with blue eyes
4th : i talked about actual VE with white skin tone custom

Possible, but where’s the independence of the race? Their isn’t any.

Velfs and Sin’dorei have their own independence and are strong. High Elves just look like a pity race that can’t do it on their own.

It’s better if High Elves are their own race and start completely away from Quel’Thalas. It’s either we get Pity’dorei or real Quel’dorei.

My dear sister in ears.

The sunwell.

The sunwell has this minimum legitimacy :

HE and BE : Equal

Why HE must go in northrend in crystal song if the sunwell is where you know ?

My god no.
No no no.
You do not get to delete my race and make it a quest line.
God no.

Its things like this that drive people in to hating high elf fans.